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Horse mutilation case in UK, reported on National Radio

Free episodes:

Here is a link to a story that is running on BBC radio2 today, various news sources are saying that investigators are looking into whether the horse wars sedated, as no signs of strugglel are visible, look familiar to anyone................................

Spooky. Creeps me out every time I read one of those reports. A storm is blowing in with rain and high winds. I can't think of anything to provoke Angel, so I'm signing-off..................................................
Here is a link to a story that is running on BBC radio2 today, various news sources are saying that investigators are looking into whether the horse wars sedated, as no signs of strugglel are visible, look familiar to anyone................................


Lovebucket thanks you so much for this. Can you remember the approximate time when you heard the story on BBC radio 2 so I could archive it?
Spooky. Creeps me out every time I read one of those reports. A storm is blowing in with rain and high winds. I can't think of anything to provoke Angel, so I'm signing-off..................................................

Are you talking about me? I don't think this forum is about provoking people into anything. Just speak your mind. Sometimes people will agree, and sometimes they won't.
Just sent this to my list:

Dear colleagues.

Audio Clipping: Community in Cornwall reacts to Horse Mutilation case:
Interviews with Police and the Owner
Audio Download link:

I worked hard on this for the last two days. Had to manully locate and extract audios from the complete show that lasted three hours. This is just a preliminary clipping to meet the needs of real time as much is possible.
Lee you are free to forward this too to a research that you are currently working on this.

There are more reports and interviews on this in others shows. I preliminary detected them, but there will be no time for me at the moment to process the whole batch. It will be done but in the future like with my other releases (Audios on the 8th batch of UK UFO documents release is still on the pending mode, but I will soon finalize that one).

In this audio from January 10th, you can hear comments from people and reaction from the whole community in Cornwall on the 2nd Horse Mutilation case. Police representative, representative of RCSPA and Vivien Allaway that owned horse Eric, were interviewed. Vivien gave graphic details about the state of the horse after they found him mutilated.

It was broadcast on BBC Cornwall within the show "Lunchtime with Laurence Reed". Host for that day was Martin Bailie. He was sitting for Laurence becauses he was not available that day.

Best Wishes and hope colleagues from UK will find audio material useful for additional leads and to further check does this case actually meets standards of "classic mutilation" case, or not.
Best Wishes.

Some of my previous audio releases:
Latest from my private list:

I just found another, alleged, report of a new horse mutilation in UK. That would make it as a 3rd case. I found it on the BBC Corwall Facebook page (same radio station already devoted full program to the 2nd case that I recently included in my audio clipping). It was reported on the Facebook page by user „Julie Savage“. She says that „the owners of the horse (of the latest case) are friends of her daughter.“ She suggested that someone should phone her at the number 07791798410 and that her name is Tiffini. The horse is allegedly called Sammi. If anyone wants to call that family and check up the story please report it on the list after that. As far as I can see there are no media report on the 3rd case yet. For now there are only those few Facebook posts and forum comments so more data will be needed for confirmation.

More in the pasted exchange below (keep reading it as there will be another past from Horse and Hound forum):

Source: http://www.facebook.com/lunchtimewithlaurence?sk=info#!/lunchtimewithlaurence?sk=wall
Julie Savage

Hi Laurence, please can you do a segement on the situation with the horses that have been murdered - there has been another one in Devon on Saturday (14th Jan) please can you appeal for anyone that knows anything to please contact the police - horse owners in the area are very nervous that there is something sinister going on

