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I had a Time Traveling Experience (Time Slip Phenomenon)

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What you should do, is have that crew take a magnetometer out there. Sometimes if a place is on a fault line, it gives off really strong magnetism, and sometimes people who are sensitive to that sort of thing, see all kinds of weird stuff.

It would definitely be worth looking into, if both events took place in the same area.

A paranormal investigator did asked me before he went to to site if there were any abnormal environmental conditions around the area that could possibly cause a hallucination... If he was talking about Toxic waste dump, pollution, A garabge dump area, Power plants, smoke stack factories near by or any in that sort..I said No There were nothing like that in Fitchburg or near the area..When i came out of the woods the future place or neighborhood was up on a hill..Where i was standing ( in grass) there were all woods behind me (on my side)..in front of me was the road which is not that far from me. Across from the road were all rows of future houses (the opposite side) from where i was standing. How do I know i was up on the hill? I was curious to see what was down the street or road around the corner so i walked up to the edge of the road put my tippy toe on the road and leaned forward to see...All i saw around the corner were the road and row of future houses going up on a hill straighten out where i was standing then curved around and back down the hill it went.. The future neighborhood, place or scene did not look holographic ( hologram), Transparent...It is solid, real, and i was in it which means i was in the scene or future place..This was also not a lucid dream because i had physical evidence with the scratches and scrapes..plus my mom remember that day. In my opinion a hallucination would have some bizzare results of seeing things..In my case my experience is not that bizzare. Its just houses and road from another time and place..My second slip lasted 30 seconds in a short time frame..There was nothing much to tell except seeing an old gas station then vanished and im right back on the present street with other cars..its just strange
First vid, far from proven real and was aired by a show known to hoax things. That was the Paranormal Borderline show right?

Second vid is from the fictional Lake County tv show. Complete Bullshit to the tenth power.

Ohh is it??? well, I saw this on youtube and i brought it here to see what you people think about the UFO videos..I dont know if this was on a paranormal borderline..I just happen to watch this video on youtube.
The "recovered" memories are presumed to be more real than the consciously remembered "screen" memories. But this is not a settled factual matter. My own view is that all memories are screen memories.

Hmmmm, I never been to a hypnotist therapist...but, if your saying all memories are screen memories.. What about memories of your family's vacation or special event.. Are they consider screen memories?.. What about the memories of the unexplained? What do you consider them as?
just curious ::)
Hello, I am a real time traveler who travel thru time in real life on 2 separate occassions who experience a Time Slip Phenomenon.

IT IS POSSIBLE THAT TIME TRAVEL CAN BE A REALITY!!! Take it from me from one of my phenomenon experiences.

My memory of this Time Slip occurred during this experience did not start surface again until 1971 when I moved, 3 years later..I kept in silence..The memories of my experience became on and off thru out the years until now.. I was finally able to come to terms with the possible reality of these Time Slip events and began researching the Internet to find corroboration for my experience and the corroboration that initially had the biggest impact for me was found at about.com and allexperts.com ( Of the Paranormal).

I had an unusual Time Slip phenomenon experience when i was a child (7 years old) back in July of 1968 in Fitchburg,MA on a hot sunny day when I decided to take a walk into the woods alone in my neighborhood to explorer like most kids do. The woods were thick and shady I was pulling off branches and leaves away from my face, hair and body. It was a 10 minute walk..When i came out of the woods on the other side..I was shocked and stunned of what i saw which I describe as a futuristic neighborhood..The houses and roads look well-advanced, extremely clean, colorful and beautiful.. The roads was not made out of black tar but silvery/white metallic cement that you can see the sun shines right off of it..The houses looked well-advanced with many huge windows, colorful roof tops and the street lights look different too.. I have never seen this before..I was only there for 6 minutes and there were no people around ONLY ME, the future houses and the road. I can hear a deep humming sound from the distance which to me sounds like ( An alive power box) I am not sure if that what it was. I felt lonely, afraid and a little bit lost.. I decided to go back into the woods to tell my mom..My mom did not listen to me and said, "Stay out of the woods" I had to stay in on that day because i wanted to go back into the woods to see that future place again for its beauty and to explore..I cried and cried feeling anxious and compelled to go back. The next day I snuck out and went back into the woods to find the future place and it wasnt there..It was GONE!..I spent almost 1 hour in the woods looking NOTHING!! The only thing i saw were regular 1960's houses and the road was not smooth and brand new looking It had some cracks in them. I was fully awake before, during and after my experience.

