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I had a Time Traveling Experience (Time Slip Phenomenon)

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Hello, I am a real time traveler who travel thru time in real life on 2 separate occassions who experience a Time Slip Phenomenon.

IT IS POSSIBLE THAT TIME TRAVEL CAN BE A REALITY!!! Take it from me from one of my phenomenon experiences.

My memory of this Time Slip occurred during this experience did not start surface again until 1971 when I moved, 3 years later..I kept in silence..The memories of my experience became on and off thru out the years until now.. I was finally able to come to terms with the possible reality of these Time Slip events and began researching the Internet to find corroboration for my experience and the corroboration that initially had the biggest impact for me was found at about.com and allexperts.com ( Of the Paranormal).

I had an unusual Time Slip phenomenon experience when i was a child (7 years old) back in July of 1968 in Fitchburg,MA on a hot sunny day when I decided to take a walk into the woods alone in my neighborhood to explorer like most kids do. The woods were thick and shady I was pulling off branches and leaves away from my face, hair and body. It was a 10 minute walk..When i came out of the woods on the other side..I was shocked and stunned of what i saw which I describe as a futuristic neighborhood..The houses and roads look well-advanced, extremely clean, colorful and beautiful.. The roads was not made out of black tar but silvery/white metallic cement that you can see the sun shines right off of it..The houses looked well-advanced with many huge windows, colorful roof tops and the street lights look different too.. I have never seen this before..I was only there for 6 minutes and there were no people around ONLY ME, the future houses and the road. I can hear a deep humming sound from the distance which to me sounds like ( An alive power box) I am not sure if that what it was. I felt lonely, afraid and a little bit lost.. I decided to go back into the woods to tell my mom..My mom did not listen to me and said, "Stay out of the woods" I had to stay in on that day because i wanted to go back into the woods to see that future place again for its beauty and to explore..I cried and cried feeling anxious and compelled to go back. The next day I snuck out and went back into the woods to find the future place and it wasnt there..It was GONE!..I spent almost 1 hour in the woods looking NOTHING!! The only thing i saw were regular 1960's houses and the road was not smooth and brand new looking It had some cracks in them. I was fully awake before, during and after my experience.

P.S..... Before I had my Time Slip experience..On May 1968, I was playing near by woods and decided to go for a walk into the woods until i saw a big tree fire burning. I ran to a near by neighbor and told him...The neighbor ran towards the woods saw the fire was spreading and yelled into the woods "anyone up there?" No one came out of the woods and the neighbor ran to his home to call the fire department and the fire was put out. I was just wondering if this was all connected some how..WE tell our true story experiences, Its well documented and it is up to the scientists or paranormal experts to figure this all out. Maybe one day we will have a full explanation and answers to all of our phenomenon experiences. :)

Hello! I know this is quite a few years ago that you posted this but a few things you mentioned throughout the thread have caught my attention. Recently I had a strange experience where I was traveling time forwards and backwards while camping. The experience lasted two days in which I was awake but then would fall into a deep meditation and vibrate then open my eyes and something new was happening. Two days. Super confused. But what is interesting is that I was camping in the middle of nowhere but heard a low buzzing type frequency almost like a generator or something. And my friend who was present said that I kept saying 'time' during this strange experience. I was not aware of any of my friends who were present for the two days I was 'absent'. Frequency played a big part of my travel. Just wanted to let you know that I also heard the buzzing.
Hello! I know this is quite a few years ago that you posted this but a few things you mentioned throughout the thread have caught my attention. Recently I had a strange experience where I was traveling time forwards and backwards while camping. The experience lasted two days in which I was awake but then would fall into a deep meditation and vibrate then open my eyes and something new was happening. Two days. Super confused. But what is interesting is that I was camping in the middle of nowhere but heard a low buzzing type frequency almost like a generator or something. And my friend who was present said that I kept saying 'time' during this strange experience. I was not aware of any of my friends who were present for the two days I was 'absent'. Frequency played a big part of my travel. Just wanted to let you know that I also heard the buzzing.

