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Second Species On Earth Controls Money & Religion

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Paranormal Adept
Former World Bank Senior Council Says A “Second Species” On Earth Controls Money & Religion |Higher Perspective

“These countries are not monolithic, there are forces fighting the corruption and there are forces that have totally been co-opted, and the way they act is treasonous to the people in those countries. The group that’s behind the network of control are the Jesuits, and there are also some groups behind them. One of these groups are hominids, they’re not human beings. They are very smart, they are not creative, they are mathematical. They had a much stronger force in the earlier ice-age. They have elongated skulls, they may produce offspring in mating with female humans, but that offspring is not fertile. We live in a world of secret societies, and secrets, and the information that ought to be public is not public.” (source starts at approximately 21:20)

Sorry but this just sounds like the plot to a bad B movie.
So what do we all think? just more ball shit on the playground of life or is there something to it?
Cryptoterrestrials? Is this a little hint that this may in fact be the case or is it simple bat shit.
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She seems on one hand to be a well educated and formally highly placed professional. I believe the money laundering and corruption claims, yet, the revelation of the non-human species is so fantastic, so reality jarring, it seems to negate any creditability she might have. Is there another reason for the additional element to the story I wonder? It is hard to understand the motivations and veracity of anyone speaking in the public arena about anything, much less way out things like this.
She seems on one hand to be a well educated and formally highly placed professional. I believe the money laundering and corruption claims, yet, the revelation of the non-human species is so fantastic, so reality jarring, it seems to negate any creditability she might have. Is there another reason for the additional element to the story I wonder? It is hard to understand the motivations and veracity of anyone speaking in the public arena about anything, much less way out things like this.

Yeah it seemed so far off the wall that it has had me scratching my head all morning as to why a person like that would say such things.

But then again people can be functional and bat shit mad at the same time.. take Ozzy Osbourn for instance :p
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Yeah it seemed so far off the wall that it has had me scratching my head all morning as to why a person like that would say such things.

But then again people can be functional and bat shit mad at the same time.. take Ozzy Osbourn for instance :p

And her colleagues and family members are likely cringing. :rolleyes:

With someone like this - so obviously a tad skewed in the sum of her thinking - is it possible she is riding the coattails of real whilstleblowers because she was fired from the WB after her craziness started manifesting? Wouldn't be the first time. So a lot of good stuff gets hashed up with the bogus - making the real whistleblowers' whistleblowing scattered and lost because of her. She is not convincing imo even when talking her schtick about corruption - something about it all is ott and pre-packaged. No details just broad strokes with a dollop of anti-papist rhetoric thrown in for good measure.

She says: "all the money goes to the Vatican", she mentions the Jesuits as being a suspect group :rolleyes:, she talks about homo compensus - nonsensical, but anyone who uses the styler 'homo' is working with dog whistles. Something is wrong. She's making the Vatican a 'species of beings' - "critters" - good lord, if its not any more obvious what she is peddling (hate and fear of certain groups). She is definitely a provocateur - but it may be a madness on her own terms. She apparently has dabbled with the Niburu idea claiming she was 'snookered'. She's obviously persona non grata on Wikipedia. Unpleasant lady all 'round.
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She seems on one hand to be a well educated and formally highly placed professional. I believe the money laundering and corruption claims, yet, the revelation of the non-human species is so fantastic, so reality jarring, it seems to negate any creditability she might have. Is there another reason for the additional element to the story I wonder? It is hard to understand the motivations and veracity of anyone speaking in the public arena about anything, much less way out things like this.

Perhaps she benewitzed herself so she wasn't found at the foot of a sky scraper.

At best, Hudes is a sheltered, life-long bureaucrat with zero "street smarts".

I've worked with such people. They are shocked when authority figures break the law. They suffer from the delusion that committee meetings, inter-agency memos, policy documents, Boards of Directors, and audit reports by Arthur Anderson or Deloitte constitute the real world.

I think Huges is genuine, but like a sorority girl suddenly booted off a fancy, protected tour bus into the back streets of Acapulco. She is believing every story given her by both the crazy homeless person and the street con looking to exploit her.

I actually believe there is a very small possibility the "homo copensus" she speaks of could be real, but she completely lacks the experience to evaluate such things and is burning her credentials by speaking about them.

The darker option is that she is a disinformation agent, witting or unwitting, whose job is to make the idea that financial elites conspire look insane.
Hudes is a disinformation agent. My change of opinion is based upon Jan Irvin's 2014-04-01 interview with Ms. Hudes.

An Interview with Karen Hudes, J.D. - “The World Bank: Centralization and Corruption” - #197 - Gnostic Media

Interview Summary: Hudes pesters every government official she can think of. They all tell her to go take a hike. From this experience she recommends that we fix the problem by doing the same.

MP3 direct link: Download (1:33 — 86MB)

For interesting connections, plug her husband's name into your favorite search engine: "Barry A. Spergel". He is mobbed-up with Agenda 21.

JD = Yale Law degree (Skull & Bones-run school), MA = Chicago (Trotsky) "Social Thought", BA = "Wesleyan Philosophy", ...always a fun mix. :) (link)

Trivia Fun Fact: Karen's house is 6 miles, or 14 minutes from CIA headquarters (driving directions).