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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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I've been following Randle's posts and the extensive comments at his site and I haven't seen that statement. Can you quote that statement? My impression so far is that he has consistently stated that he hasn't yet seen the slides in question.

I don't see the life or death consequences if the presentation in Mexico City in May is 'allowed' to proceed. And I haven't seen anything yet that amounts to evidence that a hoax or 'con' is being perpetrated by Carey and Schmitt. I think you will be disappointed if you expect that this internet chatter will preempt the presentation in May, or that it means that "Roswell is dead," as several people here and at Randle's site are proclaiming.

Re the slide or photo prints released on the German website, yes, the face shown in those does look remarkably like that of a human infant or very young child. David Rudiak, who has stated that he briefly saw, a year or two ago, a print on paper of one of the slides to be discussed in Mexico City, wrote today on Randle's site that the print he saw did not have the head and face turned toward the camera. All anyone can reasonably do at this point is to wait and see what is presented in May.

A Different Perspective: Roswell Slide - Today's (February 9) Update

You belong to the camp that believes that the con artists should be allowed to collect the money first and only then be debunked at a later time.

If the slides represented a real extraterrestrial being it would not be presented in this manner.
Tickets are $350-$1500 at a 10,000 seat capacity arena. Profits from the cost of the live streaming and the alleged book deal will also factor in.
THIS REALLY bothers me!!! So much for ufological altruism... yeah right.... I really hope they are NOT $-grubbing opportunistic scam-bums, but it ain't looking promising... :mad:
A Different Perspective: Roswell Slide - Today's (February 9) Update

You belong to the camp that believes that the con artists should be allowed to collect the money first and only then be debunked at a later time.

This money issue that obsesses you is not the issue that concerns me or any others here and elsewhere who for numerous reasons think the Roswell event should be researched to the extent possible.

If the slides represented a real extraterrestrial being it would not be presented in this manner.

It seems obvious to me that the principals involved had no choice but to proceed the way they have -- to perform due diligence in their investigation of the slides, consulting specialists of various kinds, until they were themselves willing to bring them forward as possible evidence concerning Roswell. That took years. Their next challenge was to obtain a means of releasing the slides in the full context of the research done on them to this point, with an audio-visual means of ensuring a public hearing for the investigative steps taken before the presentation of the slides. Carey and Schmitt have invested years of their time in this vetting of the slides, remaining skeptical about them for the first year. They have the right to present this material in a way they consider adequate, after which everyone and anyone can proceed to tear down their research to the extent they can. As usual in this field, though, tolerance and patience are in short supply.
This money issue that obsesses you is not the issue that concerns me or any others here and elsewhere who for numerous reasons think the Roswell event should be researched to the extent possible.

It seems obvious to me that the principals involved had no choice but to proceed the way they have -- to perform due diligence in their investigation of the slides, consulting specialists of various kinds, until they were themselves willing to bring them forward as possible evidence concerning Roswell. That took years. Their next challenge was to obtain a means of releasing the slides in the full context of the research done on them to this point, with an audio-visual means of ensuring a public hearing for the investigative steps taken before the presentation of the slides. Carey and Schmitt have invested years of their time in this vetting of the slides, remaining skeptical about them for the first year. They have the right to present this material in a way they consider adequate, after which everyone and anyone can proceed to tear down their research to the extent they can. As usual in this field, though, tolerance and patience are in short supply.

Wrong. They were originally going to release it via a press conference and then decided to create a circus. I'm sorry but you are true believer and nothing will sway you otherwise.
THIS REALLY bothers me!!! So much for ufological altruism... yeah right.... I really hope they are NOT $-grubbing opportunistic scam-bums, but it ain't looking promising... :mad:

It seems to be the case that Jaime Mausson (sp?) is the person in charge of the presentation in Mexico City. I can't imagine that he made an appropriate choice of venue. It will be surprising if that 10,000-seat arena is even half-filled on May 5. I also doubt that all tickets are priced at the levels named by Boy. The thing about renting enormous venues is that the cost to be paid remains the same, no matter how many seats are sold. Rather than making money on this production, I think Mausson and any financial investors he's gathered won't make a cent. I also wonder about the millions of dollars in profits Boy expects to be raised through live-streaming of the event and immediate youtube copies of it available free on the internet.
This money issue that obsesses you is not the issue that concerns me or any others here and elsewhere who for numerous reasons think the Roswell event should be researched to the extent possible.
Speak for yourself Conny—this subject is VERY important to me and countless other folks interested in "the truth" NOT $-grubbing grandstanding!
....They have the right to present this material in a way they consider adequate, after which everyone and anyone can proceed to tear down their research to the extent they can. As usual in this field, though, tolerance and patience are in short supply.
BS! A truly altruistic approach would have not reserved a 10K seat arena, ridiculously priced to attend, etc THIS WHOLE scenario is downwind of that Danish fish market and anyone who argues differently is a part of the problem—NOT a part of any potential solution! Please explain which part of this you do NOT understand.... :eek:
Rich over at UFO Conjectures claims there is a rumor they are going to cancel the circus and just do a t.v documentary.

Man, with the X-Files reboot and this Alien Autopsy 2.0 mess, it sure as hell feels like the 90s again!
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Wrong. They were originally going to release it via a press conference and then decided to create a circus. I'm sorry but you are true believer and nothing will sway you otherwise.

