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Jim Sparks

Do You Believe Jim Sparks is a Real Contactee?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • No

    Votes: 38 66.7%
  • No! I Think He Fell for Government Trickery!

    Votes: 6 10.5%

  • Total voters

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jjkrause said:
Just wondering what your take is on Jim Sparks. I recently listened to a 2h30min Coast to Coast interview where he tells his fascinating stories. This is basically my first impression of Jim and I haven't read anything else about him.

Here's a link to the interview (scroll down and wait 45 secs for the download link to appear).


Your thoughts?

We are considering Jim Sparks for a forthcoming episode.

One more thing, however. Is this something you taped yourself, or what? I need to know whether we are legally allowed to post that link. Also, it may have a few problems playing on a Mac. I was not able to read it via the Flip4Mac/QuickTime WMA converter, but was able to make it run via our audio editing software, Peak Pro (a very expensive alternative). But there are third party Mac WMA decoders available, if anyone runs into a problem.
I have no idea where that recording came from. All the commercial breaks have been edited out. If its a problem, you can remove the link... just download the file to listen to it first (and send a copy to David) :O) Just thought this would make an interesting lead for a future interview.

Great show by the way... long time listener. I have all episodes saved on my iPod in case I ever need an emergency Paranormal fix.

I'm familiar with him. Purely anecdotal case.

I'll check out the interview you linked.

Gene, I've been posting a lot of links to vids. If you can direct me to some forum rules that would be great.
A.LeClair said:
I'm familiar with him. Purely anecdotal case.

I'll check out the interview you linked.

Gene, I've been posting a lot of links to vids. If you can direct me to some forum rules that would be great.

Other than vulgar/explicit content, we have no problem so long as the links are from legal sources, such as YouTube and Google Video. I'll leave it to them to enforce policies with regard to specific files.
I have been listening to the Sparks interview and wanted to mention a few things.

I found it strange Sparks was talking about hallucinations, but couldn't recall the word for it. He kept trying to and Art was of no help. Does Art even listen to his guest? Funny.

Anyone know just how Jim knew he'd be abducted the night he drank vodka and was prepping himself up to murder a gray?

Wonder what Whitley thinks about Art constantly hyping up his guest as the best abductee interview he's done.

Wish Art would have asked more about the question and answer periods Jim claims to have experienced.

As for the vulgarity in links, I posted one or two that has some swearing in them. I placed a disclaimer about it. I'll delete them anyway.
According to Jim, his friend Doug is willing to back up his story. First I've heard of this. Interesting. Maybe see if you can get him on too Gene.
Also, it may have a few problems playing on a Mac.
Only grays and Plejarans use Macs. Real people use Wintel boxes.

Meetings with Remarkable Aliens


The Keepers: An Alien Message for the Human Race (Amazon.com)


CTCAM - Saturday December 9th, 2006

I'll wait for the DVD.
We're lining up Mr. Sparks for the show.

I've read his book, and you will all LOVE some of the questions I'll be asking him, important points that need clarification.


Should be a good interview.. I could come up with all sorts of questions for him.
I found him very credible except for the whole time travel thing.. Which I hope you guys get more details on..
I would like to hear what he has to say in response, pointing out that more than one random time traveler coming back specifically to see HIM and pretty much nobody else in history (that we know of), is quite bizarre and well.. fishy..
Unless he has some profound future fate.

And I think we all want proof of abductions.
I've read up on many credible encounters where people have tried to get proof of their abductions to no avail even with third parties involved. Weird, weird stuff happens like they sleep walk out of the room with the web cam. Restraints for keeping them in bed disappear. There are even accounts where the third parties are paralyzed during the encounter.

I think the best bet at gaining proof would be to allow a third party to install cameras in the walls in spots where the abductee (and anyone regularly involved with him) has no earthly idea where they are. That way when the aliens do their telepathic mind scans or whatever there is nothing fishy for them to detect. I wish Mr. Sparks would consider this method or something. If abductions are real which I believe they are, we have gone far to long without proof (other than Roger Leir and Darrell Simms physical trace evidence they have collected.)
The Hawk said:
Should be a good interview.. I could come up with all sorts of questions for him.
I found him very credible except for the whole time travel thing.. Which I hope you guys get more details on..
I would like to hear what he has to say in response, pointing out that more than one random time traveler coming back specifically to see HIM and pretty much nobody else in history (that we know of), is quite bizarre and well.. fishy..
Unless he has some profound future fate.

And I think we all want proof of abductions.
I've read up on many credible encounters where people have tried to get proof of their abductions to no avail even with third parties involved. Weird, weird stuff happens like they sleep walk out of the room with the web cam. Restraints for keeping them in bed disappear. There are even accounts where the third parties are paralyzed during the encounter.

I think the best bet at gaining proof would be to allow a third party to install cameras in the walls in spots where the abductee (and anyone regularly involved with him) has no earthly idea where they are. That way when the aliens do their telepathic mind scans or whatever there is nothing fishy for them to detect. I wish Mr. Sparks would consider this method or something. If abductions are real which I believe they are, we have gone far to long without proof (other than Roger Leir and Darrell Simms physical trace evidence they have collected.)

I have been trying to find a repeated abductee in my area for many years so I could do stake outs. I've communicate with Simms on it many years ago as well as some people in MUFON.

