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The fifth 'Dome of the Rock' UFO video out of Jerusalem; final proof!

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Skilled Investigator
Someone today just posted the fifth video of the remarkable UFO sighting at the 'Dome of the Rock' in Jerusalem. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical before, but now I'm certain this video is bringing us to the brink of disclosure!

Unlike the '2nd' video, this one synchronizes perfectly with the others and has the distinctive 'flash' before the UFO flies away.

:D:D:D Well that wraps it up for me! I am so sorry for all the times I said we are alone in the universe and that the nuts and bolts folks are just plain wrong! I'm climbing on top of my house as we speak to wait on the space brothers with my flashlight and my old vhs copy of Close Encounters! :cool:
Well, my video has gotten 85 hits in one hour. And, what I expected was a bunch of people to say 'good joke' or maybe, 'that was lame'. However, I have already gotten a couple of angry responses which I find simply remarkable. The last guy who commented on the video wished that I would be raped by grays; except that he couldn't spell 'rape' correctly and typed 'reap'.

Yes, I want to be 'reaped' by Grays, thank you very much.

When will people learn that every single UFO video on YouTube should be assumed fake to begin with. They have no provenance. People keep analyzing the 'Dome of the Rock' videos when, if they really want to know the answer they should be interviewing the alleged witnesses.

Oh..wait..the 'witnesses' don't exist because the whole thing was a scam to begin with.


I wanna be reaped by the tall blond female Nordics. :cool: Think Anita Eckberg in her prime in one of those old amazon movies. ;)

Lets see em debunk that one, proof positive that something is out there, or in there or somewhere.......

Edit: i take it back he said Whoaa, before the object moved.........obvious hoax is obvious
As I discussed with Dave Sadler the other day on my own podcast (in an episode appropriately titled Hook, Line and Sinker), smart guys with access to some basic technology can fake just about anything. Heck, you don't even have to be all that smart these days.

As someone above said, I regard any and all videos posted on-line as hoaxes until:

(a) someone steps forward and states that they were the one who took the video, and

(b) they turn the original video over to an independent expert for analysis.

And by independent expert, I don't mean an on-line message forum. Speaking of which, listen to the episode noted above as it pertains to how people like me use message forums like ATS to launch viral marketing campaigns, or come up with good ideas, or just to see what certain people are thinking or saying about certain things.

I listened to the Sadler episode and really enjoyed it. The bit about the hoaxing was particularly interesting. On the use of the forums for idea generation and what have you, I always thought the writers of the X-Files and The Lone Gunmen were doing that very thing. There also is some sort of feedback loop that goes on where things that are showing up in the forums make it into shows which then get mentioned in forums (or whatever) as "confirmation" of the events or theories.
I believe I have discovered an artificial light source within a captured frame of the video. What do you all think?


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Well, my video has gotten 85 hits in one hour. And, what I expected was a bunch of people to say 'good joke' or maybe, 'that was lame'.

John, I want to thank you for creating the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time! I really needed a good deep belly-laugh this afternoon, and you delivered it!

And your reaction to the flash of light .... I'm going to live off of this one for quite a while!!!!

Thanks again!!!!!!