P.S..... Before I had my Time Slip experience..On May 1968, I was playing near by woods and decided to go for a walk into the woods until i saw a big tree fire burning. I ran to a near by neighbor and told him...The neighbor ran towards the woods saw the fire was spreading and yelled into the woods "anyone up there?" No one came out of the woods and the neighbor ran to his home to call the fire department and the fire was put out. I was just wondering if this was all connected some how..WE tell our true story experiences, Its well documented and it is up to the scientists or paranormal experts to figure this all out. Maybe one day we will have a full explanation and answers to all of our phenomenon experiences. :)

I dont no about what you saw it very strange. Ok if i am honest the story doesnt seem plausible through my eyes at least. But you might be telling the truth so if you bare with me i ask a few questions about your encounter.

1)How come your mother told you not to go into woods? did she not no the people who lived in those 1960 houses?
2)when you saw the future houses as you described them were they in the same place like as 1960s houses or the same patch of land and how many houses were there
3)you saw roads but no type of transport on that road for six minutes am i right?
4)have you ever suffered blackouts or any other type of illness it up to you if want to answer that no worries it can be very personal.
5)do you think journals you have read modifyed your story any bit particularly the ones similar to yours?
What about memories of your family's vacation or special event.. Are they consider screen memories?

Yes. Perhaps I'm joking by calling them "screen memories" but I don't believe our memories are reliable as a record of actual experience. I also believe that we perceive the world as a kind of mutual hallucination: very little actual external input, and most information coming from the imagination.

What about the memories of the unexplained? What do you consider them as?

I believe we sometimes receive external data for which our imagination fails to produce a corresponding sense impression that fits in with the rest of our personal narrative. In your case I speculate that you did indeed encounter some kind of flaw in your environment, and your imagination interpreted this odd data as "futuristic residential neighborhood."
I will ask one more time and then well three times a charm. I have had time anomalies and I might have an idea how long the experience lasted but not an exact time like 6 minutes or 30 seconds . So plaese tell me how you know that your experiences lasted six nimutes and 30 seconds. If you are assuming or it felt like that amount a time please say that.

If you always wear a watch even at the age of seven and constantly look at it that might explain it too.
Yes. Perhaps I'm joking by calling them "screen memories" but I don't believe our memories are reliable as a record of actual experience. I also believe that we perceive the world as a kind of mutual hallucination: very little actual external input, and most information coming from the imagination.

I believe we sometimes receive external data for which our imagination fails to produce a corresponding sense impression that fits in with the rest of our personal narrative. In your case I speculate that you did indeed encounter some kind of flaw in your environment, and your imagination interpreted this odd data as "futuristic residential neighborhood."

I can understand you being a bit skeptical which its normal by your speculation saying it is imaginary or an imagination but, its only based on your speculation. I am no longer 7 years old and I am now in my late 40's. I can tell you as an adult my experience was no kids imagination. The one person who really knows for sure what really happened on that day is the experiencer herself which is ME. The only non-experiencer can do from this website is to ask questions, speculate and tell me what they really think happen. In my opinion you can not base on my experience on speculation and what you think. My experiences happen unexpectedly..for Example: If you were to walk into a grocery store grabbing a cart heading toward the soda isle to get 2 bottles of soda..then you come upon the soda isle and you see a big fat elephant standing in the middle of the isle..You are going to be shocked and stunned of what you are seeing and you are going to be afraid..right? or another Example, If you were the character of Dorothy ( Wizard of OZ) coming out of her tornado-dropped house and seeing the unknown of munchkinland for the first time with a shocked stunned look on her face saying " This isnt Kansas" and feeling lost...This is what a Time Slip feels like. I am only here to tell my true experiences..Whether you or other people believe it not?.. Its up to them to decide for themselves. I am only here to tell you and other people what happened. Thats it no harm done :)
I will ask one more time and then well three times a charm. I have had time anomalies and I might have an idea how long the experience lasted but not an exact time like 6 minutes or 30 seconds . So plaese tell me how you know that your experiences lasted six nimutes and 30 seconds. If you are assuming or it felt like that amount a time please say that.

If you always wear a watch even at the age of seven and constantly look at it that might explain it too.

Ally, Why are you getting upset?...Im sorry I do work and there is alot of people asking me questions at the same time.. I can only do so much..I will not be able to answer all questions because i have to pick my husband from work soon..My second Time Slip did last 30 seconds because I drive on that street everyday to pick up my husband from work..The Time Slip occured right after i passed the town sign and then it vanished to the location that i clearly remember back on the present time street (lasted 30 seconds) because recently i can count 1 mississippi, 2 mississippi, 3 mississippi ( per second) and so on when it happened.. First Slip approximately 6 minutes...Gee I am not on criminal trial here :eek:. I must go now..BYE!!
What I am talking about, is a geological fault, that would not be visible from the surface. It would be hundreds of feet down. Usually an Iron deposit runs through it, and when there are temperature changes, it creates a magnetic field.

