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Would you help Gene clicking a few times?

  • Nah Im a lazy idiot, lemme alone with my cheese stained shirt in my basement! MOM! BRING MORE COKE!

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Yeah! it takes like less than 10 seconds and it actually helps!

    Votes: 13 86.7%

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Paranormal Maven
Click here to support My Fight to Survive! by Gene Steinberg

I'm sitting here in my room with my pc and I found THIS (click it) on Facebook, I see that in 3 months 15 people helped, adn I think I wish I could help too, but sadly I really can't, and Im thinking that probably A LOT of The Paracast listeners are in the same situation, well, we can help, even if it's a little help, you see the Facebook button? the Google+ button and the Twitter button? SHARE!!!
Sadly it's just a tiny bit of help, but we are a lot! statistically a percentage of people that listens to the Paracast will actually give their support via Gofoundme, so it means that you can actually help sharing it!!!

Edit: See those ads in the site? some of them are actually interesting, take your time and check it.

"...bah who cares I have my own problems" of course, but how hard is to do a
few clicks here and there? It's Gene guys! I cant even think about how many hours I listened to the show enjoying and laughing like a mad man hearing those atrocious jokes since the first show, hearing insanely interesting stories and topics? (yeah, of course there are some episodes with some of the worst individuals ever, but there are just a few, kinda)

Cmon guys! let's give Gene a hand!

Good luck Gene! ;)
Agreed. Without Gene there is no show. If the Paracast disappeared I wonder if people would retrospectively wish they'd done more. I donate when I can and certainly will again. Gene and Barbara took a big hit when Barbara had a fall, the Americans amongst you know what medical bills can be like if insurance doesn't cover etc.
I swear as long as they weren't controlled drugs - I'd easy blag some from our NHS and send em over to Phoenix. Does that make me a bad boy?
While I'm at it, donating is this easy:

Forum page, right hand side, pretty oval-shaped yellow button named 'Donate' which take you straight to PayPal. Couldn't be simpler.

Picture 2 men, week in, week out researching guests, reading their books, making time to record shows which have to be edited precisely for the GCN network to insert their ad's. Anyone who has done any editing of vision or sound knows it is time consuming and often frustrating stuff. But on time each and every week there is a FREE episode of the Paracast which every virtually everyone in this forum, plus many more lurkers, enjoy for nothing. Those of you paying for Paracast + thank you very much. I've been listening since almost the start and I simply cannot count the number of ways my life has been enhanced, meeting people here, being on the show, learning new information and getting hot tips on sites, videos, music and so much more.

Nobody is asking for anything that people cannot afford. Many folks are living through some hard times and money isn't plentiful. But if you value the show and can spare a few slips of gold-pressed latinum, Gene and Chris and everyone else at the Paracast thank you from the bottom of our hearts. It is entirely possible things beyond value may have to take precedence over anything free but nobody wants that because that has how people end up here. Nobody will pay for a show they've not yet heard and the hope is people will like it enough to wish to subscribe.

If everyone able even gave a little it would be a huge help - This is for the show, certainly not for the likes of me!

Remember, even Wikipedia relies on donations - the online world would probably go nuts if it disappeared yet every now and then they have to stick a big banner ad in front of us to remind us it is free to use, but not free to make.
Thank you Goggs for your support. I hope your holidays have been pleasant.

Just FYI: GoFundMe takes almost 8% of every dollar they receive in donations and it takes two or three days for the money to reach one's bank account. So PayPal is best, and instant.
Thank you Goggs for your support. I hope your holidays have been pleasant.

Just FYI: GoFundMe takes almost 8% of every dollar they receive in donations and it takes two or three days for the money to reach one's bank account. So PayPal is best, and instant.

You are most welcome and if one of us is in debt to the other, it is I who is in debt to you, to a large degree. I simply cannot calculate how much I've gained from the Paracast.
I think you two guys need to get a room. Gene needs to price the Paracast in a way for him to make a reasonable living without people needing to send him money. Afterall, Gene is loading the regular broadcast with commercials, which must bring in a lot of cash. What other podcaster asks for money for himself? Some sites have DONATE buttons, but if things are really bad, Gene should apply for welfare and food stamps.
We have a donate button on the site. And the network loads the ads. We are not paid for network ads, but we have ad slots to sell. That's why we are looking for a salesperson.

This is all complicated. I'll explain privately to anyone who has questions.
The Paracast is my fave show across all media - I love Gene's style and approach (you have a great radio voice Sir!)

I was saddened to see Gene's post on facebook and made a donation. (albeit a small one)
I think you two guys need to get a room. Gene needs to price the Paracast in a way for him to make a reasonable living without people needing to send him money. Afterall, Gene is loading the regular broadcast with commercials, which must bring in a lot of cash. What other podcaster asks for money for himself? Some sites have DONATE buttons, but if things are really bad, Gene should apply for welfare and food stamps.
Not cool.
I think you two guys need to get a room. Gene needs to price the Paracast in a way for him to make a reasonable living without people needing to send him money. Afterall, Gene is loading the regular broadcast with commercials, which must bring in a lot of cash. What other podcaster asks for money for himself? Some sites have DONATE buttons, but if things are really bad, Gene should apply for welfare and food stamps.


That you thought that it would be okay to say something so cruel, and hateful to another

Anonymity is truly the "Courage In the Bottle" of the Internet.

"Gene is loading the regular broadcast with commercials, which must bring in a lot of cash."

You've obviously never researched this. It doesn't.

Empathy for your fellow Man is a very important trait to have In this world. Unfortunately,
as you've just demonstrated, it's In short supply these days.

Gene, DB, & Chris, along with Goggs, have both Informed, and entertained me, and others,
for YEARS. And until recently, for FREE.

If he is In legitimate need, and asks for help, then it's an Individual's choice whether to do so, or not.

Ill-informed opinions from anonymous posters filled with hate, and bile, are neither warranted, nor helpful.

Mom was right. If you don't have anything good to say, then keep It to yourself.

Good luck Gene.

My Dad lost the family home on the early 90s - I was still at home back then , so I can relate to your plight
Thanks, everyone, for the kind comments and emails. I've received a small number of donations that have helped me to carry on. If you want to know more about my current situation, please send me a private conversation/message.
I would just like to add my voice to the call for helping our community's most important participant and leader. It's tough times out there for many people, myself included over the last 6 years, but it is important for us to come together under the banner of "Community" to each do whatever we can afford to do and help someone desperately in need that is critical to the survival of this forum and, most importantly, the show.

I left the forums and let my subscription lapse 6 months ago over a personal disagreement about a particular guest and how he was interviewed and subsequently defended in the forums (in my opinion). However, during my time away from the show, after being a regular weekly listener for the last 7 years, an inaugural yearly subscriber and a vocal participant in the forums over the last 2 years, I came to realize that there is no substitute for The Paracast+, Gene Steinberg and Christopher O'Brien. I recently re-subscribed and made a separate PayPal donation, albeit a very modest amount because of my own tight budget these days, to help Gene's financial plight. And though Gene seems willing to share the details of his situation privately, it does not matter to me. It's enough for me to know an important and proud member of our community has had to humble himself and ask for help. That's all I need to know. If I can help out a little more next month, I will. Gene is worth it, the show is worth it and the forums are worth it. Nowhere else throughout the interwebs is the paranormal discussed better, in both the interviews and in the forums.

Please consider making a PayPal donation to help a good dude and fellow human being through a rough patch. Let's show what The Paracast community is really capable of. If you've read this far, thank you.