I'm not really clear on the sequence of events you're describing. Like what events were going forwards and what events were going backward and so on. If you could post your experience in point form with approximate times and dates in the sequence in which they happened from your experiential point of view, that would be very helpful.

In the meantime, I know there is a lot of talk about time travel being possible, but from what I've seen, that is mostly a pop-science/sci-fi perspective. I've run across other scientists who are on my side of the fence, which is that it's not possible. For the newbie in this subject, it's not easy to see why, but it can be explained. It also doesn't negate the possibility of something happening that is interpreted as time travel, when it is in fact something else. So I'm not saying people don't have experiences that they think are time travel. I've had some bizarre experiences where time seemed to flow very out of the ordinary. So strange things do happen. We just need to be careful not to jump to conclusions about them before we have an explanation.
Hello! I know this is quite a few years ago that you posted this but a few things you mentioned throughout the thread have caught my attention. Recently I had a strange experience where I was traveling time forwards and backwards while camping. The experience lasted two days in which I was awake but then would fall into a deep meditation and vibrate then open my eyes and something new was happening. Two days. Super confused. But what is interesting is that I was camping in the middle of nowhere but heard a low buzzing type frequency almost like a generator or something. And my friend who was present said that I kept saying 'time' during this strange experience. I was not aware of any of my friends who were present for the two days I was 'absent'. Frequency played a big part of my travel. Just wanted to let you know that I also heard the buzzing.

Hey, Usual suspect. I am a independent film director, and I was wondering if I could have your permission to write a film based on your time slip experiences, thanks!
Hey, Usual suspect. I am a independent film director, and I was wondering if I could have your permission to write a film based on your time slip experiences, thanks!
I've only had three experiences involving unusual time experiences, and they all happened when I was much younger. Plus there are a lot more interesting stories than mine out there to pick from too. Recently however, since we're on the subject, I was talking with a Church minister I crossed paths with at Starbucks about the experience I had in my twenties out in Rogers Pass when something that I interpreted at the time as some sort of transcendent entity, God or I dunno what exactly, communicated with me. It turned out that someone else who had driven through the same area ( I think on a different date ) also communicated with something there in sort of a telepathic way ( for lack of a better term ). Another person I talked to about my experience said that it could have been what the First Nations people call the great Manitou. So something strange seems to happen out there from time to time.

The way time shifted during my experience there was more like it was frozen all around me while I moved through the scene. Like a holodeck on pause. My first experience many years before that was just a classic missing time experience involving a craft and some other little people and some other kids I knew from the neighborhood, but I was just a small child. Nobody takes those stories seriously. The most interesting one to me wasn't any sort of alien thing, but seemed to involve what is generically referred to as a dimensional portal. The time differential was relatively small ( a number of hours ), but that's not the strange part. It seems to me like we stepped into a parallel world. I realize this sounds kooky, and one of the people I was with writes it off as sleep deprivation, but I don't think it can be explained that simply. There were other details that don't seem to be reasonably explainable any other way. I don't ever recall going back either.
During high stressfull situations time seems to slow down. For example eyewitness in car accidents, folks nearly drowning, folks falling from large building which they survie even when they have terrible injuries, shooting events (which some folks experience when free fall abseiling down into caves etc.)
I'm glad this thread has reawakened, because for some years I have been trying to get in touch with TimeExplorer regarding details of her experience. The reason is that I decided, several years ago, to look into a local time slip mystery, and I discovered, as did TimeExplorer, that the area in which these events occur appears to harbour some strange energy. In the course of my research, I came across some strong hints as to what that energy may be (something just as controversial as time slips themselves). Here is a link to my final report, and comments and feedback would be welcome:


I have sent a message to TimeExplorer but no reply as yet. If anyone has had any contact with her or knows contact details for her, I would be very grateful! Rereading the responses to her post, I note that some individuals gave her a very rough time, and I fear that she may have decided not to return to these forums. I hope not.
I'm not really clear on the sequence of events you're describing. Like what events were going forwards and what events were going backward and so on. If you could post your experience in point form with approximate times and dates in the sequence in which they happened from your experiential point of view, that would be very helpful.

