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The Attack Of The Window Peepers A Glossary Of Terror Or Understanding The Alien By; Posey Gilbert

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Posey Gilbert

Paranormal Maven
Back in the early to mid fifties of all the entities that we encountered as children the most hated and feared were the ones we called by many names Window Scratchers, Window Tappers, Window Rappers,
Window Knockers, but mainly they all were called Window Peepers.
They were sometimes in the company of an entity that my younger brother Ralph and I called The Walking Stick, or The Praying Mantis.
She never did anything to us and some times did not even enter the house but just stood at the window watching what was going on inside.
Even when we did not see her we knew she was there watching from the darkness. Some of these creatures were very tall too tall to enter the room, when they were of a height that they were able to enter they always stood in the corners.
I do not remember ever having one of them near me it was always those hated and feared little ones that interacted with me.
They were mainly silent but at times they did make clicks, chirps, whistles, high-pitched grunts, gasps, hisses, and a sound that was similar to "Yneep", thus Ralph and I also came to call them "Yneep Yneeps."
Often it was this Yneeping sound that would awaken us at night.
For the most part we heard Yneep Yneeps as they scurried about on the factory roof out side our bedroom window but we rarely saw them.
It was not until we actually heard the Window Peepers making this sound that we realized that they and the Yneep Yneeps were one and the same entities.
Up until that point the presence of Yneep Yneeps outside the window did not trigger the fear Window Peepers did, for you just basically heard them or caught a shadow as they passed by the window but you never really saw them.
So it did confuse us as to why these things being the same entity scared us when we thought they were just Yneep Yneeps, but terrified us when we knew they were Window Peepers, yet they were the same creatures.
I now realize in hindsight it was their intent, when we heard the Yneep Yneeps outside it was because they were not there for us, but for some other person in our neighborhood.
The darkness of that factory roof made an excellent place to safely land a small craft out side of the view of the thousands that lived in the tenements of the surrounding area. In fact one winter after a heavy snow we were shocked when we looked out on to the roof and found there was a perfect thirty-foot circle of clear space on the roof. When Ralph made the suggestion to our mother that it looked like something like a flying saucer had landed and took off she nervously said for him to stop talking crazy and said it was the heat from the factory that caused the snow to melt like that. Even though that perfect pattern never appeared there before then, or after then.
In the many years we lived there we accepted her explanation and even then did not link the circle with the Window Peepers or the Yneep Yneeps.
The only time the Window Peepers ever made noises were when a Walking Stick was present so I believe this was a spoken language by which they communicated with The Walking Stick entity and she with they.
I believe now what we were hearing when we heard the Yneep Yneeps they were basically receiving their marching orders for the nights work. At these times when I called to my parents they, my parents, would answer back and tell me to turn to the wall and go to sleep.
When it was Window Peepers I could scream all I wanted to, but it was as if no one in the world could hear me.
That bizarre ability was but one of them that earned the Window Peepers their high position on the top of Ralph’s' and my list of the most feared entities that came to and through our bed room window or what we called back then Dream Demons.
We called them Dream Demons for our mother told us we were having bad dreams when we spoke to her about what had happened during the night.
This dream explanation worked fine until I started to encounter these things in the light of day, and so I thought they were demons that followed me back from the realm of dreams.
Hence I began to call them Dream Demons when I spoke about them to Ralph.
All my nightmare entities did not appear in the light of day, only a select few did the Window Peepers were among those that did.
Only those that we met in the light of day, or while we were fully awake, did we call Dream Demons.
Years later it would come to pass that most of the things we called Dream Demons as children would be described by others, and called aliens.
These Window Peepers were small entities with large heads and wrap around apple seed shaped cat pupil eyes and always came in groups of threes.
Their movements were puppet like but they were very fast and extremely strong.
They had slits for nostrils on a slight rise of a nose and lip less slits for mouths.
They did have very small and pointed ears, but they lay so flat back against the side of their huge heads that looking at them head on you would think they had no ears at all. For this reason I do not refer to them as Greys for they were like them in some ways, but unlike them in many others.
They had long arms for their body which came to over-sized hands with long spider leg like fingers, four of them with out finger nails. One of their four fingers came out of what on us would be the lower center palm and acted in opposition to the other three digits as our thumb acts in opposition against our four digits.
I say palm but they had very little palm area in comparison to their large hands, it was little more than a triangle at the base of long fingers with very slight webbing at the base of the fingers.
They did not seem to have wrist or elbows but their arms were flexible and when they bent it did not angle as sharply as human arms and wrists.
It was as if they had instead of hard bone, they had cartilage skeletons.
My remembrance of them is their body felt as if they were made of hard rubber.
They seem to not to be naked but I do not remember them wearing any clothing but as if they were covered from head to toe with a thin pseudo dermis, that made them look as if they were made of tan grayish clay.
I today think that it was this thin skin material that gave them their pale gray tinting.
I think too this is what gave them their odd facial features or lack there of, for if a human pulls a stocking over their head and covers their face with it they too almost take on the same featureless appearance.
