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March 18, 2018 — Rick Doty with J. Randall Murphy

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I'm not saying UFOs don't exist. They may do. I'm saying that Air force counter intelligence has been propagating the meme since the 50s to great effect to cause doubt (and waste enemy resource investigating) that exotic tech in the sky is not American but actually other worldly.

It is interesting, but it seems wrong; to think that somehow muddying the Air Force "actuals" (i.e. real American derived "exotic" tech) signal with alien intrigue wouldn't just cause the public to react and swarm around AFB looking for alien craft -- then all the Russians would need is a monitor on the sightings to determine the timing or significance of the "actuals"

Now you have two problems:

(1) You've given a direct signal line to your enemy on what to look for (public ufo flaps and hysteria)
(2) Now you've got hundreds of civilians (and possibily misinformed military) bearing down on sensitive installations and bases looking for aliens (or exotic craft)

If I had the guess the real goal of AF counter intelligence in this context was to discredit ETH (i.e. poisoning the well)
Here is my theory about UFOs and the Air force

- This is nothing to do with aliens visiting earth and everything to do with counter intelligence

- UFOs are about obfuscation and distortion of classified military technology. If you can create a false reality that aliens are real and flying in our airspace you can get your enemy double guessing whether reports of unidentified craft are real American tech they should be trying to keep speed with or just mysterious elusive aliens. It's a smoke screen and its been working fantastically since the 50s

Timeline is interesting here:

- Oct 2017, to the stars academy presentation with experts and insiders telling us aliens and ufos are real

- Dec 2017, NY Times story with Luis Elizondo telling us ufos are real

- March 5 2018, the new B21 next gen stealth aircraft is officially confirmed and is going to Edwards for testing. If this thing has active camouflage or other exotic stealth tech like image projection, it wouldn't hurt to get a renewed surge into the alien meme and to get everyone (including your enemy) thinking again about aliens when they see strange technology in the sky.

- March 18 2018, Rick Doty on the paracast telling us aliens are real (Not convincingly lol)

Imagine if we knew 100% that aliens did not exist, if we saw technology in the sky we would know it had to be human technology. So if you can convince your enemy that it's not just humans up in the sky well then maybe this is not the next gen of US tech, maybe its aliens. And that my friends is counter intelligence working like a Swiss watch.

But--per your own stated objective--this would result in the worst possible counter intelligence -- as I indicated in an earlier reply (I need to read these posts in order!) All of these stories come from dubious individuals known to be hoaxers (edit: hyperbole here...sorry) --it doesn't take a genius to see that none of these claims even if taken seriously are going to have the effect of "keeping people distracted from American tech" -- in fact it would do the opposite (as I have indicate earlier). So you end up with a bigger problem than what you started with (as a counter-intel person--"you're fired").

In fact, everything in the list above indicates a different objective (if we go with the counter intelligence hypothesis) -- and that it would more likely discredit the nuts-and-bolts ETH and similar interpretations.
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When it comes to military technology if we know about it there's a reason. I looked at some of the info available about the B21 Raider being built for U.S. Global Strike Command. Sounds scary and cool and appeals to my geekery. Maybe the announcement itself if a bit of misdirection; for what purpose is anybody's guess. I don't recall announcements like that prior to the construction of the B2 or F117 - we found out about them when they were used and at that point they had been in service for some time. Bombers with global reach aren't another destroyer or submarine or tank, they are strategic national defense.

The B2 has been around for decades and we have only become aware of it relatively recently; typically anything revealed to the general public is nearing the end of its lifecycle.

I heard an interview somewhere - I think Reuters War College - with a defense analyst that was discussing why B-52s are still flying, why we still use B1s and a little more of the back story on B2s. He was suggesting that the 'next bomber' isn't one aircraft at all but a suite of manned and unmanned devices that operate in concert. This is why I find the general announcement about the B21 a bit odd. It's not hard to imagine that whatever the hell a 'suite' of strategic weapons systems looks like it's probably damned exotic. Also not hard to imagine that it may have already been built and is in service at some level.
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Yeah, but as soon as I return, it feels like there's a target on my back. I can't win, I can't even tie! Either I'm too tough and I'm accused of "badgering" our guest, or I'm not tough enough and I'm part of "a kiss-ass choir." Thanks for the positive mention—At least some listeners like yourself, appreciate my role and my efforts!
You just keep being you, man.
I'm about 50 minutes in and he's already contradicted himself enough that I'm having trouble listening to him without getting frustrated.