The scenario you mention is one in which I have thought of many, many times. Glad to see you bring it up.
David Biedny said:
We're lining up Mr. Sparks for the show.

I've read his book, and you will all LOVE some of the questions I'll be asking him, important points that need clarification.



I'm very much looking forward to this interview! I've read his book as well and I'm interested in knowing if he still has the vial/container full of the bad stuff the grays allegedly removed from his lungs and more specifically what that container is made out of. Surely they didn't give him a glass jar or plastic tupperware bowl, right?
Will the interview be offered via podcast? I'm from California, and listen to the show via MP3.

I have mixed feelings about Jim Sparks. He gives compelling, sincere, and consistent testimony. However, his claims are quite remarkable. His vast recollections and memory of the events he's experienced over 20 plus years, supercede anything we've ever heard of before. Plus, he has a clear "save the world" agenda with regard to the environment. He's certainly on the media band-wagon right now, in full force, selling his book.

All of this pricks at my instincts. I'm not sure I believe him.

I sure would like to know if Mr. Sparks has undergone a polygraph. If so, I'd like to hear the results, and I'd like to hear from the examiner that conducted said test. I'd like an independent third party to proclaim that Mr. Sparks is telling the truth. This kind of testimony is extremely convincing. I personally believe in Travis Walton, for example.
tomlevine1 said:
Will the interview be offered via podcast? I'm from California, and listen to the show via MP3.

I have mixed feelings about Jim Sparks. He gives compelling, sincere, and consistent testimony. However, his claims are quite remarkable. His vast recollections and memory of the events he's experienced over 20 plus years, supercede anything we've ever heard of before. Plus, he has a clear "save the world" agenda with regard to the environment. He's certainly on the media band-wagon right now, in full force, selling his book.

All of this pricks at my instincts. I'm not sure I believe him.

I sure would like to know if Mr. Sparks has undergone a polygraph. If so, I'd like to hear the results, and I'd like to hear from the examiner that conducted said test. I'd like an independent third party to proclaim that Mr. Sparks is telling the truth. This kind of testimony is extremely convincing. I personally believe in Travis Walton, for example.

Travis failed his first test. Just wanted to mention it in case some out there didn't know it.
Right, that's true. The intial polygraph of Walton was also mired in controversy. The fact is that a total of 13 polygraphs were taken relating to this case. Dallis was rendered inconclusive, and Waltons initial polygraph failed. It should be noted that follow up polygraphs, conducted by a different examiner, resulted in passing grades from Travis Walton, and his parents

Travis Walton (UFO witness) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Travis Walton UFO Abduction Case - UFO Evidence

On another note, under the direction of Sherriff Gillespie, the eye witnesses (excepting witness Dallis, who's results were rendered invalid), all passed their polygraphs, enough to convince the Sherriff that the UFO explanation was truthful. While a polygraph cannot be used in a court of law, they are compelling.

Which is why I mention it with Sparks. If he were to take a polygraph, and if he were to pass, that would be as compellling as the Walton case. That would make Sparks more than someone just trying to sell a book and "save the environment". Without something as compelling as a polygraph, I have a hard time believing him at his word.
I enjoyed listening to the interview from C2C - thanks for posting it out there jjkrause.

I think an interview with Jim on the Paracast would be very interesting - I know that he will have to answer some tough questions and he is not going to get a nice easy "walk through the park", like the one he had on C2C.

I take no issue with his messages of conservation and taking care of our planet - this is something I think we all need to do in order to save our planet for future generations. It is also something we have known about for quite some time, and we certainly did not need any aliens telling us about it.

I think Jim has to shed some light on why it is that 'he' is key to the success of their objective - in his interview he states that "they" want him to help solve the world's environmental problems - since the governments of the world will not.

Yet, like so many others that have made these incredible types of claims - he has no physical evidence (to my knowledge) and the alien's just don't seem to want to support him. From the interview there a quite a few frays in Jim's logic, they want to save the earth - but they are willing to let us either fix it or destroy it.
- One just has to ask if they have all this technology and motivation why not fix it themselves? Why do they need us to do it or in this case why do they need Jim to do it?

I am looking forward to this interview. He may need the entire 2 hours though, based on his one with C2C.
By the way, I believe Art Bell has him scheduled to come back on Coast to Coast this Sunday evening. I'll definitely listen to it, although I won't expect too many probing questions from Mr. Bell.
Hello everyone :wave:

I came across your site this morning while googling information in prep for tonight's Show on Coast to Coast AM with Jim Sparks.

Some very good information and links here on your forum!!

Looking forward to reading the content you have here at Paracast. I'll be most interested to hear or get a heads up about any other radio programs, interviews with Sparks.

It's also nice to see a few C2C listeners here. I've been a long time listener, however sadly the show is not what it used to be years ago.

If any of you are night owls and like to chat during the Coast to Coast program, please feel welcome and free to come to my site where we have an almost live chat going every night in our Temporal Observatory during the show.

Looking forward to tonight's show and to getting to know you all! :)
I haven't listened to a live broadcast of C2C in years. I tried tonight, but apparently my city no longer airs it. I found a Christian show on "The Secret" though, which I listened to.

Anyway, I was unable to listen to JM. If there is a transcript of the show somewhere in the future, please post. Make sure it isn't in any violation of copyright laws of course.