It was not their appearance however or their out of sync with time movements that made them so frightful to us, it was what they would do that made us so fear them.
A point of information here about their out of sync with time movements only recently have I been able to see something that I can compare their movements and speed to.
It is computer-generated images how they though excellently blended with live action move to fast for the actions of the scene about them.
They moved as if gravity inertia and air mass has no effect on them.
Before it is said, or sent to me in a letter, no I do not believe they are holographs or computer generated images.
I know they are real and quite physical, I only say this so that those that have never seen them in real life can get an idea of their way of moving.
The movement of the hated Jaba Binks in the latest Star Wars movie or that monkey thing in the Lost In Space movie both are perfect examples of what I mean.
It falls too hard and moves too fast in too short a time than do the real time characters. The Window Peepers actions are very similar to that.
In only a few steps they can cross a room and be upon you though their legs are shorter than yours.
I know for I have had at time tried to escape them to no avail.
Though their bodies were frail they were strong and you could not break their hold once they physically gripped you.
When they spoke to you they spoke to you in a way that went all the way to your soul like they were speaking to a you within you, a deeper you, the core you.
Like they knew more about you than you knew about you yourself.
This was very unnerving for at those time you can feel the awareness of that you or level of you responding to what they said despite what you felt toward them.
For example if they asked you things that you did not want to tell them, that part of you would tell them
. This is what I think I hated most about them, that they seem to have a relation ship with a part of me that I did not have myself.
It made me feel as if I was but a vessel for the information they wanted.
Just as no body asks a Pepsi bottle for its permission to have its contents drank,
I felt I was being treated the same way.
When this other part of me spoke to them it was always telepathic and it said things to them that I had no idea I knew for its insight was clear and uncluttered by emotions of embarrassment or shame.
It would say things that as a child I had no way of understanding but in the brief transference to them I was able to siphon bits and pieces of meaning from.
This was an overpowering thing for your mind would be flooded in reverse with things that you only understood during that moment but vanish once the flow ended.
This was completely the opposite of the way my mind operated in the regular world information entered your mind from the outside in.
Never from the inside out and never at such a high volume and velocity.
You did not just hear, but you saw, felt, experienced these things just as you did in the day to day world all with in the passing of a second or so.
This is what their eyes would do to you and why I hated to look into them.
Still this was not as terrible as when they would cause the overpowering pleasingly unpleasant sensation that Ralph and I came to call the Googally feeling.
What is to follow is an as best I can give account of what I can remember that made up an encounter with the Window Peepers, and how I later came to understand just what they were doing, and why they did as they did.
It would always start with me suddenly arising fully awake from a deep sleep.
Then would come a soft almost inaudible scratching, or tapping, at the bedroom window. Knowing what was coming I would lay there and try to force myself to go back to sleep. I knew it was useless to try and awake my two brothers who slept in the same bed with me at the time, for they never would awake when the Window Peepers were about, even when I pinched them.
I would lay there and it seemed the room would begin to heat until I was wet with sweat streaming down my face and across my shut eyes as I lay with my face turned to the wall and my back to the window, but I dare not toss off the covers or shift below them as I try to play possum hoping to trick them into thinking I was asleep, praying they would then go away, all the while knowing they would not.
Then just as I would convince myself that I had not heard the noises from out side my window there would again come another louder rap, or knock from the window.
Now I would know for sure that I had heard it! Next would come the gentle calling in my head compelling me to turn over and look to the window.
I would fight it as best I could but they had a way to make time seem to stand still, so you could seem to spend hours trapped within a minute until you did as they asked. Eventually as always I did I would give in for no more reason than to bring it all to an end, and I would turn and look to the window.
It would always start the same way, first I would notice nothing then something would slip out of sight at one of the corners of the window.
Then after a moment it would then return showing a little more of itself than the last time and after a moment that to would pull back out of view.
When next it returned, it would then show half of its face, the one huge cat eye in half of its bulbous head.
Then it would pull back; next the full head would pop around the corner and look at me.
At this point my gaze would become fixed to its eyes and I could not turn away or close my eyes.
Now it would bring its full body into view as it jumped or glided up to stand on the windowsill. Next it would some how just push through the glass with out braking it and rush upon me and thrust those huge terrifying eyes in to my face, at which point I would start to scream bloody murder.
Then it would grip me about my rib cage with those damned horrible long fingers and with what I can only call a smirk it would begin to tickle me and I'd scream even louder.
Then would come the Googally Feeling coursing through my body.
Rattling my every bone against the other, making me feel my every organ and muscle separate and vibrating unto itself, even to my finger and toe nails.
Making me feel my every artery, vein, and capillary through out my body.
I could feel every fluid as they flowed through me.
Parts of the human body you do not associate with having feeling like your cornea, iris, the gel inside of your eyes, and the underside of your skin. You can feel all of these things while this energy surges through you and though it is only for a matter of seconds it seems forever before it's all over.