Magnetic fields wreak havoc with everything. I would wager your Cell phone probably didn't work all that well out there.
What I am talking about, is a geological fault, that would not be visible from the surface. It would be hundreds of feet down. Usually an Iron deposit runs through it, and when there are temperature changes, it creates a magnetic field.

Magnetic fields wreak havoc with everything. I would wager your Cell phone probably didn't work all that well out there.

Hi Tommy... I will paste one of my email here what my paranormal investigator said to me.

Now its not that easy to explain Time Slips to some but I feel you will understand it quite well. First future slips are very rare indeed, though some claim this is how Nostradamus worked, Most time slips are experienced as paranormal events. The future slips are very different indeed, I like to look at them as mobus loops, which are like streaks of energy with-in a tunnel that loops back on itself a bit like a never ending roller-coaster but some can step off at a given point in the future a bit like opening a door in time.

But what then happens is your energy is not in line with the future place so your then pulled back to the present as if by an elastic band, this is why future predictions can be rather hazy with names and locations slightly out, but people forget that the way we spell or talk now will not be the same in the future. Hence Nostradamus using the name Hessler not Hitler or it could be that our hearing is not quite in tune.

But what happened in your case will depend on where you were this can include geographical and other environmental issues like weather.
If your in say a location high in rock which is rich in quartz this can change vibration or if your home is built of stone and brick and then the age will also add to the effect.
But this is not the only reason but one we experience here where i live
The reason I mention quartz is that it is a recording mineral which we use to this day in tape and DVD to record images and sounds.

Firstly I agree its so dam hard to prove the time slip experience but I know they happen and there are one or two people who have taken a photo of a location only to return and find its either not there or not in use for decades, people don't even know they have been in one most of the time.
But Yes your home is very important in this experience in my view, as the composition of a location can change our vibration quite a lot, and given that your in Massachusetts guess what? you on some of the very same geographical minerals. Your able to tune into things such as emotions not just human but locational and even nature its self ( i.e Animals )
Some say if your attuned to all this then you move at higher level if you move at a higher level then you move faster in frequency and this might cause you to go forward in time thus the time slip effect, It would be easy for some to say its all madness but unless they experience it they will never truly understand it.

What do you think about what he had said?
Having read a lot on time, and theoretical physics, is that the notion that your spiritual energy has anything to do with physics is incorrect.

I would look at it from the perspective of being able to see through your future self's eyes.

Quartz' recording capability has nothing to do with being able to tell the future, as where you are standing, the future hasn't been recorded yet. Even if it had the ability to record the past, you wouldn't be able to see it, until there was a geologic event that would act as a catalyst.

Rather than give you a bunch of material for a book, I will keep my ideas on reality to myself.
I dont no about what you saw it very strange. Ok if i am honest the story doesnt seem plausible through my eyes at least. But you might be telling the truth so if you bare with me i ask a few questions about your encounter.

1)How come your mother told you not to go into woods? did she not no the people who lived in those 1960 houses?
2)when you saw the future houses as you described them were they in the same place like as 1960s houses or the same patch of land and how many houses were there
3)you saw roads but no type of transport on that road for six minutes am i right?
4)have you ever suffered blackouts or any other type of illness it up to you if want to answer that no worries it can be very personal.
5)do you think journals you have read modifyed your story any bit particularly the ones similar to yours?

Hi there Irishseeker,
1. Because my mom wanted me to stay near the house to play and i did not want to do that so i had to stay in the house on that day. I was not able go back into the woods.
2. Same Patch of land only few 1960 houses there.. exactly How many? I dont know..it was much less of what i saw during the time slip plus The road did not look smooth, modern, brand new and white/silvery cement light colored. it appeared to be regular old tar road with cracks in them..
3. If your talking about cars driving on the road..NO There were nothing on the road, there were no people around..it was actionless. Same goes with (my second slip) while i was driving..There were no people around, no other cars on the road except for me, it was actionless and a little bit dark.

4. I never suffer any blackouts, illnesses, or sleeping disorders in any kind, I am not handicapped and i dont wear glasses if that helps...Thats Ok I dont have a problem answering questions.

5. I dont quite understand the question but, what comes close to my experience are the videos that you see here about Time slips except i never saw people or ghosts..Watch them you will see the similarities.