Like · · 21 hours ago ·
Lunchtime with Laurence We've just heard from the Police and vets, they are NOT treating as suspicious.
21 hours ago · Like
Julie Savage the owners of the horse are friends of my daughter so please can someone phone her for more info on 07791798410 her name is Tiffini. this horse called Sammi had its right eye removed and the left eyelid removed and half the stallions penis - this is no coincedence that 3 horses in a spate of a week all had the same injuries and they are saying the horse in wales died of natural causes as well. Please can somone use their investigative journalistic nature and get to the bottom of this - I have no idea why the police would not see the connection. We have just heard that the vet said the horse died of colic but the owners saw the horse had defecated by where he died and the vet said the stomach cavity was empty, this does not correspond to what colic actually is - colic in horses is when the stomach twists and cannot allow food to enter the intestine - something doesnt add up. The injuries to the horse in devon is supposedly from wild animals, however the owner of the horse had his friend with him who is a butcher and the cut to the eyelid and penis is a clean cut and not the making of an animal. thanks
19 hours ago · Like · 2
Liz Jack Russell Lancaster How can those sort of injuries NOT be suspicious?
14 hours ago · Like · 1
Julie Savage Its ridiculous that the police wont do anything about it - we are horse owners and now have to worry like crazy as both of them are stallions. There are satanic holidays that coincide with the activities of late so we are worried as there is another day in February that is coming up so we will be on full alert. Thank you for also posting as the more people that are aware the better.
13 hours ago · Like

= = end of paste = =
Here is another comment on Horse and Hound forum. Pasted text below:
Source: http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=509289

Another mutilation murder, holsworthy Devon.
Hi all, please continue being vigilant, another horse has been mutilated and killed in pyworthy in Devon 2 nights ago, he was a black 3 year old welsh colt. Belonging to a friend, and my best friend owns his mother. He was mutilated in the same way as erik, eyes removed, genitals removed, Tongue cut etc. The owners and myself are devastated, it seems though that people are spreading rumours that its a neglect case?! But yet I have just rung the police and they have confirmed not neglect, but murder. Thank you.
= end of paste =
If UK colleagues will find anything new please send it on the list.
First media report on the 3rd horse case located – Police is saying for this case that is a result of natural causes (as they did for the first case) (the same statement was commented in the pasted Facebook exchange in my previous post – in the text below:

Source: http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/news/397/311110.html
Another stallion found dead and mutilated in third 'attack'
Amy Mathieson, H&H news writer
16 January, 2012
The body of another dead and mutilated stallion has been found in what appears to be the third horrific attack in less than two weeks.
Sammy, an 11.2hh Welsh/Arab pony, was found dead in his field near Whitstone, Devon on Saturday (14 January).
Owner Tanya Ingram told H&H Sammy was missing his right eye, left eyelid and his tongue and genitals had been cut. He was three years old and she was intending on breeding from him.
But spokesman from the RSPCA told H&H: "No foul play is suspected and the injuries are thought to have been inflicted post mortem."
Devon and Cornwall Police told H&H “this is not a crime” and that he died of “natural causes” — but the owners are unconvinced.
“It does not look like natural causes to me,” Ms Ingram told H&H. “He was fit and well. And the cuts were so clean it doesn’t appear to have been animals. His penis was cut off. We’re just so shocked, it’s so distressing.”
She has 12 other horses on the site. Sammy was the only stallion, and none of the others were harmed.
Last week a two-year-old stallion called Erik was found mutilated near Truro, Cornwall, and on 5 January a seven-year-old stallion Barney was found slashed in Carmartenshire. Dyfed Powys Police have closed the case, but Barney’s owners also remain convinced it was not a natural death due to the nature of the wounds.

What is your working theory on this?

No theory, just curiosity for now (what ever route it takes at the end). Waiting for colleagues in UK that are currently working on it to release more data (hopefully soon). Phone number and contact data of families involved is now known as I collected them from different reports and forwarded them.

I was requested from Missouri Investigators Group to merge all reports, so I recently made chronology for them of all cases:

I emphasized that "UK cases can't be categorized with certainty as 'classic mutilation' cases yet." I would like to see more detailed reports on the state of blood compared with classic examples: http://www.noufors.com/Documents/mutilationofcalves.pdf

Personally, I was never too much interested in animal mutilation cases, although I am curious to see how this will develop further. Reaction of people in Cornwall is very strong. In this stage will collect as much is possible and forward it further. BBC show that I uploaded in previous posts above is not officialy available any more (it stays live on BBC only for 7 days) but it is now archived.

I found today reports on horse cases from Colorado back in August 2010 so I sent it today on the list. We will see what will happen as more info arrives on this UK mess: