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Disclosure & Questions for Dr. Steven Greer

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Skilled Investigator
Around 2000, the Disclosure movement had some serious momentum going for it but since then some Disclosure activists seemed to have moved onto larger, more encompassing topics which involve the "big-picture" view of exopolitics and contact as opposed to finding out what the government knows. For instance Peter Gersten has shifted from a focus on CAUS to his PAG-E News site which is less focused on the cover-up issue. Joe Firmage has since also embraced a wider range of pursuits.

Now I (and I assume anyone with an open-minded interest in the paranormal) am very interested in the larger spiritual/metaphysical issues that contact implies; however I would like to know from those in the field such as Dr. Greer why this shift appears to be happening and if the movement for Disclosure is still being pursued and what new developments there may be.

Certainly these admirable advocates and researchers are entitled to their pursuits. And it can easily be said that with the wealth of evidence, maybe an official reply of "yes, all of your research is correct, we've known about ETs for nearly 60 years," is but a moot point for something that is by now hiding in plain sight.

Until the big Media acknowledges UFOS are real. Its going to be an uphill battle. Dr. Greer, How will you convince the Media to take UFOS seriously?
I've got a two questions for dr. Greer?
1 .what is the realtionship to Tom Bearden, and are his theories actually proven/used by the ET's or secret-millitary project's? Dr. Greer talks a lot about scalar-wave technology, which Tom Bearden has written a lot about, but are there other independent 'witnesses' who can confirm that he (Bearden) is correct?

2. Does he have an opinion on the book 'Above Black' by Dan Sherman... or is Dan Sherman a disclosure project witness (see www.aboveblack.com)
Its quite interesting, and the method of 'Intuitive Communication' seems quite interesting.. does he have any information that could shed some light on it?
In the interview with Dr Greer, discussion is made of the hosting of Disclosure project files on google video.

I believe in principle this is an important, perhaps critical undertaking. However, may I suggest that the files will become lost amidst a maze of britney spears' boobs and great soccer kicks.

Also a lot of people may not want to install the google player (I for one)

Perhaps a better solution would be to upload them to Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine

I have had a copy of the National Press Club Address in my p2p (emule) shared folder and it is the most popular file! ...clearly there are a lot of people who can't find it on the Disclosure Project website.

A little on donations ... I sometimes wonder if people asking for donations appreciate that manny people would like to donate to a worthy cause but don't have a credit card!!!

The same goes for purchasing a video or other material - lets have an address where people can send a cheque....
If the Navy couldn't keep track of the entire Walker family's disclosure of secrets to foreign countries, why is it that all of these Disclosure Project people who worked on alien technology can't collectively put together from memory some technical specs or theory that someone adept at technology can use to at least build a rudimentary power source?

Don't give me that "Columbus having a nuclear submarine" crap, either. I know Amish farmers that could duplicate a tractor with a hand file and some charcoal briquettes on a stone forge. If a human mind knows that something can possibly be done, it will figure out at least one way to do it. The real conspiracy is in keeping the rudimentary theories from the people who would build it. Probably because they are so simple that a child could replicate it once it was imagined.

If the government can do it, then I sure as hell can make it better.
hmm... ???
i don't know about this guy either... i thought steve was legit but whats up with the nerve gas story? and the "cia briefing" incident. i dont know who to believe.

http://www.ufowatchdog.com/greer_seti.html follow the links at the bottom too.

Gene or David do you have any comment on this information?

i would like dr greer to defend himself. i want to believe him. he is (was) one of my heros.
pixelsmith said:
hmm... ???
i don't know about this guy either... i thought steve was legit but whats up with the nerve gas story? and the "cia briefing" incident. i dont know who to believe.

http://www.ufowatchdog.com/greer_seti.html follow the links at the bottom too.