This will summed it up for now...I will not be on tomorrow to answer more questions because i am going to be very busy..Take Care..Bye :)
Ally, Why are you getting upset?...Im sorry I do work and there is alot of people asking me questions at the same time.. I can only do so much..I will not be able to answer all questions because i have to pick my husband from work soon..My second Time Slip did last 30 seconds because I drive on that street everyday to pick up my husband from work..The Time Slip occured right after i passed the town sign and then it vanished to the location that i clearly remember back on the present time street (lasted 30 seconds) because recently i can count 1 mississippi, 2 mississippi, 3 mississippi ( per second) and so on when it happened.. First Slip approximately 6 minutes...Gee I am not on criminal trial here :eek:. I must go now..BYE!!

Why am I getting upset I guess it is in the water or it is going around.... that time of year ya know. Actually I was just curious and find time travel events quite interesting. I got frustrated because I was trying to understand your first post and got caught up in the six minutes part.

Thanks for your story.
I'm not really sure I would believe recovered memories. Hypnotherapists have a way of extracting the memories they want to extract.

So youre writing off all regression hypnotherapy?

I dont see how asking something like, "so, Bill, what happened on Tuesday night after you left work", is 'extracting a certain answer', or leading the patient.

I understand and realise that there are problems with hypnotherapy and its definitely not perfect, but surely there is good work being done by some. I get sick of reading these comments that write off the entire field with one throw away line, when likely the person making the comment has done the bare minimum of arm-chair research.
I write off a lot of stuff, because it has become so mundane, and conventional that the people who do hypnotherapy all seem to find the same answers.

What's funny about the whole hypnotic regression, is that people who have NOT been abducted will claim they have, because they want to please the person doing the regression.

I have found that if you really want to do the regression thing, exposure to smells, and tastes act as more powerful triggers for memory, as a good part of your brain, is devoted to smell and taste.

There are plenty of hypnotherapists out there who are good at what they do, but most of them are NOT in the field of UFOlogy.
Oh, and before you go telling me that I'm an Armchair researcher you might want to think that over. I don't make flippant remarks. I'm not some dumbass who puts their faith in the crap that's been done for 30 years with ABJECT FAILURE.

I also have been witness to two regressions, and in one case when we went into the office where it took place, the guy had little stuffed aliens in the office. Like that isn't going to put an idea or two into someone's head.

If you were to testify in a court of law to something you witnessed, and your testimony consisted of regressed memories, you would be thrown out of court.
Fair enough.

I just think, like always, there are those doing good honest work and those that arent. But the fact that you have been present at 2 session puts you way ahead of me and gives you much more authority on the subject.

But just 'cause one guy has an alien in his office doesnt mean the whole field is a joke.
If you were to testify in a court of law to something you witnessed, and your testimony consisted of regressed memories, you would be thrown out of court.

Sorry but that's not true. I watched a BBC documentary about a guy who was wrongfully imprisoned for murder. While in jail he was told the names of the guys who actually committed the crime. By the time he had an opportunity to talk to a lawyer he had forgotten the names.

He was put under hypnotic regression, recalled the names, and because of this information, he was set free.

Hypnotic regression works. Not always, but neither does normal regression.

People often flippantly disregard hypnotic regression because in the current social climate, it is fashionable to do so.
If you were to walk into a grocery store grabbing a cart heading toward the soda isle to get 2 bottles of soda..then you come upon the soda isle and you see a big fat elephant standing in the middle of the isle..You are going to be shocked and stunned of what you are seeing and you are going to be afraid..right?

If this happened to me, I'd be forced to choose:

1) Discard my narrative and replace it with a new nonsensical one that easily accomodates supermarket-dwelling elephants.
2) Deny the reality of the elephant and thus keep my narrative intact.
3) Try to ignore the elephant as if it didn't happen and thus keep my narrative intact.

I suspect most experiencers choose 3) or oscillate miserably between 1) and 2) while seeking validation for either option. Perhaps you're seeking validation here, perhaps not.

I'm not in a position to doubt or believe what you say you saw. I'm only wondering if perhaps your mind saw something quite different than what was physically there. It might have been even stranger than a futuristic neighborhood.

Applying this view to the elephant, perhaps I really encountered a incomprehensible glitch in the virtual reality I inhabit, and my imagination covered it up with an elephant to keep me from going completely insane.
Sorry but that's not true. I watched a BBC documentary about a guy who was wrongfully imprisoned for murder. While in jail he was told the names of the guys who actually committed the crime. By the time he had an opportunity to talk to a lawyer he had forgotten the names.

He was put under hypnotic regression, recalled the names, and because of this information, he was set free.

Hypnotic regression works. Not always, but neither does normal regression.

People often flippantly disregard hypnotic regression because in the current social climate, it is fashionable to do so.

And that case took place where? It's not about being fashionable. It's about being intellectually honest. There is a big difference. Hypnotic regression works on a minority of people whose minds are suggestible.