How you guys stayed cool and professional, I have no idea.

LMH got so close to the truth that she scared the military? Seriously? That must be why they showed her what was probably the same 'briefing' video that Doty describes right? Because what a great way to shut someone up - give them more info. And LMH has been caught pushing two hoaxes at least that I know of.

And there was a completely separate crash at Corona, or was it Aztec, not sure, he just kept playing fast and loose with dates and locations.

'He's just telling it the way it is.' Sure. The military has admitted that aliens are here. Sure. All the 50's sci-fi tropes come out to play with this guy... who admits that he was trained to lie to people. And worked for people with an economic and power vested interest in lying to the public. So that must mean he's telling the truth, right?
Delving on EBE's home star which was reported being around 9 light years away (as per Rick)... Which is unusually precise and concerns only a handful of stars... you can't ask for an easier target lol.
List of nearest stars and brown dwarfs - Wikipedia

Ok so that would limit candidates to Sirius (A/B) at 8.5 ly or Lalande 21185 at 8.2 which has one suspected planet.
Sirius (dog star) :
What is so Special About Sirius, the Dog Star?
For Ancient Egyptians, Sirius was unrivalled as the most important star in the sky. Indeed, it was the foundation astronomically of the Egyptians’ entire religious system. The majority of their deities were connected, in some way or another, with the star. The Egyptian calendar system was based on the heliacal rising of Sirius that occurred just before the annual flooding of the Nile during summer.

or... Luyten (Gliese 65) at 8.72
In March 2017, two planets were discovered orbiting Luyten's Star. The outer planet, GJ 273b, is a Super Earth in its star's habitable zone. It has a mass of 2.89 ± 0.26 Earth masses and orbits at a distance of 0.09110 ± 0.00002 AU, completing one orbital period in 18.650 ± 0.006 days. While the planet is on the innermost edge of the star's conservative habitable zone, the incident flux is only 1.06S⊕, so it may be potentially habitable if water and an atmosphere are present; depending on albedo, its equilibrium temperature could be anywhere between 206 and 293 Kelvin. The inner planet, GJ 273c, is one of the lightest exoplanets detected by radial velocities, with a mass of only 1.18 ± 0.16 Earth masses. However, it orbits much further in, with an orbital period of only 4.7234 ± 0.00004 days.[19]

GJ 273b is one of the closest known planets in its star's habitable zone.[19]

In October 2017, "Sónar Calling GJ 273b," a project by Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI) and Sónar, a music festival in Barcelona, transmitted a series of radio signals towards Luyten’s star from a radar antenna at Ramfjordmoen, Norway.[20]

This should be easy to debunk ;) with a good telescope. Kepler is running out of fuel but James Webb is coming in.... 2019.
NASA’s planet-hunting deep space telescope is about to run out of fuel
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Yeah, but as soon as I return, it feels like there's a target on my back. I can't win, I can't even tie! Either I'm too tough and I'm accused of "badgering" our guest, or I'm not tough enough and I'm part of "a kiss-ass choir." Thanks for the positive mention—At least some listeners like yourself, appreciate my role and my efforts!
Chris, it’s said that if you are catching fire from both sides of the spectrum, you must be doing something right!
Yeah, but as soon as I return, it feels like there's a target on my back. I can't win, I can't even tie! Either I'm too tough and I'm accused of "badgering" our guest, or I'm not tough enough and I'm part of "a kiss-ass choir." Thanks for the positive mention—At least some listeners like yourself, appreciate my role and my efforts!
Chris, it is my observation reading through many of the forums that people hold their own ideas/theories too closely to the ego. This leads to them becoming disgruntled. The Paracast has become a regular part of my adult learning and through that, I have discovered Daniel Liszt, Linda Howe, Joseph Farrell, the list goes on and I am just ramping up. You and Gene are at the core and represent the torch-bearing that is so needed. Bottom line, the show is too short to generate a narrative to meet everyone's expectations. Also- this is a very exciting time, keep rolling if you can. Were listening.