Then the session ends with them bringing those huge eyes again very close to my face so close that our foreheads actually touch and then it is over and they are gone and I am left screaming at the top of my lungs.
Only after the encounter has ended did it seem that any one in the house could hear me. Over the years that I lived there these encounters traumatized me and I developed an over powering phobia of darkened windows.
A terror so over powering that I became paralyzed with fear when I had to approach a dark window at night to lower the shade.
Though for the most part after my transformation at Magnetic Mine Road in Brewster New York some years ago I still will not sleep at night in a room with a raised shade or the lights out.
Not that I thought or think that lowered shades could prevent things from entering my home as I well knew they couldn't and didn’t.
It is just the thought that I might catch a glimpse of something looking in at me through the darkened window that freezes and collapses my legs beneath me. Actually even in the light of day I will still get a pang of terror if some one comes to, or passes by my window, even though I might know that they are going to do so.
I tell all that would come to visit me never to knock at my windows or come to them for any reason with out first calling my attention to the fact that they are going to do so, for it is not safe for them, or me, that they would do such a thing, and I will leave it at that.
Although I can and do now raise my shades during the day, and leave them up in rooms that I am not working in over night, for the most part I do not do this unless necessary for the needs of my plants.
Now let's look at that attack in another way.
Why did I always awake when they were there and how did I always know they were there for me?
Either they told me telepathically they were there to prepare me for an encounter, or maybe after so many encounters I could sense when they are about.
The scratching, rapping, tapping, and knocking at the window.
Is it not human custom to knock before entering?
Possibly they were trying to make me more comfortable with their presence (A snowballs chance in hell of that happening) by an attempt to mimic human customs. Their peeping could be viewed as them saying.
"I know you may not remember me from the last time, and that my appearance frightens you, so I will show myself a little at a time so you can get used to the way I look, and remember me.”
The showing of first a half of the face.
Showing their full face.
"Remember me now?"
Showing their full figure.
"Now do you remember me?"
Their pushing through the window and rushing upon me, grabbing me, and thrusting those huge eyes in my face.
When we humans meet friends we have not seen in awhile we too rush upon and embrace them. However this does not go to well with a child that has been taught that things like these are monsters and or demons.
What's with the eye thrusting business?
I know from my own personal experiences and as documented in the reports of other abductees, these entities eyes seem to be the main way they communicate telepathically with us and others.
So being like our mouths, that we use mainly for communication is the biggest opening on our face, their eyes serving the same purpose, also have grown quite large, and is the largest opening on their face.
If the eyes are the window to the soul then to them we have very little windows and so it must be like trying to read the fine print of a contract to read our thoughts.
So they do as we do, they put there eyes very close to what it is they are trying to read. Again having eyes almost half the size of your head coming close to you did not sit well with this child of Bug Eyed Monsters in Science Fiction and Horror movies either.
The results being my screams of terror and crying.
Then comes that damned tickling.
When we humans accidentally scare a child and it starts crying what do we do?
We instantly put a big smile on our face and try to tickle it to make it stop crying.
Now again think of their small ears and our big mouths imagine what it sounds like to them.
So I can well see how they may be in a rush to get me to shut my big mouth.
Thus again they try to do as we humans do, but when your lips are little more than a slit it is hard to give a big smile, thus a smile becomes a grotesque smirk.
When they try to tickle with those frightening grand Daddy Long Leg fingers of theirs that's it you loose it altogether and your pitch nears the hyper sonic. Now comes the Googaly Feeling.
What the hell was that all about I wondered why if they were trying to calm you down would they do that?
Then I thought about the fact that these entities are telepathic! If they send an energy coursing through every part of you while they are in mind link with you they can do a complete physical in a matter of seconds as they read off what you feel.
They form a closed circuit with their touch when they grip you about your rib cage. Remember the feeling is not unpleasant, but over powering.
Still regardless of all else it is entering and leaving your body through those long, thin creepy fingers.
You can feel it as it enters your body from their left hand on the right side of your rib cage, then it courses through your quivering body, and then it exits through your left side entering into their right hand.
When it was over they would always touched their forehead to mine, once again bringing those huge eyes too damned close to my face for comfort, and then it would be over. I could never understand that other than to say they were getting in one last "Boo!" before leaving me.
Then one day while speaking to another Abductee, a woman friend of mine, whom has hybrid children she made a statement, that took me by surprise and cleared up that last question.
She was talking about an experience she had with her hybrid daughter where as they were separating her daughter kissed her.
She then asked me if I knew how aliens kissed? I said "No" and in truth I had never thought much about it.
She said" They touch their foreheads to yours."
Only then did I realize that all my encounters with the Window Peepers, have always had ended with a kiss!
Then in the late 1980s I saw a video tape that would bring all my safe adult rationalizing crashing down about my ears the taping of a Window Peeper by a Mrs. Gina Jones in South Carolina during and over flight of UFOs.
If they were just dreams how the hell could she tape the entities we saw back in the 1950s through 1960s?
Just a small request could you break this wall of text up a bit and format it in to paragraphs so it is a little less hard on the eyes to read.
I want to read it but it is very hard with no real format.

