Angel of Ioren
Friendly Skeptic
Watch the video to see how dumb you sound when you argue against the fact that humans are the cause of climate change!
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?Corporations love government regulation and write that vast majority of them.
? x 2Giant energy corporations are pushing the Climate Fraud because they will be the beneficiaries of the global Carbon Tax.
It has not been demonstrated that this is a fraud. Indeed energy companies benefit more from status quo.
I could get behind the fact that the planet is warming, just skeptical as to how much ( if at all ) humans contribute to this. I'm highly skeptical of all politicians and even more so when they lean more to the liberal / democrat side. It's all about control.
Neither of these are contrary to my position. What they both emphasize is the corporate value position that they should have total control and want to operate freely without consequences or taxes on themselves. But the fact holds that when they are not allowed to write the laws they have to deal with environmental positions that slow down their own defiling of the planet. So the only regs they like are ones that they can write. They are constantly befuddled by environmental and ethical regulations because profit does not believe in either. This is why North American corporations love to rape and pillage in third world markets where laws protecting the local populous do not exist or are bypassed for paltry sums redirected to slack officers: see China's corporations at work in Africa, and American mining companies in the lower Americas.You are unfamiliar with Regulatory capture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also, check out what is Subsidy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia