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Santa Fe man aims to solve mystery of cattle mutilations

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Did your dad meet any of the MIB?

The helicopters use a sling to lift the drugged or dead cow upon capture and finally drop it by air *away* from the original capture site. So, the original crime scene is moved/lost to criminal investigators, and the landing zone where the cow was dropped dead is NOT where the cow was originally captured.

I personally think some organized effort is testing for trace evidence of a very dangerous "toxin" in the environment that is related to where and what cattle are exposed to. This could be bio-weapons of some type that can be connected to cattle.

Why do I say this?

Because the lip area and tongue is being removed too. This indicates something the cattle are eating and are exposed to, so "something" is out there for decades that needs to be monitored and tracked.

IMO, this is why cattle are taken in that region (mostly), but "they" need random sampling to understand the exposures of what is being monitored and tracked. That is WHY private land owners that run cattle can be hit "out of the blue". That is WHY the government cannot do these tests on government land. These tests are tied to the land within that region, so it's not just a cattle experiment that could be done on government land or tied just to the animal.

Also, the fact the rectum and sexual parts are removed too, again, shows the need to monitor something that is ingested in the cattle.
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Btw, if the government blows-up how many nuclear weapons on the surface of our own nation exposing all living creatures downwind to the dangers of radiation poisoning, then WTF it easily can and will do sampling of cattle to track its top secret programs that are tied to its test areas. Frack you Americans... this is classified, need to know, frack you! I understand.

Is there a need to know?????????

What experiments were done in that region since the 1970's (and before) ???

What government test ranges and low flyover areas are there?

Give us the pin marks on the maps where DEFINITE patterned kills were found that DEFINITELY match these same patterned dissections?
Well dads a no an no there was no sling marks I'm try to find out if I can find someone else that had a incident

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Well dads a no an no there was no sling marks...

One way that cattle were KNOWN to be transported by a "sling method" is there were eyewitness accounts, but the sling marks were NOT documented on those same cattle dissections. So...

Sling mark impressions are not guaranteed to be present to the untrained eye even if it was used. Evidence could have been taken to determine that, but you would not have known to do that back then.

You have posted not enough info here to even determine for me "the reader" that the cow was even transported by helicopter [UFO] or air dropped.

The cow could be killed and the helicopter just hovered, and some ground cover device/platform could be dropped or hovered over/next to the cow for humans to use & leave no trace. Or, recall, the Mission Impossible movie types... the guy is just dropped down on a harness suspended in the air... he never touches the ground... he gets the samples... off they go.
Lol no rotor wash have u ever been near a chopper on take off an I'm hardly untrained eyes

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Lol no rotor wash have u ever been near a chopper on take off an I'm hardly untrained eyes
The rotor wash is avoided entirely, because the helicopter is high-up above the ground. In theory, it could be very high-up too with high strength lightweight Kevlar rope to suspend Humans/Cows. You've maybe seen on TV the Coast Guard rescues at sea, for example. Imagine what blackops can do for a specialized mission. The helicopter could be hundreds of feet or a thousand feet above and hover.
And why would they the M I get that Intel thought other means! They don't need to steal cows in the night!

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And why would they the M I get that Intel thought other means! They don't need to steal cows in the night!
The sampling is tied to the location too. That is why the mission requires sampling on private land too. BOTH the cattle and location are required for a proper sample, otherwise the mission could be done in-house off private lands.

Your experience involved MIB with the rancher/farmer, so he died with a lot of valuable witness information. Too bad your dad won't talk, but that seems to point more to some top secret program too! He won't talk in fear of the MIB.
No top secret no MI no chopper they don't need to bio com an the military get that Intel from other means. I ruled them out years ago.

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No top secret no MI no chopper they don't need to bio com an the military get that Intel from other means. I ruled them out years ago.
Based on what you told me your age is in the mid-forties, so I'm requesting you write in more detail and express yourself more clearly. Try to include at least a paragraph when possible. Check my posts. I need more details to communicate well.

Thanks, sincerely.
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Ok why would the U.S. Gov need to take cattle for what reason when they get the info that people say they get from cattle ? From vets cattle commission ect two they buy cattle through different groups including cdc. Cattle are not a good indicator birds are an wildlife biologist send in this data. The kdwp also send in dear ect data the ag department add about 3x the data wild life and parks dose. Lol they don't need the info they can't deal whit what they have! I have been at this for a long time I just have no interest in getting into the noise writing a book only data.

