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It's time to move on

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I think the show is the opposite of stale. Constant new topics and guests and I am learning so much about these fiels all the time. As Stoney said too, I love going back to old episodes cos there have been so many it is easy to forget lots of information so I like to get refreshers.

I listen while falling asleep, on the bus, out in the park, at work. I always have the paracast and DMR on my mp3.

Of course, it is a matter of opinion and if anyone thinks the show is a little stale then the only way to help fix that is to suggest fresh topics and guests etc. Gene is always willing to consider suggestions for a show. Mind you I gave him a suggestion ages ago and there hasn't been a show about it yet! (if only).

Also, as stated in Stoney's post, try mixing it up with other podcasts. I listen to 'mysterious universe', sometimes 'Coast to Coast AM' and 'The Kate Valentine UFO Show' - though with these last two, don't ever expect people to be taken to task. Those shows' hosts tend to just seemingly accept everything they are told. That does not automatically mean bad shows.

I just downloaded a few Kate Valentine shows and by doing that I am greatly increasing the number of different guest's interviews I get exposed to. For instance I just downloaded a show that is solely about UFOs and RADAR. Should be interesting! C2C often has great guests and despite Noory being a 'yes' man, there are still great shows. George Knapp is my fav C2C host but he is like 1 in every 4 episodes.
Well in that case. . .

I do have a few suggestions for topics/guests:

EVP / Tom and Lisa Butler ...

NDEs / PMH Atwater ...

NDEs / Pim van Lommel ...

Spiritualism / Deborah Blum -...

Reincarnation / Jim Tucker...

...Very interesting stuff.

(emphasis added by me)

I very heavily second this superb choice of possible guests. I guess you should post this again here, though:

Guest suggestions for the Paracast | Page 4 | The Paracast Community Forums

because I think that is the official thread which is more likely to be frequented by Gene and Chris for guest ideas.

On the topic of the paracast being the UFOcast in disguise, you'll have to give them that they do have other fields in there. I guess it's a matter of personal connections. Gene comes from the UFO field, so many guests are bound to be UFO related. And guests like the distinguished researchers and authors mentioned above are not easy to come by I'd think. I don't mind as long as there are different topics from time to time. And as others have said, there are alternatives out there. Judging from your guest suggestions I'd recommend the Skeptiko podcast, if you haven't already discovered it: Skeptiko - Science at the Tipping Point
I very heavily second this superb choice of possible guests.


The movement has grown by one. . .

I guess you should post this again here, though:

Guest suggestions for the Paracast | Page 4 | The Paracast Community Forums

because I think that is the official thread which is more likely to be frequented by Gene and Chris for guest ideas.

Ah, indeed. I looked for an "official" suggestions thread but didn't see anything. I think I'll add to the list a bit and then repost it there.

On the topic of the paracast being the UFOcast in disguise, you'll have to give them that they do have other fields in there. I guess it's a matter of personal connections. Gene comes from the UFO field, so many guests are bound to be UFO related. And guests like the distinguished researchers and authors mentioned above are not easy to come by I'd think. I don't mind as long as there are different topics from time to time.

Yes, well it's not all bad. I think I actually prefer that, say, 2/3 of the shows are UFO shows rather than something else. I do think it's a good core topic to build The Paracast around. But it's really more like 9/10 rather than 2/3.

And I agree that some of the guests I mentioned might be a little difficult to get lined up, but I'm pretty sure that at least a few of them would be happy to come on with just a minor amount of effort. I would even be willing to try to arrange it myself.

And as others have said, there are alternatives out there. Judging from your guest suggestions I'd recommend the Skeptiko podcast, if you haven't already discovered it: Skeptiko - Science at the Tipping Point

Cool, I haven't heard of that one. I'll check it out.
I don't agree with The Paracast being stale. It's something different a high percentage of the time. Black eyed kids were somewhat covered just a few episodes back but I wouldn't mind more on that.
I'd be interested in Forteanna and strange weather events too. But hey I'm not complaining.
Love the show.
I follow several of these types of shows. I think that this is one of the most professional if not the most professional show of this type IMO. I could tell within the first 15 minutes that the hosts were on their game. The field of the so called "paranormal" can be seen as organizations of people whether MUFON or Ghost hunter groups or whatever as being multifaceted but uninspiring considering all of the hucksters and fakes out there trying to turn a dollar for a book.