What an excellent juxtaposition.
One of my comments regarding Robert Schroeder’s appearance last week was:
“You would NEVER talk to a higher profile guest the way you did to Robert in this episode.”

How timely is it that a week later it is made SO obvious.

This was a kiss-ass choir from the three of you.

I know that Chris thinks that I’m a cynical prick, but geez .... I mean Chris... could you come across as anymore of a cringeworthy host by blathering to Rick at the end of the episode, “I, just... did we do ok? Do you think you might want to come back on the show again..?”.

I have to agree with Existential as I believe you guys were a little predisposed to challenge Richard’s current theoretical physics extrapolations - with Star Trek / Stargate science no less. It was all good though, as both shows were entertaining.

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I'm about 50 minutes in and he's already contradicted himself enough that I'm having trouble listening to him without getting frustrated.

How you guys stayed cool and professional, I have no idea.

LMH got so close to the truth that she scared the military? Seriously? That must be why they showed her what was probably the same 'briefing' video that Doty describes right? Because what a great way to shut someone up - give them more info. And LMH has been caught pushing two hoaxes at least that I know of.

And there was a completely separate crash at Corona, or was it Aztec, not sure, he just kept playing fast and loose with dates and locations.

'He's just telling it the way it is.' Sure. The military has admitted that aliens are here. Sure. All the 50's sci-fi tropes come out to play with this guy... who admits that he was trained to lie to people. And worked for people with an economic and power vested interest in lying to the public. So that must mean he's telling the truth, right?

I think you need to divorce the LMH of today, versus the version of her that was pulled into Kirkland. Doty said that Howe had many good sources and that scared the military. Their job on her, stripped her of all her credibility and took her from a rising reporter to a UFO nut. Remember, she was in the process of working with HBO on a much larger documentary with a better budget. The guys at Kirkland wanted to ensure they torpedoed that documentary so they pulled her in, promised her a credible evidence for her documentary, then cut her free. LMH of course told HBO about this great news and new evidence, however, eventually (and by design) no evidence was given, LMH strung along HBO as much as she could before they grew impatient, before the whole documentary was killed and Howe's credibility shot.

Since that time she has spiraled out of control and subscribes to just about any theory, but back then she was a real threat, an up an coming reporter with good sources. They had to shut that down, and they did.
Excellent show, extremely well done and thank you! I am not sure what to say about Rick Doty other than 'more please'

One of those tall skinny scary-ass aliens could show up right here on this show as a guest and start giving away their fully functional made-of-unidentified-metal visionary bracelets for free as Paracast swag and 90% of the forum would still think it's a disinformation plot.

+1 from me - beautifully played by all concerned - sincere congratulations.
Much food for thought & a certain amount of salt to be taken with the meal but a truly engrossing pair of episodes.

I look forward with relish (alright, enough food analogies) to Mr Doty’s return to the show..


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I think you need to divorce the LMH of today, versus the version of her that was pulled into Kirkland. Doty said that Howe had many good sources and that scared the military. Their job on her, stripped her of all her credibility and took her from a rising reporter to a UFO nut. Remember, she was in the process of working with HBO on a much larger documentary with a better budget. The guys at Kirkland wanted to ensure they torpedoed that documentary so they pulled her in, promised her a credible evidence for her documentary, then cut her free. LMH of course told HBO about this great news and new evidence, however, eventually (and by design) no evidence was given, LMH strung along HBO as much as she could before they grew impatient, before the whole documentary was killed and Howe's credibility shot.

