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The Official Paracast Political Thread!

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chuck shick

Paranormal Novice
I understand the difference between hating someone because of false information presented by one's opposition and what they actually do. This is not about "liberal bias" but about proven facts. Clearly you have fallen for lots and lots of BS from the tone of your attack.

I'm sick and tired of people who can't think for themselves.

Trump? It's hard to know what he stands for, since he changes by the moment.

One more thing: Further political diatribes will be removed from this thread. If you want to open a new thread on the subject, fine, but it will be monitored carefully for personal attacks.
Hi Gene, No more political diatribes, fair enough but why are they a part of your show?
You're talking about a couple of quick comments, not uttered by the guest.

As I said, if you want to open a thread about politics, fine. But I hope you'll take the time to explore both sides of the issue before you go off expressing the views of people who have gone after a political figure for 24 years.
I can't restrain myself... Come on Gene! Hillary is a a corporate shill—bought & paid for by Wall St, the energy companies... shall I go on? For someone who has been a public servant for 30 years, she's sure worth a whole lot of dough! And then there is her "tough girl" neocon-leening hawkishness. It's obvious that she can't wait ro be the commander-in-chief so she can watch her sanctioned drone strikes, eat popcorn and have one of her girlfriends tell her how ummm, tough she is...
Gene you just can't help yourself can you? Starting off the show by taking a shot at Trump...
Anyone who thinks Trump has the experience and the maturity to be the most powerful man in the world is either a fan of fairie tails or is living in some bizarre episode of the Twilight Zone. I can see it now, The President Trump show, featuring The Donald and his 1st family. Brought to you by McDONALD-Douglas, McDONALDS and the new Disney movie, Duck, DONALD! I just shudder at the thought,,,,yeeeshh
Chris, you've got tunnel vision. Every president since 1980 has been a corporate shill. You have to be one to get the money you need to run.

Remember that Obama's campaign spent a billion dollars in 2012 (including PACs). Where'd that money come from?

Even Trump will go after traditional donors to fund the actual campaign. He'll need 1.5 billion dollars, and there's no indication that he has that much liquid cash. Most of it, what's real, is probably in real estate.
Chris, you've got tunnel vision. Every president since 1980 has been a corporate shill.
Oh, so that makes it right, Gene? This is my point exactly! Isn't it time to end this corportocrastic fascism?? Say what you will about Bernie—at least he's not beholden to big money's influence—all his contributions come from the little guys who have been shoved out of the electoral process by Citizen's United, etc. At the very least, Americans should respect that aspect of his character and campaign. I hate to be the one to tell you Gene: Hillary is a whore. She'll lie, beg, cajole and promise anything to any major funding source to get her ego-driven, ugly ass elected. You don't agree?
If Sanders were to be nominated, he would not be able to raise enough cash via private donations. The stakes are much higher. He'd have to go to more traditional sources.

As to who lies: All politicians lie. Clinton and Sanders have similar Politifact (fact-checking) records. Trump's is far worse. So the suggestion that she is more of a liar than Sanders, or any other major political figure, is not correct.

I agree, however, that Citizen's United and the likes of the late Justice Scalia (who also helped make "W" President) really screwed up campaign financing. However, it has been shown this year that those with the most money aren't always the victors. On the Republican side, Jeb spent the most money, with little to show for it.
Sorry the Huffington post has nothing to do with the Paracast or why people listen to your podcast. My original point was why do you constantly give you personal opinions on candidates you don't care for and ask why everyone doesn't like the candidates(democrats) you support.
Your entire posting history has been about this subject and no other. Trolling?

I am not constantly giving my political opinions. I am giving my opinions, but I have not said who I am voting for, or even if I'm voting.

More to the point, it's our company, and Chris and I can talk about anything we want. Got it?
OK, so far just one defendant in the Benghazi case. The others probably vanished in the wind and, unless named by this subject, will never get caught. Or maybe they took the death penalty off the table because he cooperated.

US won't seek death penalty in Benghazi case

Now just as a frame of reference: Ahmed Abu Khatallah claimed that the attack was to some extent based on that controversial video that has become such a sore point in the various Benghazi congressional hearings. So that would mean that it was a terrorist act that was at least partly influenced by the video. Unfortunately, people who attack the Clinton State Department appear unable to realize that an attack of this sort can have multiple causes and multiple purposes. They can only think in either/or terms.