A lot of people want to know what something really is, not what someone else thinks it is or what some "organization" has accepted as some kind of a policy. Not what some dude with a Phd says something might be. The paracast does a good job overall of weeding this type of thing out. In the end curiosity drives the game. There are real scientific and spiritual curiosities out there waiting to be explored and I think that under the circumstances Mr. Steinberg does a good job.

The hosts themselves do a good job of exposing themselves without much help from anyone else. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get some fairy dust off of my tinfoil hat ;)
A lot of people want to know what something really is, not what someone else thinks it is. . .


I don't care about someone's theory unless they have strong evidence to back their theory up. And if their theory has holes, I want the hosts to call them on it.

I used to listen to C2C religiously. I rarely missed an episode. But these days the only episodes that are worth listening to are those hosted by Knapp or Punnet, and Knapp is just an occasional guest host and Punnet has largely stepped away to take care of his tinnitus situation. So with Art long gone, that just leaves George, who is good on the mic but who refuses to challenge his guests in any kind of way whatsoever.

At least from the paranormal programs that I've had a chance to listen to, The Paracast is undoubtedly the best. It really is the gold standard.
That being said, I think it's only fair that I suggest some topics of my own. No need to dwell on the negative. Here are some topics that I think deserve more attention from The Paracast: -Russion UFOs - Black Eyed Kids - Ray Fowler - Strange disappearances- Premonitions - Cannibals - The Dyatlov Pass mystery - Carlos Castaneda- Medical mysteries -The Westall UFO encounter -Mass Hysteria -Cosmonauts -Teleportation - Nick Redfern (welcome anytime, IMHO)

Cannibals? What's paranormal about cannibals?

Is Ray Fowler even still involved with paranormal research?

Isn't much to Westall imo. Sure, that documentary that came out not so long ago made it seem pretty interesting. I hadn't heard of it prior to that. But I did some reading after seeing it and was disappointed with what I found. That case has grew, and grew, and grew as time has gone on. The initial reports weren't nearly as fantastic as what the story is now. That tells me that a lot of exaggerations and even outright fabrications have been added to it over the years. Reminds me of the way Roswell was transformed from the reasonably straightforward story Friedman broke a few decades ago into the giant bloated mess it is today.

Something I'd like to see is a show about the 62 kids that allegedly had a CE3 at a school in Zimbabwe in 1994 (Yeah, sounds a little like Westall. But the difference is that this incident appeared big from the get-go). All I know about it is what was reported by John Mack a while ago. Has anyone ever done a follow-up investigation? If so I'd like to hear about it. I haven't been able to make up my mind if it is a hoax, wild exaggeration, truly compelling case (On the surface it sure seems like one) or whatever because there's so little information available about it (That I've stumbled onto anyway).
Cannibals? What's paranormal about cannibals?

Is Ray Fowler even still involved with paranormal research?

Isn't much to Westall imo. Sure, that documentary that came out not so long ago made it seem pretty interesting. I hadn't heard of it prior to that. But I did some reading after seeing it and was disappointed with what I found. That case has grew, and grew, and grew as time has gone on. The initial reports weren't nearly as fantastic as what the story is now. That tells me that a lot of exaggerations and even outright fabrications have been added to it over the years. Reminds me of the way Roswell was transformed from the reasonably straightforward story Friedman broke a few decades ago into the giant bloated mess it is today.

Something I'd like to see is a show about the 62 kids that allegedly had a CE3 at a school in Zimbabwe in 1994. All I know about it is what was reported by John Mack a while ago. Has anyone ever done a follow-up investigation? If so I'd like to hear about it. I haven't been able to make up my mind if it is a hoax, wild exaggeration, truly compelling case (On the surface it sure seems like one) or whatever because there's so little information available about it (That I've stumbled onto anyway).

Sean - I heartily agree. I've suggested the Zimbabwe case a few times. There is a good doc with John Mac on youtube. It really is pretty unusual evidence, all these kids and their drawings.
Yeah I'd definitely be interested in a show on the Zimbabwe case, but aside from Mack. I don't know who else was involved in the investigation. Ray Fowler would be great even if he isn't still involved in the research, his books about the Andreasson affair, and the two follow up books Watchers and Watchers II are classics and required reading for anyone interested in abductions. I've said this before but I'll post it here as well, I'd love to hear Dr Rick Strassman (sp?) the guy who wrote "DMT, The Spirit Molecule" on, he has some interesting theories on both NDE's and abductions. Other than that, I think Nigel Kerner might be an interesting interview, he's written two books one called "Song of the Greys" and another "Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls" which I found pretty interesting, I may not agree with all of his theories but he has a different take on the subject that's for sure.
I've said this before but I'll post it here as well, I'd love to hear Dr Rick Strassman (sp?) the guy who wrote "DMT, The Spirit Molecule" on, he has some interesting theories on both NDE's and abductions.


