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More Speaking Bigfoot...

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Paranormal Maven
Okay guys, this is the latest from Sasquatch Ontario, where the cameraman, and owner of the property have been 'habituating' a group of what they are calling primal people :

Fascinating stuff... if its the real deal, which I think this is..it could blow the lid off the whole Sasquatch myth once and for all.

Thanks! I am starting to watch them.
These sasquatches can weave but cannot make winter footwear... interesting.
Thanks! I am starting to watch them.
These sasquatches can weave but cannot make winter footwear... interesting.

:) That is a very good observation, and point, but hey they might have some damn thick old soles on their feet and feel no need..who knows..
I have to say I've been following Sasquatch Ontario for a little while now and if it's all fake, it's done exceptionally well. It's really interesting so far...
:) That is a very good observation, and point, but hey they might have some damn thick old soles on their feet and feel no need..who knows..
Thick soles might withstand cold. Toes not so much. I am calling this fake until I see a photo of one or a dead one. With all the awesome trail cams out there these guys should have tons of good photos by now.
According to Mike, the guy that runs the channel, these beings are very aware of cameras...but ..that could be a very convenient answer...I guess we'll see..
According to Mike, the guy that runs the channel, these beings are very aware of cameras...but ..that could be a very convenient answer...I guess we'll see..
I am sure they are very aware :rolleyes: ... I call bullshit.. what has it been...8 months and no one has followed tracks or set up a camera yet they have taught the sasquatch to speak and make arts and craft crap...
Well, he says they are trying a 'different' approach, trying to gain trust etc, etc.. If it turns out to be the real deal it will be nothing short of spectacular. If its a hoax, then this guy is nothing more than pond scum of the lowest order.
Well, he says they are trying a 'different' approach, trying to gain trust etc, etc.. If it turns out to be the real deal it will be nothing short of spectacular. If its a hoax, then this guy is nothing more than pond scum of the lowest order.
Then I would suggest leaving a few pairs of size 20 winter boots out for them. If they can weave, they can tie a boot lace.
What fascinates me more are the Sierra Sounds from the 70's. Those are downright spooky sounding. I would not at all be surprised if they big guys can communicate in sorm form of language.
If they are truly a primal people of some sort, then why would they bother making footwear if they have adapted to survive without it? Unless there is a strong need they might not be too concerned about exerting energy to cover those big old land boats. Teaching them to wear shoes might be interesting, suddenly we no longer see enormous human looking prints but giant tread marks from boots mysteriously appearing around the forest. :D

As far as the vocalizations: I can understand Pixelsmith's initial interpretation (that this is some guy moaning into a mic or whatever). It does sound very human at times, but if these are in any way related to us or similar in their natural design, then why would it be surprising that they might share similar vocal qualities? I have heard people say that they can reach some serious decibels. I don't know much about the science of sound, but I wonder if it's possible to record such instances to prove that their lungs/vocal abilities are beyond that of a normal human being. I imagine our sound output levels are limited base on our vocal abilities and lung size, but someone more knowledgeable can tell me I'm wrong if there's a flaw in my logic.

And that being said, of course they aren't going to randomly roam around screaming at the top of their lungs all the time just so we can record them. Even some of the quieter sounds have an eerily authentic quality to them. Maybe too practiced and unique to sound like someone just making up the sound of a bigfoot as they go. That's just my interpretation. I'm not saying I 100% believe them to be authentic, but it's definitely something to consider as more evidence is (hopefully) brought in over time.

What fascinates me more are the Sierra Sounds from the 70's. Those are downright spooky sounding. I would not at all be surprised if they big guys can communicate in sorm form of language.

As Goggs said, are there any links online you can share? I would love to check them out!

Unfortunately the existence of such determined hoaxers and modern technology means that the only completely convincing evidence would be bringing one in dead or alive for all to see. In the meantime, I find some videos and sound bites very intriguing and worth serious consideration. There are some that I believe could be genuine (although they seem to be floating on an endless sea of fake crap).
One of the researches who captured the "chatter" - Al Berry - passed away recently. His associate Ron Moorehead (also a participant) is still around. Somewhere I found more of the recordings - you can hear some give and take between several of the suspected sasquatches - including what almost sounds (from a HUMAN perception) an argument between them. I will need to look for it later,