In the meantime, I know there is a lot of talk about time travel being possible, but from what I've seen, that is mostly a pop-science/sci-fi perspective. I've run across other scientists who are on my side of the fence, which is that it's not possible. For the newbie in this subject, it's not easy to see why, but it can be explained. It also doesn't negate the possibility of something happening that is interpreted as time travel, when it is in fact something else. So I'm not saying people don't have experiences that they think are time travel. I've had some bizarre experiences where time seemed to flow very out of the ordinary. So strange things do happen. We just need to be careful not to jump to conclusions about them before we have an explanation.

Hey Unusual Suspect , sorry I am just seeing this reply from years ago lol. But if you are still interested I will give more details on what exactly happened that I can even explain. The whole experience is almost like trying to describe a color that doesn't exist, so I'll do my best.
Oct 9th 2015 it is a Friday afternoon I arrived to our campsite in a place I am unfamiliar with, deep in the woods in Deleware and me and two of my friends are just enjoying the day hanging out at our campsite. I am not at all in a mood to camp in the first place and spend more time in my tent napping throughout the day than hanging with my friends. Night comes and there is a huge storm that forces us to stay in our tents. (I'm being a lazy girl so obviously I was okay with that haha).

Now Oct. 10th 2015 (date of incident) morning went smoothly we ate and hung out all morning I was feeling a little more like I was happy to be there, things were fine. I'm guessing it was around 4:30p.m and the sun was going to be setting in about an hour or so, so I went to my tent to put on fuzzy pajamas and start getting cozy before it got cold. As I am in my tent I have a strange, nonsensical thought about wishing that I was able to write since I was born so I could have remembered what I came from before I came here. With that, an overwhelming feeling came over me that forced me to lay down and pretty much go into a deep meditation I would say. I saw lots of symbols in my minds eye and when I would focus in on what the symbol was it would vibrate and I would vibrate with it and hear a very deep buzzing frequency much like that of a generator. Then I would wake up in "My tent" but it wasn't My tent.

The first thing I felt when I opened my eyes was that the ground was wet, I was in a puddle of sorts so I looked up and seen an older Brown skinned woman handing me a baby in the middle of a forest with humongous trees all around. Another woman who just gave birth to the baby layed in a body of water about 3ft from me. The older woman who handed the baby to me then started to show me how to wash it and wrap it, almost like I was in training or something. With that I saw another symbol on the baby's belly and it vibrated me to another timeline but this time it was somewhere else. As crazy as this sounds these people were giants and had very pale almost translucent pale blueish skin and purple iris. They told me telepathically that there was going to be devastation on earth and saw flashes in my mind of what looked like atomic bombs wiping land out. I tried to speak out loud and my words sounded as if I was underwater. They told me other information that I can't remember but what it was made me start clinging to all my earthly possessions out of fear. I was feeling my reality was being threatened lol. Normal response I guess. I then told them telepathically in response the the info I can't remember but shook my reality.. "this is just like Tom Cruise in Vanilla Sky", then they kicked me out of that realm so fast haha prob for saying some dumb shit like that to them.

These things happened until Monday morning the 12th. On and off. My friends thought I was just like excluding myself and Sunday late afternoon they became really worried about me they said. I was not responding to them and I was walking around acting very bizarrely with my surroundings. They gave me a Xanax at some point sunday night to chill me out and fell completely asleep and I woke up traumatized Monday morning.

There was more to the experiences but many of them are too bizarre for me to even write here lol. When I got home I even made my boyfriend bring me to the hospital just to check my vitals and make sure I wasn't dead or something. It was the most insane and profound mystery to me and still is. But it seemed that the buzzing frequencies were the trigger that set off any timeline change. It was almost 2 days worth of wild shit, just too much to write here. Hope this was clear enough for ya, I tried lol.

