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The Official Paracast Political Thread! — Part Two

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Id like to make commentary on my own philosophy at this point, Im very vocal and critical of certain ideology's, but im of the view ideology's are a choice . we have control over embracing them or not.
But ive always had the view skin is a lottery, no one asks to be born in the skin they wear be it black, white, Jewish, Asian etc etc. To have it in for someone based on their skin colour/configuration isnt something ive ever been able to understand given the lottery aspect

Mike, the thing that really torques me is how complete moron motor mouths associate the KKK with Donald Trump when the man PUBLICLY DENOUNCED the organization. It's insanity. The man is NOT a racist, has NEVER made racist statements, and holds no racist views. Everything he is quoted as having stated with regard to intolerance of any type is quoted intentionally out of context by the corrupt media, complete idiots, or the pompously puke saturated Hillaryous' ad campaigns.
Its an odd setup

We have a soapbox day in a park in sydney and by law its the only place/day where you can get on a box and call the Queen rude names and not be charged for it
Ive seen a few neo nazis there
They can protest and have marches etc, wear swastikas and wave NN flags, but Police photographers get everyones face, and they start to get raided at 3 am for all sorts of things. Drugs weapons etc.

Usually skinheads and the like, that bridge scene from the blues bros movie is a degree of organisation they could only ever dream of having here
One day only.., sounds reasonable enough.
Mike, the thing that really torques me is how complete moron motor mouths associate the KKK with Donald Trump when the man PUBLICLY DENOUNCED the organization. It's insanity. The man is NOT a racist, has NEVER made racist statements, and holds no racist views. Everything he is quoted as having stated with regard to intolerance of any type is quoted intentionally out of context by the corrupt media, complete idiots, or the pompously puke saturated Hillaryous' ad campaigns.

I understand completely, no candidate has any control over people who might endorse or support them, and to spin that as some sort of affiliation or sympathy for their views is a long bow to draw imo
One day only.., sounds reasonable enough.
A week, sunday afternoons to be precise, its a fun thing to watch. Religious nutters, end of the worlders, conspiracy nuts. Its like a Renaissance fair of insanity

Soapbox Orators In The Domain

The Domain: Baptist pastor Allen is reported to have gone there to speak on Irish Home Rule, after a riot in nearby Hyde Park. The Domain's role as a site for dissent has continued strongly, with anti-conscription rallies there in 1916, and such contentious speakers as William Chidley (arrested for using the word 'coition' in public), Egon Kisch, Bea Miles, Ada Green who preached that 'hell-fire and brimstone would rain down on sinners', John Webster, a radical argumentalist, and 'The Skull', Sydney's own neo-Nazi.
I understand completely, no candidate has any control over people who might endorse or support them, and to spin that as some sort of affiliation or sympathy for their views is a long bow to draw imo
You can’t really say that through Trump’s rhetoric, he didn’t facilitate, and enable fringe groups. Not until toward the end of his campaign did he disclaim the KKK, but I’m fairly certain that he counted their votes.

A week, sunday afternoons to be precise, its a fun thing to watch. Religious nutters, end of the worlders, conspiracy nuts. Its like a Renaissance fair of insanity
If you should ever find the chance, send some video this way.
Of course his more likely choice steven mnuchin (formerly of Goldman Sachs) should also have alt right feeling cheated. If Hillary had chosen either Breitbart would be all over this like flies on s*** regardless of credentials.
You can’t really say that through Trump’s rhetoric, he didn’t facilitate, and enable fringe groups. Not until toward the end of his campaign did he disclaim the KKK, but I’m fairly certain that he counted their votes.

If should ever find the chance, send some video this way.

I think thats a fair point too, but i see him as an equal opportunity bugger, If doing you over is to his advantage he doesnt care about the colour of your skin/race
You can’t really say that through Trump’s rhetoric, he didn’t facilitate, and enable fringe groups. Not until toward the end of his campaign did he disclaim the KKK, but I’m fairly certain that he counted their votes.

If should ever find the chance, send some video this way.

This is TOTAL BS. The very second that the KKK asked him publicly if they could endorse him, he rebutted it and denounced them on spot. S.R.L. you continue to both amuse and amaze me. Here is a link from a LIBERAL media source proving just how inaccurate you are. Please, at least attempt to keep from making yourself seem like a brainwashed teenager. I said please.

Donald Trump denounces David Duke, KKK - CNNPolitics.com
In July of 2015 Trump announced his bid. On Oct. 18, 2016 the KKK formally gave their stamp of approval. It wasn’t until March 3rd, 2016, Trump denounced David Duke & the Klan.
So what do people think of the surprising Trump victory? I 'm thrilled. And so are the markets.
In July of 2015 Trump announced his bid. On Oct. 18, 2016 the KKK formally gave their stamp of approval. It wasn’t until March 3rd, 2016, Trump denounced David Duke & the Klan.

He couldn't denounce them because he knew nothing about that group LMAO.... BS
Trump Fails To Condemn KKK On Television, Turns To Twitter To Clarify

On the Sunday morning talk shows, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump refused to condemn endorsements from a prominent white supremacist and former KKK leader, and said he retweeted a Mussolini quote because "it's a very good quote."

The extended conversation about white supremacists came on CNN's State of the Union, where Jake Tapper asked if Trump would distance himself from an endorsement by David Duke, former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Duke has told his radio audience that voting against Trump would be "treason to your heritage."

Trump refused to condemn that endorsement or say he didn't want the support of white supremacists — four times.

"I don't know anything about David Duke. I don't know what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacist. I don't know. I don't know, did he endorse me, or what's going on?" he said.

Coded and directed message if I ever heard one ;)

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Donald J. Trump on Sunday morning used his Twitter feed to post a quote attributed to Benito Mussolini, the founder of the fascist movement, from a parody account. The tweet compared the Italian dictator to Mr. Trump, the Republican front-runner for the presidential nomination.

It's better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a Jina... ooops sorry sheep
In July of 2015 Trump announced his bid. On Oct. 18, 2016 the KKK formally gave their stamp of approval. It wasn’t until March 3rd, 2016, Trump denounced David Duke & the Klan.

Excuse me, what are you stating S.R.L. that he traveled forward in time, did a loop in time, or is it once again, like EVERY TIME, your statements come without substantiated sources, without anything but weekly world news level informed opinion...you Sir are absolutely and unequivocally WRONG.
Donald J. Trump on Sunday morning used his Twitter feed to post a quote attributed to Benito Mussolini, the founder of the fascist movement, from a parody account. The tweet compared the Italian dictator to Mr. Trump, the Republican front-runner for the presidential nomination.

It's better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a Jina... ooops sorry sheep

Who cares! “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” I fully agree with that statement as well. Only a complete fool would not. Are you REALLY this easily impressed?
Excuse me, what are you stating S.R.L. that he traveled forward in time, did a loop in time, or is it once again, like EVERY TIME, your statements come without substantiated sources, without anything but weekly world news level informed opinion...you Sir are absolutely and unequivocally WRONG.
For once your right. Can't argue with that, other than to say that fringe groups have wrapped themselves around Trump, including the KKK.

Are you serious!? How can Trump help the fact that the KKK gave him their endorsement in THEIR newspaper when he had already publicly denounced the KKK? Are you just Trolling here? Or are you really this clueless? You're coming off more so blind than the people directly responsible for printing the paper you are referring to. :confused:
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