Name-calling and categorizing of other people is not an effective rebuttal to points of view that don't coincide with your own. It's just a device you're using to avoid considering other ways of looking at this situation.
Name-calling and categorizing of other people is not an effective rebuttal to points of view that don't coincide with your own. It's just a device you're using to avoid considering other ways of looking at this situation.
speaking of POVs and avoidance: [redux—see above post] Please explain which part of this you do NOT understand....
Speak for yourself Conny—this subject is VERY important to me and countless other folks interested in "the truth" NOT $-grubbing grandstanding!BS! A truly altruistic approach would have not reserved a 10K seat arena, ridiculously priced to attend, etc

THIS WHOLE scenario is downwind of that Danish fish market and anyone who argues differently is a part of the problem—NOT a part of any potential solution! Please explain which part of this you do NOT understand.... :eek:

I understand what you and Boy are saying, Chris. Earlier I posted that Carey and Schmitt might have chosen to present their evidence and reasoning outside the US for obvious reasons. I don't see where the enormous profits will come from given the cost of renting the arena and live-streaming the presentation. I do think a documentary would have been the best way to present this information.

I may be "part of the problem" in your view, but I also see a problem in the rush to judgment and even condemnation of Carey and Schmitt before they have had a chance to present their evidence and reasoning about these slides. Boy just mentioned that there is a rumor that they might abandon the Mexico City event and instead produce a documentary. I think that would be a better way to go.
The deleted Adam Dew clip was shown in the original press conference, and can be still be seen in the grainy replay.
It's about 56.5 minutes in:
Way to go Sentry!!! You're awesome! Caught red-handed, and my memory is vindicated too!

Mike, no excuses, check it out. Btw, I've downloaded it already just in case they pull this one too! wink.
Recently posted to the comments on Kevin Randle's site:

11:18 AM
SlideBox Media said...

As I said on RR's blog I asked Jaime to take it down because I didn't think it was shot well. I re-recorded the content. It was merely a story of the finding the slides outside of Sedona. All of it still 100% accurate.

11:26 AM
SlideBox Media said...
"I believe that the so called Roswell Dream Team, i dont know which guys are in the Team, bought a 1940s camera with a unsused camerafilm and create the location and the puppet...the alien doll and photographed it."

@Mu - I knew I'd get more content for the doc once the trailer was released. But wow, this will be good. Looking forward to it Michael! Before you waste your time though linking Tom and Don, just focus on me. Unless of course you think Tom and Don planted the slides for us to find knowing that we'd eventually come back to them. Wow.

A Different Perspective: Roswell Slide - Today's (February 9) Update
Recently posted to the comments on Kevin Randle's site:

11:18 AM
SlideBox Media said...

As I said on RR's blog I asked Jaime to take it down because I didn't think it was shot well. I re-recorded the content. It was merely a story of the finding the slides outside of Sedona. All of it still 100% accurate.

11:26 AM
SlideBox Media said...
"I believe that the so called Roswell Dream Team, i dont know which guys are in the Team, bought a 1940s camera with a unsused camerafilm and create the location and the puppet...the alien doll and photographed it."

@Mu - I knew I'd get more content for the doc once the trailer was released. But wow, this will be good. Looking forward to it Michael! Before you waste your time though linking Tom and Don, just focus on me. Unless of course you think Tom and Don planted the slides for us to find knowing that we'd eventually come back to them. Wow.

A Different Perspective: Roswell Slide - Today's (February 9) Update

Let's be real clear here:

1. The slides are real. The slides themselves are not faked. The slides probably date to the 1947 era.

2. Despite the claims made by slide proponents, the being in the slides is not extraterrestrial.

3. Despite the claims made by slide proponents that the being is not human nor a mummy, it actually appears to be just that, a mummified child.

4. Despite the claims made by slide proponents, there is nothing to connect the slide to Roswell.

5. Despite the claims made by slide proponents, no expert can give a professional opinion on a photograph as to what it allegedly contains without seeing the actual specimen. So despite what slide proponents claim, no expert can rule out it being human or identify it as non-human without seeing and examining the actual specimen.

6. Despite the claims made by slide proponents that multiple anonymous experts have analysed the slides, such talk is pointless. If the experts remain anonymous then they can not give an expert opinion on anything. Any expert must be willing to identify themselves and list their qualifications.

7. The owner of the slides, whose identity is being kept secret, has made it clear he is just interested in money. He wants to make as much profit off of this as possible.

8. The owner's story of how the slides came into his possession is likely to be suspect, if not an outright lie.
I agree with about half of what you say there given presently available information (which might eventually be improved upon). The other half is speculation.
It was merely a story of the finding the slides outside of Sedona. All of it still 100% accurate.
Hey Mike, Dew's story does NOT match what you keep referring to, so the story has changed. My memory is good.

How will you explain this away? There seems to be 2 conflicting stories. I'm sure Dew will have some explanation for this. I can think of one already. wink.
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Gilles Fernandez found this image which appears to be the being in the Roswell slides. If true then the being is definitely a mummified human child that is on exhibit at some currently unknown museum.


This is it guys. It's all over. Ton Carey and Don Schmitt are discredited and ruined. Roswell is dead.

Roswell will ever die as you can not kill a myth.

The reason why you fold a slide is when it is a duplicate of lesser quality. If it was a pic of an alien, you would never do that. But a tourist pic of a display - sure, that you would fold.

Ticket prices range from $300-$1300. Auditorio Nacional

It's all a little ridiculous and I doubt the event will even happen unless the Illuminati are buying up all the tickets for reasons unknown.