Since that time she has spiraled out of control and subscribes to just about any theory, but back then she was a real threat, an up an coming reporter with good sources. They had to shut that down, and they did.
I think it's the same LMH. I used to subscribe to the 'wow, she did such great work on cattle mutilations, what happened to her' story line, but if you go back and actually look at what she did do with A Strange Harvest and compare and contrast Chris' work in this space, there's literally no comparison. Sure ASH is well written and produced for a TV show in 1980, but it's certainly not gob-smackingly well researched or thought out. It just was at the time good compared to the other junk available.

I think she got lucky with ASH, and she's just always been off the deep end. Particularly her work with Strieber. She's either incredibly naive and credulous, or she views this as an income stream that needs constant stories to keep the money flowing.

Here's a good quote:

Someone once summed up Howe very well with two words: ' Media entrepreneur '. While having been a major player in the cattle mutilation mystery, Howe's credibility has gone way down hill as she sensationalizes everything from mundane animal deaths to promoting Brazilian UFO fraud Urandir Oliveira and the Aztec UFO Crash Hoax while selling alien books, videos and lectures. Howe dabbles in all things strange including Bigfoot, crop circles, alien abductions, and UFOs. Howe also sits on the board of advisors to the Roswell UFO Museum along with the likes of Don Schmitt. See Howe's site, which she actually charges a subscription for in order to access some stories. Also see Howe turning an explained animal death into an encounter with Bigfoot. A leap not even Bigfoot itself could make.

—UFO.watchdog.com via Linda Moulton Howe - RationalWiki

And the whole drone hoax BS that she still says is real to this day! And Strieber claims to have seen one! Remember, she was the one that "Isaac" shared drone technology briefing documents with: Part 2: Documentation, Palo Alto Caret Laboratory Q4-86 Research Report – Earthfiles

Regarding the 1983 claim that she was shown the briefing video, I think it far easier to explain that as an out and out lie. Or she was shown something akin to the 'Alien Autopsy' footage or some of the crap that Doty threw out for the UFO Cover-Up Live garbage and just bought it 100%. Which brings us full circle with Doty and LMH, now that I think about it. Strawberry ice cream and all.
For me, the Bennewitz affair was what I wanted to hear him try and explain the most. Even if one was to believe Doty was being truthful in regards to the Alien transmissions then that is one thing. Believing his claim that Bennewitz created the Dulce fairy tales after flying around one day with no encouragement is completely absurd.

The interview itself took me a couple of days to get through, because I find the Bennewitz situation repulsive. I also have a very low tolerance for his bullshit.

One highlight was hearing him tie the Socorro case in with the supposed Holloman landing. Over here in England I could hear the steam coming out of Ray Stanford's ears over that one. So the Aliens who were able to send and receive communications 9 light years away then got themselves here in quite a timely fashion to retrieve their friends corpses somehow found themselves in Socorro because they were given the wrong coordinates.

If only Lonnie Zamora had approached the aliens with a tourist map in return for a couple Polaroid snaps instead of freaking out then we wouldn't be in this mess today and we would have the UFO conundrum all solved. Ah well nevermind.

Seriously though, I lost count of how many times Doty said something like;
"Well I'm not a screenwriter" and then a few minutes later say "I have wrote several screenplays".

Regarding the Serpo nonsense, he mentioned that he wished it was him who wrote that stuff because he's not smart enough to do so, but if I'm not mistaken wasn't that the case where Gene looked at that stuff and said it looked as though it was something a teenager would write as it was full of immature references and grammar? I'm probably mistaken it was a while ago now since I paid attention to that nonsense.
For me, the Bennewitz affair was what I wanted to hear him try and explain the most. Even if one was to believe Doty was being truthful in regards to the Alien transmissions then that is one thing. Believing his claim that Bennewitz created the Dulce fairy tales after flying around one day with no encouragement is completely absurd.

The interview itself took me a couple of days to get through, because I find the Bennewitz situation repulsive. I also have a very low tolerance for his bullshit.

