Paranormally Disenchanted
I'm not sure of the region in Don's photo, or if that is the photo Bara used in his book, however, the argument against satellite dishes on the moon is a good one, and that is that stationary lunar orbits are impossible.
Craters can look like domes and dishes, especially in the lower resolution high contrast photographs. I can't see anything like a satellite dish in Dons photo. As in most of these anomalous objects in old lunar photos, the matter of scale comes into play. That is a photo of a very large region, any feature that might appear to be a dish or hut would be incredibly huge, miles across.
Craters can look like domes and dishes, especially in the lower resolution high contrast photographs. I can't see anything like a satellite dish in Dons photo. As in most of these anomalous objects in old lunar photos, the matter of scale comes into play. That is a photo of a very large region, any feature that might appear to be a dish or hut would be incredibly huge, miles across.