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UFO Documentary - Australia (2009) - Westall 1966: A Suburban UFO Mystery

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sure it's a sensational presentation. That doesn't change the multiple witness sighting of at least one disk. Children may not be trained observers, but they are too often not given enough credit in these type of reports('94 Zimbabwe) Sure it's possible Australia was testing some new craft near a school in '66- but in my opinion it's highly unlikely. The description of the object and behavior, not to mention location- test craft just doesn't make alot of sense.

Sensational in the sense that there is all the mysterious but not much in the way of pedantic facts: the unconscious girl being taken away and never appearing again at school is never followed up. Why bring it up if not to create more of a sense of 'wow'. Reason for the missing child could be because of other children - was she knocked down by other children, etc.

Regarding the children: they can be unerring reporters, but it depends on the circumstances. This is such a confused situation - as described, it brings a lot of the reporting by the children into question imo. Especially as a few of the 'reporters' came forward as adults who claim to have been children at the school at the time. I just wonder - factoring in human nature.

The documentary does it's job to entertain and bring the incident to the fore - but it's not a real documentary-like presentation, and so raises more questions in certain ways than it answers imo. I will credit it with paying attention to the experimental craft possibility, but I find the maneuvers described in one instance not credible even with an experimental craft. There are some things I am just not willing to 'swallow' at face-value and that is one. More human nature at work there than physics methinks.
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I agree the whole passing out, never to return is a bit much. Both you and trainedobserv make some good points, I just question the experimental craft idea- if only because the location itself. Assuming it was such, many young lives could have been lost. If such a craft took a turn for the worst, there would have been alot of explaining to do. Testing a new vehicle, and/or the public reaction to such, could have been conducted in a safter environment. You would expect a place like "the beach on a spring day" vs a "school campus" -but I suppose anything is possible.
I'll report to the agonizer booth immediately.

I'm good with the "we don't know what it was" tag, too, but what this is how I break it down....

1. what they saw was beyond conventional aircraft.
2. witnesses reported a "traditional " flying saucer, implying that, alien or not, they are "real" regardless of who or what is flying them.
3. witnesses were intimidated and fear-factored into silence and generally made to feel as if their observations projected a veil of ridiculousness and idiocy upon them.
4. the greater testimony is discarded because, "They were just kids" or "There was only one adult and, like others, we can discredit his experience as misidentification or hype."

My frustration stems from the fact that there's still a general belief out there there are so such things as UFO's such as these, and that there's no organized campaign to shut people up about them when reported. To me this story exemplifies the fact that UFO's are genuine (behind mis-identification of, say, a conventional aircraft flying in a banking maneuver to make it look like a disk side-on), and witnesses are being mocked or intimidated to shut up about what they say.

That.....irritates me a bit, but that being said, I'm onboard with it being a top-secret aircraft, human in origin, that was on a test flight that may have faltered a bit. I could argue against that (I'm schitzophrenic like that at times) but the idea is on-the-board for me.
I agree with you completely Jeff. They do seem to have encountered what can only be described as a Flying Saucer. Its origin and purpose remain unknown and probably unknowable.