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The Official Paracast Political Thread!

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'While we all know of the occasional use of personal email addresses for business, none of my friends circle can understand how it was viewed as ok/secure/appropriate to use a private server for secure documents AND why further Hillary took it upon herself to review them and delete documents without providing anyone outside her circle a chance to weigh in. It smacks of acting above the law and it smacks of the type of thing I've either gotten discovery sanctions for, fired people for, etc." - WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

"On another matter....and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later" - WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

I guess her inner circle happens to retroactively talk about hiding the things she was accused of hiding?

"...we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region..." - WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

This one was written by Hillary herself. The same Hillary and the same Qatar and Saudi Arabia that have donated over $20 million. The same nations that have a horrendous human rights track record.

Contributor and Grantor Information - oh look their own website lists "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" as having given them between $10 million and $25 million

Contributor and Grantor Information - oh look the "State of Qatar" gave them between $1 million and $5 million

Contributor and Grantor Information - oh look "Friends of Saudi Arabia" donated between $1 million and $5 million

The same Qatar that gave Bill a cool million as a birthday present - WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails

If you'd like to stick your head farther into the CNN sand and deny my other claims just LMK.

I'd be happy to provide sources on:

- AG Lynch meeting Bill "secretly" right before Hillary got let off the hook
- a page worth of links on how they took advantage of a neighboring nation while they were down (Haiti) to profit
- how she got debate questions more than once ahead of time
- how The Clinton Foundation doesn't do anything despite their friends giving them a good rating

Did you also notice that I quote directly from the horse's mouth on these rather than a partisan news outlet? You should try it some time.

You only parrot CNN-esque talking points and only link to liberal-friendly news sites. I can also stick up a blog that says "non-partisan research" and say whatever I want on it. If I actually dug in and posted links from partisan news sources that are against Hillary it would be a deluge of links.

Granted, you probably won't read any of them because your mind is already made up.

The very fact that you use the recently manufactured term "alt-right" shows that you're a propaganda victim.

Sad Steinberg, sad.
I hardly listen to CNN, so I'm hardly parroting their talk points. I don't even think you know what their talking points are. I surely don't.

The WikiLeaks emails have never been confirmed. There may be changes there in those messages. Don't assume they are all correct.

When it comes to the Clinton Foundation, their own site shows what they do. All this is public, and they have to follow strict rules for a non-profit foundation. Instead of reading the rumors, go there and see for yourself. Most of the critics ignore the charitable work and worry about who contributed what. But isn't it nice to see people who aren't very nice having their money used for nice purposes?
Yep, wikileaks is so fake that Kerry had to go pressure Ecuador to shut down Assange's internet. They're so falsified that they took the time to insert all the spam messages that they got. So falsified that they've been in damage control mode ever since they broke.

Are you so naive to think that these same nations that fund and provide support to the largest terrorist threat on earth today are actually working towards making the world a better place by donating to a plainly criminal candidate?

Meanwhile new child molestation accusations against Trump that have never even been rumored before are all worth using as proof against the orange mopped one? Do you not see that you have a horrendous double standard when it comes to what you use as evidence to make your case?

On a side note, I have property rights to this great bridge in Brooklyn. High traffic, great area. For a low price of your Paracast Plus earnings I can get you in on it.
I'm referring to the current brand of WikiLeaks, which appeared to result from Russian hacks of Democrat email. I don't know one way or the other, and nobody has actually confirmed that all that email is correct as posted and that there are no changes.

What I do see is a lot of it being taken out of context, which is just as bad.

You didn't answer my comments above.
Trump admitting sexual assault.
Clinton emails.
Trump charity fraud.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for nuclear proliferation.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for national stop and frisk.
Clinton emails.
Trump violates trade embargo with Cuba.
Clinton emails.
Trump sued over Trump University fraud.
Clinton emails.
Trump accused of bribing DA in IRS case.
Clinton emails.
Trump doesn’t pay taxes for 20 years.
Clinton emails.
Trump employs campaign manager accused of being involved in illegal corruption with Russia.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for ban of an entire religion from entering US.
Clinton emails.
Trump lied about support for Iraq War over and over in debate.
Clinton emails.
Trump case dismissed by accuser to re-file b/c of new witness in child rape case.
Clinton emails.
Trump unaware of Russia's Crimea occupation.
Clinton emails.
Trump unaware of situation in Syria.
Clinton emails.
Trump penalized for racist housing discrimination.
Clinton emails.
Trump files for bankruptcy 6 times.
Clinton emails.
Trump goes 0-3 in debates by showing scant knowledge of world politics.
Clinton emails.
Trump slams people for being POWs. (prisoners of war)
Clinton emails.
Trump calls Mexicans rapists.
Clinton emails.
Trump questions judge's integrity because of parent's heritage.