Peace and thank you
I'm not sure how to respond to this. It falls under the category of high strangeness. Although, I have never seen any non-human beings, from the reports of large black eyes I have speculated that they could be used for some purpose, other than vision, such as telepathy. Last summer I was signalling spheres with a laser, and on a number of occasions they would flare up super bright when I hit them with the laser, a super bright intense pure white light. Last month I was taking a walk, and I saw some lights in the sky. At first I thought it was a plane. It wasn't. It was a row of white lights evenly spaced in a straight line, and appeared to be located on the the underpart of a larger structure. It traveled directly above me and flared up super bright, exactly like the spheres flared up. It knew I was there, even though I hadn't been signaling it with a laser. Freaked me out! My impression was that it detected me telepathically. I can only relate to what I have experienced directly. Your story should be turned into a screenplay. It would frighten children out of their wits, for sure!
What I have been observing are at least 10 feet in diameter, beneath the energy fields surrounding them there is a smooth solid sphere. I have seen strange shit in the sky since 1976. Too time consuming to go into detail about everything. The answers I'm searching for will not be found on the Internet. Reality is relative to your frame of reference. Suffice to say, what has happened in the last year is so bewildering I can't even begin to explain it.
Yes I’ve seen them since childhood. myself.
It was to take me years to learn what they really were.
Wilhelm Reich discovered them via his Cloud Buster.
The late John Keel, spoke to me about these entities too.
They come in many sizes from small to enormass.
First of all Posey, hello and welcome to the forums. Very interesting recollections, a question for you about the Window Peepers. When you would scream and no one would hear you do you think that the screaming was in your head or do you think you had audible screams in the air that were somehow nullified or muffled. These "beings" sure sound invasive, actually Posey these recollections are quite terrifying.
They are also known as Elementals, Earth Lights, Hints, Fairies, Ignis Fatuus, Will-o'-the-wisp, Ball Lightening, Spirit Lights, Orbs, Ghost Lights. but unknown to most these things are living thinking entities.
They are also known as Elementals, Earth Lights, Hints, Fairies, Ignis Fatuus, Will-o'-the-wisp, Ball Lightening, Spirit Lights, Orbs, Ghost Lights. but unknown to most these things are living thinking entities.
Back in 1977 I signaled some spheres earlier in the evening. A huge hemispherical shaped craft traveled directly over my position. How does that fit in with your overview?
First of all Posey, hello and welcome to the forums. Very interesting recollections, a question for you about the Window Peepers. When you would scream and no one would hear you do you think that the screaming was in your head or do you think you had audible screams in the air that were somehow nullified or muffled. These "beings" sure sound invasive, actually Posey these recollections are quite terrifying.