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1) Did you read the book by Greg Valdez AND watch Mirage Men movie?

2) Why do you think MIB showed-up in your case w/dad and farmer???

Things to consider:

For one thing "the government" is not one entity, and much of their work is done by PRIVATE CONTRACTORS too. Especially, top secret programs are compartmentalized, often contracted out to a 3rd party, even warfare too, and it's all 'need to know'. Gives them plausible deniability.

Do you or I need to know??? Wink. wink.

Let's be clear. There are some VERY SICK DESPICABLE HOAXERS doing this too! Some are ET-UFO insane people, for example, the flayed calf at Skinwalker Ranch. There is fraud too! Also, remember Heaven's Gate to understand just how crazy this can get.

Unless good evidence is collected near the time of death, then this going to be almost impossible to determine whether it's predator or Human in that specific instance.

Specific cases can be solved IF good evidence is captured near the time of death.

I'm ONLY interested in the PATTERNED DISSECTIONS -these are not random mutilations done by predators. These are Human caused.

I only care about the area in Colorado AND the surrounding states. This is where the Humans have focused doing this.

Gabe Valdez knew a lot about this, and so does his son Greg. You need to read Greg's book and watch that movie.

Whatever the Human reasons, beyond the copycats, IT IS TIED to the cattle AND that region.

PATTERNS will emerge with good data.
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First off the MIB did not start in us there are reports in The Ukraine and Russia well before us reports. Greg well Ya let's not go there !!! First off I been cleaning game most of my life an I could not repeat the cut in daylight night vision was a total fail even whit the vets help. I seen others try using a heifer that died. I'm a ham so I hear thing from all over the world well not for the last 3 months ants gone wind got my virt an my G5 . The incident aforementioned is not the only one I seen human kill an real mute have one difference yotes cats will not come near them an how is the us pulling off cattle kills in the ussr mid 76 and before. I am very sure it was not the kgb I'm very sure the migs scrambled to intercept didn't imagine things that they were chasing. Have u ever seen a mute in person do u know MI personal have u tried to get a cows tongue out in the dark using Sir plus Soviet night vision goggles that was worth 12 + stitches or are u getting your info from books! I'm in need of real cold hard facts I real prefer the shadows an trying to research stuff by myself!!! but I just got down an dirty whit mistress death ended up in the cardiac Cath Lab now I'm taking pills wearing a heart monitor lol death by heart prob what a joke? Ok I know humans are on clean up an cover up but they are not the ones killing and cutting.? I'm also not happy whit the et thing yes know maybe and why cattle pigs and birds make far more logical choice. I do not get it?

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It was and still is a big military project, and one of the best kept secrets...ever. I worked on several parts of it for 3 years.
Thank you sincerely for posting here. Can you please "nod" and somehow indicate as vaguely or precisely as is possible about [some or all of] these questions below.

It's something humans caused that spread in the environment decades ago that must be tracked and tested periodically?

Or, is this something that is being developed and modified and released again and again over time and test sampled to learn the new effects of what is tested?

Are these samples being assessed for military applications for something that is eaten and/or inhaled?

Or, is this some kind of bio-hazard that is affecting only cattle? If yes, can it likely spread to humans too, and that is the greatest concern???

Of course, one other theory is the atomic bomb test "Plow Share" for natural gas fracking that might be leaking over time. Or, sampling for all the underground and above ground nuclear tests too. Is that it?

Or, is it a combination of some of the above?

Did you go onsite to witness the cattle dissection sampling too?

Is there something in the environment there that could be dangerous to cattle and/or humans, so people eating the cattle or living nearby could be endangered somehow?

Or, none of the above. It's some other kind of weapon or weapons development program? And, Or, UFO/UAO testing too! :D

Thank you, sincerely! Really! Thanks.
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The rotor wash is avoided entirely, because the helicopter is high-up above the ground. In theory, it could be very high-up too with high strength lightweight Kevlar rope to suspend Humans/Cows. You've maybe seen on TV the Coast Guard rescues at sea, for example. Imagine what blackops can do for a specialized mission. The helicopter could be hundreds of feet or a thousand feet above and hover.
Have you ever seen the winch and cable in the Coast Guard helicopter? It is huge and it is for what 100 feet or so? You would have to have one of those huge copters with a special rig to get someone down from that high.