Gene or David do you have any comment on this information?

i would like dr greer to defend himself. i want to believe him. he is (was) one of my heros.
David and I will talk about this, and see what questions we'd like to ask Dr. Greer when he returns to the show, as we're sure he will.
Gene, two other things I'd like you to consider asking Dr. Greer about when next you have him on the Paracast:

A couple of years ago (on Coast to Coast) he was all excited about having witnessed a demonstration of a small, portable zero-point energy generation device. He was pretty convinced this thing was legit, relating how the inventor had carried it out to the sidewalk and then plugged-in and simultaneously powered several household AC appliances amounting to a few hundred watts. Greer said the device itself was constructed in such a fashion that there didn't appear to be any hiding places for batteries, etc.

Anyway, the only follow-up I ever heard about this extraordinary item was some months later when he said something about the legal rights to development were encumbered by other involved parties (some of which may have been foreign). I'd sure like to know Dr. Greer's current assessment of the contraption, and/or its whereabouts.

The other question is about Sgt. Clifford Stone, one of Dr. Greer's more incredible Disclosure witnesses at his famous National Press Club presentation. Sgt. Stone claims to have been a member of a Top Secret UFO/ET crash recovery team, and revealed that the military had actually catalogued 57 varieties of ETs through to the time of his retirement in the 80s. THAT'S A HEAVYWEIGHT STORY!

As you may already know, Sgt. Stone's persistence finally got the military to acknowledge that the operations he insisted he was part of (Bluefly and Moondust) did, in fact, exist - though initially they denied it.

Has Stone since been discredited? I'm wondering why he isn't otherwise front-and-center clamored-for with the details he could provide.

Maybe you guys will consider doing a show with Stone, himself, but in the meantime I'd like to know Dr. Greer's take.

Great show!
ozman said:
In the interview with Dr Greer, discussion is made of the hosting of Disclosure project files on google video.

I believe in principle this is an important, perhaps critical undertaking. However, may I suggest that the files will become lost amidst a maze of britney spears' boobs and great soccer kicks.

Also a lot of people may not want to install the google player (I for one)

Actually, google video gives you the option to download the files - you don't need to install the google player (personally, I'm not signing up to any of google's services or installing any of their software)

If anyone's interested, here's the links to the Disclosure videos on Google:

Disclosure Witness Interview Video - Part 1 of 2
Disclosure Witness Interview Video - Part 2 of 2

I've no idea if these have been 'officially' uploaded to Google video - I certainly haven't put them there.

I'm very disappointed in the progress of the Disclosure Project - pretty much every interview I've seen or heard with Greer has 95% in common with every other interview. There doesn't appear to have been any real progress made since 2001.

I guess, real disclosure will only come if and when the people 'in the know' are ready and not a minute before.
Rick, I totally agree with your two points.

The Disclosure Project doesn't seem to have gained any discernable traction since the 2001 presentation. And it probably won't until:

1.) "They" land on the Whitehouse lawn.

2.) Or the highest offices of officialdom give their nod of approval to the media.

In the meantime, government spokespersons and other debunkers are so confident in the complete dependency of the general herd for their definition of accepted reality, that they don't even bother to offer intelligent explanations.

d.braun said:
A couple of years ago (on Coast to Coast) he was all excited about having witnessed a demonstration of a small, portable zero-point energy generation device. He was pretty convinced this thing was legit, relating how the inventor had carried it out to the sidewalk and then plugged-in and simultaneously powered several household AC appliances amounting to a few hundred watts. Greer said the device itself was constructed in such a fashion that there didn't appear to be any hiding places for batteries, etc.

Anyway, the only follow-up I ever heard about this extraordinary item was some months later when he said something about the legal rights to development were encumbered by other involved parties (some of which may have been foreign). I'd sure like to know Dr. Greer's current assessment of the contraption, and/or its whereabouts.