Hi Ward
The screams were real and my own.
They did the sane to my brothers, only the ones they were there for would be awake.
All the others in the house and in the area would some how be put under, while they are there.
Actually I now think they may have had a way of shifting us into an alternate or maybe an out of phased dimension.
That could possibly be how they were able to pass through the window without breaking the glass.
The phenomena of not being able to awake a sleeping partner next to them has been reported by many other people.
A slight out of sync dimensional shift could explain that too.
Back in 1977 I signaled some spheres earlier in the evening. A huge hemispherical shaped craft traveled directly over my position. How does that fit in with your overview?

Please do not misunderstand me, I do not dismiss the fact that there are real craft visiting our realm.
I am an Abductee, so I know that there are real craft and Visitors

Rings left at my abduction site.​
Please do not misunderstand me, I do not dismiss the fact that there are real craft visiting our realm.
I am an Abductee, so I know that there are real craft and Visitors

Rings left at my abduction site.​
I'm just trying to understand what is happening. I quit doing research outside in the field back in 1980s. I moved 25 miles east of where the majority of sightings occurred. I didn't start seeing them here until 2 years ago. Things got real strange in the last year. It's almost like the membrane separating us from another layer of reality is becoming more transparent.
I'm just trying to understand what is happening. I quit doing research outside in the field back in 1980s. I moved 25 miles east of where the majority of sightings occurred. I didn't start seeing them here until 2 years ago. Things got real strange in the last year. It's almost like the membrane separating us from another layer of reality is becoming more transparent.

Exactly what I am going through now and all of my life.
Once that door is opened it seems anything and everything will come through it.
It runs with the territory my friend.
You may find this useful.

The Nonts​
I am as I always was.
The only things is my body's age has finally caught up to my soul's age.
My perception has changed. I disagree with the hypothesis that these entities are feeding off of psychic energy. Not what I have encountered, anyway. This phenomenon uses field propulsion to move through space. I don't believe in demons. The only demons that exist, are the wicked people here on earth. Evil is a construct of the human mind. It does not exist in nature.
This phenomenon uses field propulsion to move through space. I don't believe in demons. The only demons that exist, are the wicked people here on earth. Evil is a construct of the human mind. It does not exist in nature.

"Demon" is a label put on something. The true back story on these things probably has little to do with our mythologies about them. However, for all practical purposes these things largely fit the description. Are they angels cast from heaven or whatever. Probably not. Are they something that those stories were based on? Maybe so.

Whatever these things are, if they are real in any sense of the word, they are evil from a human standpoint. They allegedly routinely violate the privacy and persons of individuals and commit acts of rape, terrorism, and kidnapping if the reports are to be believed. Not good. I don't care if they are alien scientists, doctors, or genetic engineers working for our greater good or some such.

There may not be a true EVIL as humans conceptualize it, but there are surely things that are destructive and counter to our well being we could label as such.
"Demon" is a label put on something. The true back story on these things probably has little to do with our mythologies about them. However, for all practical purposes these things largely fit the description. Are they angels cast from heaven or whatever. Probably not. Are they something that those stories were based on? Maybe so.

Whatever these things are, if they are real in any sense of the word, they are evil from a human standpoint. They allegedly routinely violate the privacy and persons of individuals and commit acts of rape, terrorism, and kidnapping if the reports are to be believed. Not good. I don't care if they are alien scientists, doctors, or genetic engineers working for our greater good or some such.

There may not be a true EVIL as humans conceptualize it, but there are surely things that are destructive and counter to our well being we could label as such.
I can't argue with any of the above. We do need to be cautious and not project our own expectations into what the phenomenon represents. It's not an easy riddle to solve. Doing things to people against their will cannot be justified under any circumstances.Tell that to our government. They haven't even come close to matching what people do to each other. Kill one person, call it murder. Kill a million, call it foreign policy.
I can't argue with any of the above. We do need to be cautious and not project our own expectations into what the phenomenon represents. It's not an easy riddle to solve. Doing things to people against their will cannot be justified under any circumstances. They haven't even come close to matching what people do to each other. Kill one person, call it murder. Kill a million, call it foreign policy.

We can just stand back and whiz all over humanity all we like for all the good it does us. Our problems as a species are a separate issue and don't compare to facing another technology using species that views us as prey. Besides, that is an assumption you are making based on your knowledge of one side of the equation. Neither you nor anyone else that I know if has any real knowledge of what these things are responsible for here or elsewhere. If they are real they come from somewhere, what actually occurs there has got to be interesting and driving their actions here, which tells me we wouldn't like it there.