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Politics & The CIC/Prez

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Why don't we deal with a real issue, which is not whether or not Biden misspoke or exaggerated something? He's a known gaff machine. Compare that to his predecessor, the twice-impeached defeated President Trump, who told so many blatant lies, they numbered in the tens of thousands.

The real issue is the cause of inflation and the best way to handle it.

In addition to taking measures to deal with ongoing supply chain issues around the world, which contributes to the problem, Biden is allowing the Federal Reserve to direct the pace of the economy by adjusting interest rates. This is precisely what they did during the early days of the Reagan administration to reduce then rampant inflation. It worked then, and it'll probably work now.
Why don't we deal with a real issue ...
Sure ... just lift the censorship on anything related to COVID management.
The real issue is the cause of inflation and the best way to handle it.
The evidence is that massive overspending and economic compromises caused by COVID mismanagement is a significant driver of current inflation — so why not lift the censorship?
I'm not getting into your set of false conspiracies about COVID. It's not so much overspending, but not spending enough or using scientific and logistical expertise to deal with the crisis, and not planning on how the supply chain would be disrupted during the time of the original breakouts.
One of the main causes of inflation is the rise of fuel prices.

Consider the dreadful deal Trump made with Saudi Arabia to cut oil production for two years:

Now we're asking them to raise production and, in fact, fuel prices are going way down from peak levels. The price of gas in my area is now 70-80 cents per gallon lower.

And let's not forget the stupid trade war with China, where Trump imagined the duties paid by the private companies importing goods were, in fact, being paid by China. He said it over and over again despite being corrected many times.

Yet another source of inflation.
When it comes to claims about the videos the committee is playing were deceptively edited, how about producing an actual video to demonstrate what was omitted? All you present are people saying things.
I understand that's why I'm looking to go with UnX Network nextime.
It's not a streaming service. There's a membership option for a newsletter, a monthly lecture and another thing or two. But it doesn't change the way shows are presented, which is free. In saying that, there are some good people there despite my concerns with Kay.
Again, my concern with the GOP is not the philosophy of limited government (except for gays and a woman's uterus) and tax cuts for rich people, it's about the crazies that Trump helped bring to the party.


Why don't we deal with a real issue, which is not whether or not Biden misspoke or exaggerated something? He's a known gaff machine. Compare that to his predecessor, the twice-impeached defeated President Trump, who told so many blatant lies, they numbered in the tens of thousands.

The real issue is the cause of inflation and the best way to handle it.

In addition to taking measures to deal with ongoing supply chain issues around the world, which contributes to the problem, Biden is allowing the Federal Reserve to direct the pace of the economy by adjusting interest rates. This is precisely what they did during the early days of the Reagan administration to reduce then rampant inflation. It worked then, and it'll probably work now.
Show me just one tenth of your foolish allegation and you might get my attention.