One highlight was hearing him tie the Socorro case in with the supposed Holloman landing. Over here in England I could hear the steam coming out of Ray Stanford's ears over that one. So the Aliens who were able to send and receive communications 9 light years away then got themselves here in quite a timely fashion to retrieve their friends corpses somehow found themselves in Socorro because they were given the wrong coordinates.

If only Lonnie Zamora had approached the aliens with a tourist map in return for a couple Polaroid snaps instead of freaking out then we wouldn't be in this mess today and we would have the UFO conundrum all solved. Ah well nevermind.

Seriously though, I lost count of how many times Doty said something like;
"Well I'm not a screenwriter" and then a few minutes later say "I have wrote several screenplays".

Regarding the Serpo nonsense, he mentioned that he wished it was him who wrote that stuff because he's not smart enough to do so, but if I'm not mistaken wasn't that the case where Gene looked at that stuff and said it looked as though it was something a teenager would write as it was full of immature references and grammar? I'm probably mistaken it was a while ago now since I paid attention to that nonsense.
To be clear Doty warned repeatedly that he didn't really "know" the 9 ly figure...so i wouldn't fixate on a figure "pulled out of his ass"
So to speak

Also...if one can send and receive FTL signals 9 ly away then they can do 39 or even 1000 ly.

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To be clear Doty warned repeatedly that he didn't really "know" the 9 ly figure...so i wouldn't fixate on a figure "pulled out of his ass"
So to speak

Also...if one can send and receive FTL signals 9 ly away then they can do 39 or even 1000 ly.

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I'm not fixating on anything. I was making a joke out of what he said regarding the aliens getting lost because Mike the mechanic ET gave them bogus directions. When I heard him say that I almost choked on my crumpet, all I could think of was them making the wrong turn in the Socorro egg.

Someone in the thread earlier mentioned that the interview had new claims from Doty never heard before now. That's all well and good and I'm trying to laugh this stuff off, but I would bet my left nut that some of these claims will end up in print about 20 years from now as if they are facts, such is the state of things, but that's a matter for another thread.
I think you need to divorce the LMH of today, versus the version of her that was pulled into Kirkland. Doty said that Howe had many good sources and that scared the military. Their job on her, stripped her of all her credibility and took her from a rising reporter to a UFO nut. Remember, she was in the process of working with HBO on a much larger documentary with a better budget. The guys at Kirkland wanted to ensure they torpedoed that documentary so they pulled her in, promised her a credible evidence for her documentary, then cut her free. LMH of course told HBO about this great news and new evidence, however, eventually (and by design) no evidence was given, LMH strung along HBO as much as she could before they grew impatient, before the whole documentary was killed and Howe's credibility shot.

Since that time she has spiraled out of control and subscribes to just about any theory, but back then she was a real threat, an up an coming reporter with good sources. They had to shut that down, and they did.

Thank you for your unprejudiced analysis of what happened to, was done to, LMH, and your recognition of the productive role she played before she was manipulated, contained, and discredited. That shit is so shamelessly easy to do compared with the difficulty of following leads to potentially significant information concerning the ufo phenomenon.
Yeah, but as soon as I return, it feels like there's a target on my back. I can't win, I can't even tie! Either I'm too tough and I'm accused of "badgering" our guest, or I'm not tough enough and I'm part of "a kiss-ass choir." Thanks for the positive mention—At least some listeners like yourself, appreciate my role and my efforts!

You will not be surprised to hear this Chris but I think the problem here lies with you and not the listeners.

If there is anyone disagreeing with your PoV or bringing a critique of a show you take it personally and lash out with name calling and declaring your victimhood.

I signed up to the paracast plus because I really respect your and genes approach to the subject vs. C2C or Jimmy Church, you guys do some critical thinking, it's great!

If someone comes on a forum and offers a critical comment it's all part of the bigger debate and I wish we could go back and forth on the merits of each other's arguments and not see it as having targets painted on you or trolling etc etc

This reaction is really childlike and it's a stark contrast to the maturity of thinking that's applied to the subject matter that we hear on the show.

Keep up the good work, we are lucky to have you, gene, Randall and all the other great co-hosts and contributers to the paracast universe.