This was Bearden's MEG (motionless electromagnetic generator). There was some problem between Greer's people and Bearden. I don't know what. I suspect one of two things: Either it didn't scale well, due to the finickyness of the tuning system partly, or, it actually worked better than expected by Bearden and his french promoter, Naudlin, and they have 'dropped out' in order to flesh out patent rights and clarifications before going completely public with the Wal-Mart version (I suspect the former, since 100 years of Relativity Theology is pretty hard to set aside and not only develop ideas, but make hardware without a solid understanding of something that doesn't exist; ether). I had sent emails to Bearden on the device, never got a reply. Which is odd, since in the past, I've received reply emails from people like Podkletnov and Puthoff. (Maybe only people whose names start with 'P' will respond to me, I don't know....must be a conspiracy, eh?)
pixelsmith said:
Dr. Steven Greer? are you there? any comments? tap tap tap... is this thing on?

It's fair to say that most of the people we interview on The Paracast aren't regular participants in online forums. That's not being rude or anything. Forums just aren't regular habits for most peoople.

On the other hand, when we have Dr. Greer on for a return visit on the show, I'll be happy to collect questions and see what we have time to ask.

In the meantime, David and I welcome everyone's comments here, so we can all learn together.
Gene Steinberg said:
On the other hand, when we have Dr. Greer on for a return visit on the show, I'll be happy to collect questions and see what we have time to ask.

Hello Gene

I nearly went off on a full scale rant about this guy. When I get on a roll there's more sparks flying off the keyboard than there are from knitting needles in the West of Ireland.

Don't bring him back unless you and David are going to ask him some questions. He really is very adept at running away with the show. The host can do very little about it. He's on his mobile because he's soooo busy, and he has to go soon because he has a dinner date with the head of the illuminati, or whoever it is that he's currently name dropping. It makes me wonder whether he's slipping into a shiney torquoise tracksuit and admiring himself while he's talking.

Seriously, if you do bring him back, then set some ground rules. Do alert all of us here. Do collect questions. and do ask him questions.

Woody Sideman said:
He really is very adept at running away with the show. The host can do very little about it. He's on his mobile because he's soooo busy, and he has to go soon because he has a dinner date with the head of the illuminati, or whoever it is that he's currently name dropping. It makes me wonder whether he's slipping into a shiney torquoise tracksuit and admiring himself while he's talking.

That's very much the impression that I get - I attended a UFO conference in 2000 (and 2001) here in the UK where Dr. Stephen Greer was a guest speaker and I now realise that before and after that time, his presentations and interviews have contained pretty much 90% of the same material.

IMHO, he seems to have lost the 'focus' on his own project's primary goal and gotten swept up in 'celebrity' of it all. He's always mentioning that his uncle worked on the Apollo lander. He's always quoting Eisenhower's speech. He's always talking about briefing 'top' CIA staff and the presidents 'advisors' about the UFO situation. He's always telling the anicdote about Lord Hill Norton and using the phrase "You can't handle the truth!". He's always hinting that JFK's assassination is linked to the subject. He's always mentioning his latest book and web-sites. He's always saying that the project is being run on a 'shoe-string' budget and needs more funding to make any progress. If he knows so many influencial people who want the 'truth' out then why don't they sponsor the project?

I go to his site, perhaps once a month and all I see are timetables updates for his latest interviews. So I download and listen and he's saying exactly the same things as he did 5 years ago. Where is the progress?

BTW, don't you find it odd that the main site for the Disclosure Project doesn't have a discussion forum?

So my questions for 'Disclosure' are :

  • Are the project goals still the same as they were in 2001?
  • What has been acheived since the press briefing in 2001?
  • Is there a timetable for this project?
  • Have any milestones been set and have any been reached?
  • What are the hurdles and how are they going to overcome them?

My intention was not to appear too negative - but I find it frustrating that this most promising project appears to have fallen by the wayside. If the media really is suppressing this subject, then I fear that they have already won the battle against the Disclosure Project.
Hi Rick

Now that I've calmed down I might be able to contribute something useful.

