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UFO disrupts air traffic in China

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[SIZE=+1]UFO disrupts air traffic in east China[/SIZE]
Xinhua ^ | 07/08/10
Posted on Thursday, July 08, 2010 7:21:41 PM by TigerLikesRooster
UFO disrupts air traffic in east China
English.news.cn 2010-07-08 11:14:50
HANGZHOU, July 8 (Xinhua) -- An unidentified flying object disrupted air traffic over Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province, late Wednesday, the municipal government said Thursday.
Xiaoshan Airport was closed after the UFO was detected at around 9 p.m. and some flights were rerouted to airports in Ningbo and Wuxi cities, said an airport spokesman.
The airport had resumed operations and more details would be revealed after an investigation, he said.
Swamp Gas
Bird Poo
a flare
mass hallucination
time compression
test dummies

just kidding
Although China is investing a substantial amount to grow its military, it is not known to have one of the more technologically advanced forces -- indeed far from it. I would be skeptical if someone claimed that a 'non-traditional' airplane is merely an experimental craft.
Looking at the picture, it seems like there's something a little odd about the way the power/telephone line crosses the UFO.
Looking at the picture, it seems like there's something a little odd about the way the power/telephone line crosses the UFO.
The line disappears over the most luminous part of the UFO, which is normal.
Could also be a very good fake ... I tend to be cautious with pictures that are not part of a well documented case, let's see what comes out of this one.
Looking at the picture, it seems like there's something a little odd about the way the power/telephone line crosses the UFO.

I agree. Anyone with a keen eye for detail can see the UFO has been pasted in, and not very skilfully. With a strong light source behind it, the power line should appear much darker directly in front of the UFO. Yet it seems to vanish by running directly through the alleged craft!
I don't know if the object has been pasted in, but it does appear to be a long exposure image.

That being the case, the object might just be a conventional aircraft which has been rendered practically unidentifiable due to the exposure time.

*I don't think this is a valid UFO picture. I'm off to check the Exif data.
Well, whatever the picture shows, there was radar contact as well. If they try to spin it as a private aircraft, what kind of private aircraft loiters around in the airspace of a Chinese airport shutting it down, without having a whole lot of Chinese metal thundering it's way?
UFO over China on Wed.

Half of the entire Chinese population believes in UFOs.
<!-- TEXT BLOCK 1 --> Hundreds of scientists and engineers conduct thorough studies of the unidentified phenomenon. According to Chinese ufologists, aliens live among humans. Ugologists also claim that recently aliens started to show more interest in China. ((source))(http://english.pravda.ru/science/19/94/378/11796_ufo.html)

here are some of the "Ufo clubs"

Hong Kong UFO Club
http://www.ufo.org.hk/ (Chinese website)
BURO – Beijing UFO Research Organization
http://www.bast.net.cn/bjkx/xstt/kpyjc/bjufoxh/xhjj.shtml (Chinese website)((source))(http://www.webeufobelievers.co.uk/blog/?p=1963)
UFO over China on Wed.

Has anyone seen this ? Do the Chinese have UFO researchers ? Can we get this on the Show ? Gene ?


There's even a photo that looks too good to be true.......

OK, it's Friday. Where's the explanation??

"A source with knowledge of the matter, however, told China Daily on Thursday that authorities had learned what the UFO was after an investigation.

But it was not the proper time to publicly disclose the information because there was a military connection, he said, adding that an official explanation is expected to be given on Friday."

I also found this interesting:

"At around 11 pm on Wednesday, a netizen wrote three entries announcing the airport's closure in

his microblog at Sina.com, but they were all soon deleted.

He posted an apology at midnight, saying the news had not been confirmed and asking those who had republished his earlier entries to delete them."
UFO over China on Wed.

It is clearly a long exposure shot, look at the 'blurriness and softness' of the surrounding scenery(if no one messed with the photo that is).
It looks fascinating, but I'm more inclined to say its a plane.
UFO over China on Wed.

Man this case could be a good one... We have Radar, a government diverting flights and possibly several consistent independent pictures and witnesses... Let's see...

If it is a hoax it's of the Californian drones calibre.