So check this:

NYT: Captured Suspect Said Benghazi Attack Was Revenge For Anti-Islam Video

Please note that half a dozen Congressional hearings have failed to find wrongdoing on the part of Clinton and the State Department. The latest hearing was, according to a statement on the Sean Hannity Fox TV show made by a high-ranking member of the U.S. House, done in large part to discredit Clinton, not to find facts.
I can't restrain myself... Come on Gene! Hillary is a a corporate shill—bought & paid for by Wall St, the energy companies... shall I go on? For someone who has been a public servant for 30 years, she's sure worth a whole lot of dough! And then there is her "tough girl" neocon-leening hawkishness. It's obvious that she can't wait ro be the commander-in-chief so she can watch her sanctioned drone strikes, eat popcorn and have one of her girlfriends tell her how ummm, tough she is...
Is she just playing the game to get elected so that she can finally get enough clout to make the changes she wanted to make before she seemingly sold out? Like back when big bureaucracy in medicine spent some grotesquely huge amount of money to stop her campaign for national health care ( documented in Michael Moore's Sicko ). She was basically stomped into the ground and that must have been a hard lesson. So has she really sold out? What if it's the only way to make any change, and by hanging in there she at least got to see a horribly watered down version of National Health Care happen. Maybe she thinks those compromises are worth it. I don't know her personally. I can't get inside her head to know that answer. But maybe it's just how the game has to be played?

I certainly don't know enough about US politics. Seems Obama had a whole bunch of great ideas too, and he was stonewalled at every turn by the republicans who didn't care what was good for the country. It seems from a documentary I watched that they only wanted to oppose every single thing Obama hoped to accomplish that seemed to be good. One thing that seems really obvious to me is that Trump seems to fit the "Snakes In Suits" profile. We wonder how these people get into positions of power and we're watching it happen right before our eyes. It starts to make me ill every time I see how many people think he actually deserves the position of running what is supposed to be the most free country in the world. A country run by corporate fiefdoms cooperating to keep themselves in positions of power so that they can soak-up all the wealth for themselves isn't freedom.
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Is she just playing the game to get elected so that she can finally get enough clout to make the changes she wanted to make before she seemingly sold out? Like back when big bureaucracy in medicine spent some grotesquely huge amount of money to stop her campaign for national health care ( documented in Michael Moore's Sicko ). She was basically stomped into the ground and that must have been a hard lesson. So has she really sold out? What if it's the only way to make any change, and by hanging in there she at least got to see a horribly watered down version of National Health Care happen. Maybe she thinks those compromises are worth it. I don't know her personally. I can't get inside her head to know that answer. But maybe it's just how the game has to be played?

I certainly don't know enough about US politics. Seems Obama had a whole bunch of great ideas too, and he was stonewalled at every turn by the republicans who didn't care what was good for the country. It seems from a documentary I watched that they only wanted to oppose every single thing Obama hoped to accomplish that seemed to be good. One thing that seems really obvious to me is that Trump seems to fit the "Snakes In Suits" profile. We wonder how these people get into positions of power and we're watching it happen right before our eyes. It starts to make me ill every time I see how many people think he actually deserves the position of running what is supposed to be the most free country in the world. A country run by corporate fiefdoms cooperating to keep themselves in positions of power so that they can soak-up all the wealth for themselves isn't freedom.
As in the UK the two main parties are sadly two sides of the same coin.I can't see a time any time soon when this will change.
My one question is this: will Hillary Clinton come clean about those uncontrollable coughing fits? She says that they are merely allergies kicking up. Really? I have allergies and I don't have couching like that going on.

Do you want to choose a presidential candidate who might be on her last legs?
My one question is this: will Hillary Clinton come clean about those uncontrollable coughing fits? She says that they are merely allergies kicking up. Really? I have allergies and I don't have couching like that going on.

Do you want to choose a presidential candidate who might be on her last legs?
You mean during that 11-hour hearing?
From what I have read, there have been multiple coughing sessions, not just one at an 11 hour hearing.
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