First of all, I absolutely agree with everything you have stated. Second, I also agree with the pertinence of your list of questions.

The main question that I would have though is, why would anybody in their right mind assume that possession of free energy would resolve the world's problems. In fact, why would anybody in the right mind think that free energy would resolve any problems at all?

Go to Iceland in October. Drive around Reykjav?c and look at the houses. The air will be cold yet every house has the windows open. Every building has a corrogated steel roof. Not a single building has any form of insulation whatsoever. Why? Because the geothermal energy from the power plant at the Blue Pool makes heating costs insignificant. Each building in that city just pours heat into the atmosphere. It doesn't really matter to them. Energy doesn't cost anything so they turn the heat up full blast and open all of the windows. BTW, there is a reason for the corrogated steel roof. This form of roof doesn't shed tiles during earthquakes, however, it is also the least effective insulator. Overall, it doesn't really matter that much, in the great scheme of things, because there are only about 70,000 people living there.

On the other hand, take a look at London, England. The area around London is about 2?C warmer than the rest of southern Britain even though every attempt is being made by the British Goverment to cut energy consumption (and also reduce polluting emmisions). Even here in Belfast I got a grant of ?550 (about $850) to help me pay to convert from coal to gas. Some guy came to my home recently to give me advice about insulation. When he was here, he gave me enough long lasting, low energy, light bulbs to convert all the lights in my home. These bulbs cost about ?4 each (about $6.50) yet he gave them to me for free. He told me to throw the ordinary light bulbs in the bin. Anyway, back to London. London does not have it's own little bit of ,stationary, atmosphere permanently overhead, yet the heat pouring from the buildings actually warms up the entire area. What would be the consequence of the educated Londoners getting free energy? Then consider what would be the consequence of uneducated people worldwide getting free energy. Is this going to solve the global warming problem? No, definitly not. It will make it much worse.

Consider letting Boeing build little spaceships for everyone instead of Detroit building cars. This immediately stops global dimming (no more contrails). This immediately allows the sun to heat up the atmosphere of the entire planet by another 2?C almost overnight. Within a couple of years the Greenland ice cap has melted, New York City, London, Tokyo, Rome, Miami, Hong Kong, etc, etc, are all under water. Oh what a happy world we are now living in. At the same time, all sorts of immoral uneducated dunderheads have now got access to all sorts of cheap and powerful weapons. The ecomonies of the advanced nations are in unrecoverable slump, Ah well, just more reasons for Dr Greer to rejoice. He can sit in the lotus position and commune with his ET friends while the world turns to chaos.

Maybe there is a sensible reason why such technology has not been made public and it has nothing to do with the megalomania of the Bilderbergers.

Maybe we should be keeping a very close eye on Dr Steven (Rasputin) Greer. He seems to have the ear of too many powerful people.

Like Rick, I also think The Disclosure Project seems to be spinning its wheels these past few years, and though we may be getting used to hearing Dr. Greer drop the same names and sound-bites, etc., I remember how much credibility it lent to his message the first time I heard it.

An expanding audience of "new" listeners is probably crucial to any eventual headway, and so maybe we should consider that aspect of repetition too.

Woody, regarding the potential "free" energy consequence as you raise it:

"why would anybody in their right mind assume that possession of free energy would resolve the world's problems? In fact, why would anybody in the right mind think that free energy would resolve any problems at all?"

I would respond by saying that it is important to make a clear distinction between HAVING "smart" energy resources, versus smart USE of energy. Clean and unlimited energy is smart, and we need it. Responsible use of that energy, on the other hand, is an entirely different matter.

There will be challenges to wise distribution and implementation, I'm sure, but I can't imagine them to be any more critical than the ones we now face in our current energy/environmental/social situation.

Yes, there are also questions I'd like to hear Greer answer, (see my prior post on this thread) and maybe he isn't perfect, but he's made a tremendous personal effort and his cause is a good one.