I'd definitely be down for that.
I've been listening since 2006, and I think Gene and Chris are doing a good job. There's nothing stale about it, other than the natural "staleness" within the UFO subject itself, but no single radio show or podcast can change that fact.

By the way, it's spelled "Russian".
I've been involved with ufology for over 40 years and it never gets stale for me. Here's an example. A couple of years ago I decided to put The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects onto our website. Those of us who are into ufology know that this book was among the first really good exposés on the topic and many of us have probably read it more than once. However it was written back in the 1950s and I had long since moved on to read many newer books, many of which often repeated much of what had come before, so I was thinking that adapting the book to our website was going to be fairly tedious. I discovered completely the reverse. Because I had to go through the book paragraph by paragraph, I started to read deeper between the lines and suddenly saw some of the content in new and exciting ways. But in today's world we've come to expect rapid change and instant gratification. If it can't be downloaded and flashed in front of someone's face or played on someone's iPod it doesn't get any attention. And even then it seems that few people are taking the time to reflect on it afterward. So my suggestion for those who want more from the show, is to take some time to delve into some of the details on the topics the guests are talking about. Try doing a little of your own research or investigation. Who knows, you might even end up bringing something new of your own to the table. Ufology is a fascinating field with more branches than anyone can fully explore in an entire lifetime. So far as I'm concerned the show could be exclusively devoted to UFOs and I'd be even happier.
So far as I'm concerned the show could be exclusively devoted to UFOs and I'd be even happier.

Well, OK, but in that (hopefully hypothetical) case the name of the show should indeed be changed to something like "The UFOcast". Or maybe "The UAPhenomicast", to avoid the negative connotations. I'd still be listening in but I'd sure miss the element of surprise when a guest from a totally different field shows up.
Well, OK, but in that (hopefully hypothetical) case the name of the show should indeed be changed to something like "The UFOcast". Or maybe "The UAPhenomicast", to avoid the negative connotations. I'd still be listening in but I'd sure miss the element of surprise when a guest from a totally different field shows up.

The UAPhenomicast ... ( lol on that! ). But seriously, in my view, nearly everything paranormal can be connected in some way with ufology. So the show doesn't have to focus purely on Roswell or science or mainstream ufology. It could talk about some of these other areas of interest from the point of view of a ufologist and perhaps even have some debates on the issues. And on that point, Gene and Chris often bring up the possibility that these other topics may be connected with the topic of UFOs. It's what keeps me coming back.

NOTE: My spell check offered the word "Euphemist" as a suggestion for "UAPhenomicast" ... gotta love it when it gets even better on its own.
I suggest people who went to determine what someone else does in their own time for our benefit/enertainment can put their money where their mouth is. Otherwise make suggestions, help, provide funding or gtfoh. no offense intended.
NOTE: My spell check offered the word "Euphemist" as a suggestion for "UAPhenomicast" ... gotta love it when it gets even better on its own.

:D Gotta make my own podcast now. Polterwurst's Euphemologist Phenomicast.

And on that point, Gene and Chris often bring up the possibility that these other topics may be connected with the topic of UFOs..

I have a similar feeling, as long as it's only nocturnal lights zipping around. Kind of reminds me of light phenomena reported in Poltergeist cases. But when it comes to solid discs, the "nuts and bolts" variety, I don't know... but I guess "paranormal" doesn't automatically mean "related to consciousness" (psi, hauntings etc.). More like "out of the normal realm", so why not call UFOs paranormal. No one knows what's steering or causing them, but they're definitely not normal.
I suggest people who went to determine what someone else does in their own time for our benefit/enertainment can put their money where their mouth is. Otherwise make suggestions, help, provide funding or gtfoh. no offense intended.

I would be happy to try to line up some of my suggested guests for the show if Gene or Chris would agree to put them on if I could make it happen.
I would be happy to try to line up some of my suggested guests for the show if Gene or Chris would agree to put them on if I could make it happen.
I'm sure I can speak for Gene and say, go for it! We could use all the help we can get when it comes to bringing new, relevant guests to the show...