Clinton emails.
Trump deletes emails involved in casino scandal.
Clinton emails.
Trump has over 10 assault victims and witnesses come forward with allegations of abuse.
Clinton emails.
Trump attacks former Miss Universe for being overweight.
Clinton emails.
Trump tweets about sex tapes at 3am.
Clinton emails.
Trump says he will try US citizens accused of terrorism at Gitmo.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for more extreme forms of torture to be used.
Clinton emails.
Trump asks why we can't use our nukes if we have them.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for offensive bombing attack on sovereign nations because someone gives the middle finger.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls to kill women and children of suspected terrorists.
Clinton emails.
Trump says women should be punished for having abortions.
Clinton emails.
Trump makes fun of disabled people.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls for end of freedom of the press.
Clinton emails.
Trump calls global warming a chinese hoax.
Clinton emails.
Trump praises Putin and Kim Jong Un's & Saddam Hussein strong leadership skills.
Clinton emails.
Trump openly admits to not paying his contractors during debate.

Clinton emails.
Trump openly admits not apologizing to wife in debate about Access Hollywood tape.
Clinton emails.
Trump started the Birther movement and calls Obama an illegitimate non- citizen hundreds of times over 7 years.
Clinton emails.
Trump uses campaign donations to enrich his own businesses.
Clinton emails.
Trump says Ted Cruz father involved in JFK assassination.
Clinton emails.
Trump says laziness is an inherent trait in black people.
Clinton emails.

Trump insults a Gold Star Khan family and says “they started it”.

Clinton emails


Clinton emails

Trumps incites his supporters to violence if they punch a supporter “he will pay their legal fees” but doesn’t pay wages to people who work for him.

Clinton emails

Trump claims he doesn’t know a mobster, proven he does. (lies to the nth)

Clinton emails

Trump announces at Rally that VP pick Pence was in a “BIG ACCIDENT” BIGLY LIE.

Clinton emails

Trump ignites war against the media putting them in harm’s way calling for security escorts.

Clinton emails

Trump calls to end Obamacare or ACA with nothing to replace it with.

Clinton emails

Trump calls for illegal poll watching in minority polling sites.
Clinton emails

Trump says he knows more than the generals.

Clinton emails

Trump says don’t announce you are going to war with a country putting innocent civilians lives at risk. Ignorance of protocol and war.

Clinton emails

Trumps says his sacrifice for a Gold Star family who lost their son, was his businesses.

Clinton emails

Trump says he will get us jobs and more jobs but he built his D.C. Hotel with steel from China not the USA just like everything else he wears, builds and contracts with.

Clinton emails

Did we miss anything?
Gee who should I vote for? Trump seems to have negatives, but Clinton gets incessant negative press (which all stems from one thing, that’s not illegal when she had it, no charges were filed, and it wouldn't even be a blip on the radar for Trump if it was him that did it when you compare it to his other scandals).
What have I taken out of context? What did I not answer?

I provided the links to what was said in plain English so it could all be read. All you've done is state your opinion on things and link to left-leaning "news" sites. And now you're using the "blame the Russians" card. Even if the Russians are involved in getting this stuff out, does it change the truthfulness of it? You have all this in plain English in front of you and yet you can't type a response without trying to bring up someone else's wrongs.

Re Heidi Lemmer - again, you're assuming I'm pro-Trump. And of course all you've posted is a list of accusations without sources. None of what you said addresses any of the items that I posted about which are in plain site, a lot of which isn't related to the contents of her emails. It's just more Steinberg style "o yeah well look at that guy". You can knock Donald all ya like, he's no petunia either. I seriously doubt the guy became a NYC real estate mogul without mob ties, but that's just my conjecture.

Try to do 1 post without pointing fingers at someone else? I don't know how many other ways I can say it that I seriously doubt Donald is a pure bastion of goodness and that I am not voting for the guy.

[wall of evidence]

"Yeah but Trump"

[wall of evidence]

"Yeah but Trump"

[wall of evidence]

"Yeah but Trump"

Are you starting to notice a pattern?
Try to do 1 post without pointing fingers at someone else? I don't know how many other ways I can say it that I seriously doubt Donald is a pure bastion of goodness.

[wall of evidence]

"Yeah but Trump"

[wall of evidence]

"Yeah but Trump"

[wall of evidence]

"Yeah but Trump"

Are you starting to notice a pattern?
Yes, Trump has done a lot of bad things that are provably bad. The complaints against Clinton are mostly exaggerated or just made up. It doesn't make her perfect, of course. But there's no comparison.
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