Thursday Feb. 24th Kevin Randle PhD on the Budd Hopkins/Carol Rainey story.
The UFO and Paranormal fields have always had their share of “colorful” characters, but in recent times none quite as “colorful” or vicious and vindictive as Kal Korff. Billing himself as a full Colonel, “promoted” from a Captain to Colonel in one fell swoop in the non-existent “Israeli Founded Special Secret Services, a so-called terrorist fighting group, Korff has over the years attempted to “slash and burn” his way to “Debunking Stardom.” Making grandiose claims like “inventing nano-dust” and going on special secret missions to the borders of India and Pakistan to sprinkle this stuff, (and never a reason why or as if a “secret agent” would talk about this on the internet!) to calling peoples employers with whom he feuds in an attempt to make their lives miserable, Korff has appeared increasingly unstable and more bizarre as time goes by. One famous incident DMR covers is when former radio host Art Bell, of Coast to Coast fame, was slandered and liabled by Korff and Bell forced Korff to admit it on his huge show.
Dark Matters Radio has interviewed a number of people who has had close contact and experience with Korff , this will be a very telling expose! To air Friday, February 25, 2011 --- 10:00 PM Pacific.
Dark Matters airs Monday thru Friday on the Cameo Ent./CyberstationUSA Network, airing from 10:00 PM Pacific until Midnight.
CyberstationUSA <the listen live link>
Dark Matters Radio, hosted by Don Ecker
The Kal K Korff Expose
Dark Matters Radio has interviewed a number of people who has had close contact and experience with Korff , this will be a very telling expose! To air Friday, February 25, 2011 --- 10:00 PM Pacific.
Dark Matters airs Monday thru Friday on the Cameo Ent./CyberstationUSA Network, airing from 10:00 PM Pacific until Midnight.
CyberstationUSA <the listen live link>