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Latest Claim: “We Have A Body of Bigfoot!”

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I saw that this morning,,,, for a breif moment at 4:00 a.m. I felt "YES".... about time. Then I got that uneasy, holding back a shit feeling, then I went to the website and saw what they had to offer at this time.... Dammitt...... Gut instinct is we are going to be taken for a ride.... They are trying to get some money so that they can buy a lift kit for there 4 wheeler.... I do reserve a very small amount of hope that maybe they actually did find something and they are just "dipshits" trying to get the most bang for the buck. I would hope that if someone actually found a Sasquatch dead or even shot one,,, I would hope that they would be respectful and actually get the right people involved so that all evidence is clear and without that Para normal fuzz that surrounds most evidence in this field.

Is it just me or do other people think that Loren Coleman doth put a heck of a lot of nonsense up on his website???

I've been there several times after being directed there through news-y websites, and all I've ever seen on it is total garbage.

So ... is Coleman the Richard Hoagland of Cryptozoology??? Or am I just missing the really interesting stuff??
Is it just me or do other people think that Loren Coleman doth put a heck of a lot of nonsense up on his website???

I've been there several times after being directed there through news-y websites, and all I've ever seen on it is total garbage.

So ... is Coleman the Richard Hoagland of Cryprozoology??? Or am I just missing the really interesting stuff??

He puts a lot of non sense up, because there simply isn't a lot of good stuff. He updates his site daily after all. He lets people know whats going on in the field. Good or bad.

To answer your last two questions, fuk no. And yes.
He puts a lot of non sense up, because there simply isn't a lot of good stuff. He updates his site daily after all. He lets people know whats going on in the field. Good or bad.

To answer your last two questions, fuk no. And yes.

Well there you go then ... maybe comparing him to Hoagland was a bit too much. Maybe he's actually more of a Stephen "I may throttle him before my time is up on this mad planet of ours" Bassett.
Well there you go then ... maybe comparing him to Hoagland was a bit too much. Maybe he's actually more of a Stephen "I may throttle him before my time is up on this mad planet of ours" Bassett.

He's better than both of them.

A lot of what I post is crap. I don't post it because I endorse it. I post it to hopefully raise awareness. You know, point out the pimples in hopes it gets popped.

Loren's only fault imo is he's too nice. He doesn't get angry enough. A huge part of me is envious of that actually. So, maybe it's not a fault after all.

Ps. Basset of yet, isn't a pain to me. Maybe tomorrow. But so far, he's mediocre. I don't see him as a problem, nor benefit.
Jesus Christ. WTF are these imbecils doing?? Why is it that we always see these people touting their supposed life-changing evidence when they can never really show any of it?? Who was the other fraud that was trying to get a bill signed in Canada I think before he would show his stuff in it's entirety?? The bill was to officially protect Bigfoot,... feets, whatever. Romanek and Greer come to mind as well.

Oh yeah, they don't show the good stuff, because IT IS NOT THERE TO SHOW.

I used to be quite interested in the bigfoot stuff, but I've seen nothing to convince me, even a little bit, that it is real.
Jesus Christ. WTF are these imbecils doing?? Why is it that we always see these people touting their supposed life-changing evidence when they can never really show any of it?? Who was the other fraud that was trying to get a bill signed in Canada I think before he would show his stuff in it's entirety?? The bill was to officially protect Bigfoot,... feets, whatever. Romanek and Greer come to mind as well.

Oh yeah, they don't show the good stuff, because IT IS NOT THERE TO SHOW.

I used to be quite interested in the bigfoot stuff, but I've seen nothing to convince me, even a little bit, that it is real.

It isn't fair to lump Stan in there. I've seen his evidence. He did show it years a go. He may be a fraud, but he has shared evidence unlike these doltz. Having said that, these guys are so full of shit,to the degree it might make Bush look like he has integrity... Ok, not that bad, but you get my point.
It doesn't seem like Coleman places much faith in the Montauk Monster... he doesn't seem to buy everything, but it does seem like he is trying to cover almost every aspect of crypto-news, good and bad, credible and not-so much... I like Cryptomundo, although it often misloads and gives me only the background (it hasn't since FF# came out, though).

Say that's real. I don't understand why they aren't immediately holding a press conference instead of dicking around and saying they'll get DNA evidence that proves it's real. Clearly if that's not a costume it's a Bigfoot or something like it. Not a bear. Not a normal ape. A friggen Big ol' Foot. So just show it.
Latest Claim: “We Have A Body of Bigfoot!”

View attachment 299

Say that's real. I don't understand why they aren't immediately holding a press conference instead of dicking around and saying they'll get DNA evidence that proves it's real. Clearly if that's not a costume it's a Bigfoot or something like it. Not a bear. Not a normal ape. A friggen Big ol' Foot. So just show it.

Also (by at least one account), they've had it since June. What the heck? And they've tried at least one hoaxish thing, by passing a relative off as a scientist. So I don't trust these guys --- not yet anyway.

However, Tom Biscardi says he has put hands on it. So...what am I to make of this?

Loren's web site has been down almost all day.

I was hoping Paranormal Packrat might have some news.
Also (by at least one account), they've had it since June. What the heck? And they've tried at least one hoaxish thing, by passing a relative off as a scientist. So I don't trust these guys --- not yet anyway.

However, Tom Biscardi says he has put hands on it. So...what am I to make of this?

Loren's web site has been down almost all day.

I was hoping Paranormal Packrat might have some news.

Biscardi is the least credible bigfoot researcher on the planet. This case is severely lacking in credibility. Biscardi is known for making huge claims, ripping people off, and not supplying evidence.

No scientists have been named. This also is a red flag. I doubt Fri. will provide anything of use.

Loren's site has been down a lot of late. Many other sites dealing with this case have been down as well.

Here's a thread dealing with all this crap. http://www.bigfootforums.com/index.php?showtopic=23171
Latest Claim: “We Have A Body of Bigfoot!”

Biscardi is the least credible bigfoot researcher on the planet. This case is severely lacking in credibility. Biscardi is known for making huge claims, ripping people off, and not supplying evidence.

So this Biscardi guy claimed a few years ago that he had a live Bigfoot? Interesting....

No scientists have been named. This also is a red flag. I doubt Fri. will provide anything of use.

I am taking a "wait-and-see" approach, but I'm not optimistic.

I read a lot of the thread you posted, thanks.