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online cattle mutilation report database?

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Help please:
I have tried a google search for an online cattle mutilation report database and can't find one.
I would like to make or find a "layer" for google earth based on reported incidents (similar to the Bigfoot map).
any suggestions?
thank you in advance.
best wishes
I have tried a google search for an online cattle mutilation report database and can't find one.
There are five major databases for the mute phenomenon. Tom Adams' long-defunct Project Stigma (from 1978-1989), David Perkins' Animal Mutilation Probe (From 1970-1979), Linda Howe's Earthfiles (from 1999 to present), Tommy Blann's remaining files, (the bulk of them were stolen in 1995) plus there are a couple of others that cover the '70s and 80s. My new book Stalking the Herd will coalesce all these databases into one time-lined format that starts in 1606 and will go to the present. At some point I'll attempt to get some help and put the whole data set into a spread sheet format for ease of use and quick access for individual data points.
Chris - you mention stolen files from a Tommy Blann - any more idea as to what happened to all your handwritten notes from Greg Valdez

I realise that they were not solely on the unexplained livestock death phenomenon but considering how few serious research attempts there have been, ain't it a little weird that two people involved seem to have 'mislaid' files/notes? And of course I don't think anyone 'mislaid' anything.

If you seriously think someone stole them, then it could either be a opportunistic theft (unlikely considering the notes were only things taken) or someone was following you with a view to getting a hold of them. But that of course is pretty freaky as that means someone somewhere thought it important enough to put a tail on you etc. How did anyone know you would be travelling with those notes etc? I'm surprised you haven't mentioned it more on the show. Perhaps it's something you don't want to add fire too?