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How Silly is Climate Change Denial?

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Better yet, why not watch a real documentary that exposes the lies of man-made climate change/global warming? Because the people pushing this nonsense are not above lying and committing outright fraud.

Well, we better start doing something about the climate. There is a circulating report that we only have 500 days left.

French Foreign Minister: '500 Days to Avoid Climate Chaos' | The Weekly Standard

The administration should immediately, by executive action, outlaw any public flatulence to curb CO2 gases. In addition, any person that exhales CO2 more than 10 times a minute should be fined a fee of a $100 for any additional exhale above the mandated norm.

Ok, I'm gonna go work on my fusion car.
It's easy to dismiss the other side as propagandists or partisans... Because there are a lot of those types of people on both sides. Rather than look at it in purely political terms, it's better to evaluate the data as best you can yourself.

Climate Change cannot be denied. It's called "weather," and we know that weather changes from century to century. What's up for debate is whether CO2 emissions have caused the most recent changes. The idea that "the science is settled" is a ridiculous notion that shuts down debate and makes people dig in their heels. Nobody learns anything. There's plenty of people in UFOlogy (Linda M. Howe for example) who would say the debate is settled that UFOs are driven by ET, and won't hear hypotheses supported by evidence to the contrary.

Just try to keep an open mind, and don't freak out if someone doesn't immediately conform to your worldview. /rant
...it's better to evaluate the data as best you can yourself.

While that is true, and does work for some, it simply doesn't work for the vast majority.

The reason why the Appeal to Ridicule fallacy in the video above is so effective is precisely because the vast majority of Lumpenproletariat lack the critical thinking skills to evaluate the ridiculous "97%" claim, or even possess an understanding of the Scientific Method adequate enough to distinguish what is actually science versus what is science fraud.

Heck, most do not even know propaganda exists!

The People are simply too far gone. The only solution is to break away from them and start a new society and leave them to their fate. It's so tragic.
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Unfortunately, most of the ethical scientists who resign rather than participate in the fraud seem to be old.

That is understandable. It's very difficult for a young man who just invested eight years and a couple hundred thousand dollars obtaining credentials to throw them away by speaking truth and getting black-listed from employment.
I could get behind the fact that the planet is warming, just skeptical as to how much ( if at all ) humans contribute to this. I'm highly skeptical of all politicians and even more so when they lean more to the liberal / democrat side. It's all about control.
Of course the Republican option is to have less rules, less gov't and hand all of the control over to corporations whose sole desire is to deregulate the universe, hence their shared sponsored denial of climate change.

That model of the world I do not find to be silly at all - it's plain terrifying.
Corporations love government regulation and write that vast majority of them.

Giant energy corporations are pushing the Climate Fraud because they will be the beneficiaries of the global Carbon Tax.

If people are stupid enough to fall for this AGW nonsense perhaps they deserve to have their money taken and handed to the corporations.
Corporations love government regulation and write that vast majority of them.

Corporations are sick of any crappy regs that slow down profits for shareholders by making them do silly things like environmental studies, and clean ups from waste products poisoning the sensitve watersheds on aboriginal reserves. They hate that stuff and just want to frack as freely and frankly (and openly without prophylactic devices) as they possibly can with the rest of us gawking while they get on with mountain top removals. That's why the Koch brothers are getting all their wealth pornographer cronies and right wing buds to lobby hard on climate fraud. Their company motto is deregulate the Americas! Corporations are very pissed that they can't use simple standard tactics like raping and murdering indigenous populations like they do in south and central america to make sure nothing impedes local mining operations.

Giant energy corporations are pushing the Climate Fraud because they will be the beneficiaries of the global Carbon Tax.
? x 2

Again, look at how gas companies detest gov't taxes - in fact they paste stickers all over their pumps to tell the gas guzzling populous what's what. "Don't blame us, " they say. "We just wanna make a decent wage and raise prices radically and unapologetically every long weekend and then act like we have absolutely no idea how that keeps happening. But those high prices?! Don't look at us; it's that dang gov't and their carbon bleepin' sin tax that's to blame!"

I don't understand your perspective.

The corporate gods are happy to see large portions of the populous in jail workin for slave wages. In fact if they could fill prisons with farmers who are growing Monsanto seeds that drifted onto their property through no fault of their own, well that would be just peachy. The only regs they want are the ones that give them total, unfettered control and power to eat us up like we're just steak tartar.
I'm ultimately skeptical of any legislation that passes through Congress because Congress is controlled by corporations. If big corporations control the government, inevitably any legislation produced by the government benefits corporations. Carbon taxes will benefit the big power players, and reduce the ability of smaller companies to compete, because big corporations can absorb catastrophic costs in ways that smaller companies can't. Carbon taxes will limit competition (and thus green energy development) and ensure the major polluters and producers will continue to thrive. Centralization of energy distribution will continue, we'll pay lip service to carbon reduction, and the rich will get richer.
It has not been demonstrated that this is a fraud. Indeed energy companies benefit more from status quo.

Incorrect. The giant corporations will benefit greatly from the new funds this new tax will harvest from the people. This is why their media outlets invest billions of dollars worth of programming hours promoting the new tax.

People deserve to be taxed more.
I could get behind the fact that the planet is warming, just skeptical as to how much ( if at all ) humans contribute to this. I'm highly skeptical of all politicians and even more so when they lean more to the liberal / democrat side. It's all about control.

Me too on getting behind it, except for one fact. I just went through one of the coldest winters yet!!!!!
Is someone here recommending New World Order depopulation?
Maybe half or 3.5 billion people? Yup, that ought to be enough.
Filter out all the spins - the facts are self-evident. Yet instead we have passions governing a scientific conversation.

The following is an example of how easily polarized people allow themselves to become. The reality gets blurred.

Text: "In 1992, Stella Liebeck spilled scalding McDonald's coffee in her lap and later sued the company, attracting a flood of negative attention. It turns out there was more to the story."
Neither of these are contrary to my position. What they both emphasize is the corporate value position that they should have total control and want to operate freely without consequences or taxes on themselves. But the fact holds that when they are not allowed to write the laws they have to deal with environmental positions that slow down their own defiling of the planet. So the only regs they like are ones that they can write. They are constantly befuddled by environmental and ethical regulations because profit does not believe in either. This is why North American corporations love to rape and pillage in third world markets where laws protecting the local populous do not exist or are bypassed for paltry sums redirected to slack officers: see China's corporations at work in Africa, and American mining companies in the lower Americas.

Similarly, with taxes they personally believe that they bear no weight or burden in society and they should have to pay little by way of taxes for things like community infrastructure support. Consequently their goal is to be subsidized by gov't where possible. The fact remains that taxing their products means the consumer buys less of their product because taxes go to gov't coffers for things like infrastructure support or dealing with the enormous social costs of consuming such devastating products like cigarettes that corporations told us was good and healthy for us. They despise sin taxes and carbon taxes as that means that there's something wrong with their product and people are constrained to buy less of it.