X Jena
Hey Unusual Suspect , sorry I am just seeing this reply from years ago lol. But if you are still interested I will give more details on what exactly happened that I can even explain. The whole experience is almost like trying to describe a color that doesn't exist, so I'll do my best.
Oct 9th 2015 it is a Friday afternoon I arrived to our campsite in a place I am unfamiliar with, deep in the woods in Deleware and me and two of my friends are just enjoying the day hanging out at our campsite. I am not at all in a mood to camp in the first place and spend more time in my tent napping throughout the day than hanging with my friends. Night comes and there is a huge storm that forces us to stay in our tents. (I'm being a lazy girl so obviously I was okay with that haha).

Now Oct. 10th 2015 (date of incident) morning went smoothly we ate and hung out all morning I was feeling a little more like I was happy to be there, things were fine. I'm guessing it was around 4:30p.m and the sun was going to be setting in about an hour or so, so I went to my tent to put on fuzzy pajamas and start getting cozy before it got cold. As I am in my tent I have a strange, nonsensical thought about wishing that I was able to write since I was born so I could have remembered what I came from before I came here. With that, an overwhelming feeling came over me that forced me to lay down and pretty much go into a deep meditation I would say. I saw lots of symbols in my minds eye and when I would focus in on what the symbol was it would vibrate and I would vibrate with it and hear a very deep buzzing frequency much like that of a generator. Then I would wake up in "My tent" but it wasn't My tent.

The first thing I felt when I opened my eyes was that the ground was wet, I was in a puddle of sorts so I looked up and seen an older Brown skinned woman handing me a baby in the middle of a forest with humongous trees all around. Another woman who just gave birth to the baby layed in a body of water about 3ft from me. The older woman who handed the baby to me then started to show me how to wash it and wrap it, almost like I was in training or something. With that I saw another symbol on the baby's belly and it vibrated me to another timeline but this time it was somewhere else. As crazy as this sounds these people were giants and had very pale almost translucent pale blueish skin and purple iris. They told me telepathically that there was going to be devastation on earth and saw flashes in my mind of what looked like atomic bombs wiping land out. I tried to speak out loud and my words sounded as if I was underwater. They told me other information that I can't remember but what it was made me start clinging to all my earthly possessions out of fear. I was feeling my reality was being threatened lol. Normal response I guess. I then told them telepathically in response the the info I can't remember but shook my reality.. "this is just like Tom Cruise in Vanilla Sky", then they kicked me out of that realm so fast haha prob for saying some dumb shit like that to them.

These things happened until Monday morning the 12th. On and off. My friends thought I was just like excluding myself and Sunday late afternoon they became really worried about me they said. I was not responding to them and I was walking around acting very bizarrely with my surroundings. They gave me a Xanax at some point sunday night to chill me out and fell completely asleep and I woke up traumatized Monday morning.

There was more to the experiences but many of them are too bizarre for me to even write here lol. When I got home I even made my boyfriend bring me to the hospital just to check my vitals and make sure I wasn't dead or something. It was the most insane and profound mystery to me and still is. But it seemed that the buzzing frequencies were the trigger that set off any timeline change. It was almost 2 days worth of wild shit, just too much to write here. Hope this was clear enough for ya, I tried lol.

X Jena
Doesn't sound like a time slip at all! You entered a state of mind where you were open to all kinds of impulses and signals but because you weren't prepared for it it just overwhelmed you, which is why people need a long period of training prior to dealing with this kind of thing. I wonder if you have any idea of the exact location of the site? Also whether there were any ancient monuments from Native American or older periods?

I suspect too that the storm may have played a part in generating whatever you went through.

Don't worry about whether your other experiences were too bizarre! They might offer some more insight into the state of mind that you were in.
That's quite possible some claim to have brought something back with them during these alleged Time Slips ...
Yes, there have been a few instances, the most famous one being the plastic envelopes said to have been bought in a 1920s shop in Norwich, UK, by an elderly man named Mr Squirrel. I wouldn't place much credence in the self proclaimed "time travellers" from the future who crop up here and there.