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COVID-19 News

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Wow that is a strong lead - I've been trying to find similar in the EU, but they are not giving out enough statistics!
It's a misleading statistic. Faucci is part of the problem. Not part of the solution. He's misrepresented leading epidemiologists far more qualified than him who aren't of his opinion. He's a basic MD. with experience in administration and politics.
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Oh and about people who won't get the vaccine in the U.S.:

99% cannot be counted on as dying "from" as opposed to "with", and we know those who for sure died "with", already had one foot in the grave anyway, or had some other weird condition that means they could just has easily have died from one of their preexisting conditions, or just plain old-age. And to top it off they're using the same logic to suggest that the cause of death for old people who are dying after getting the vaccine has nothing to do with the vaccine.

The question mark there should be a lot bigger. It's always a case of "The vaccine is safe and good for you". It spin doctoring and image management.
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99% cannot be counted on as dying "from" as opposed to "with", and what we know from those who for sure died "with", they already had one foot in the grave anyway, or had some other weird condition that means they could just has easily have died from one of their preexisting conditions, or just plain old-age. And to top it off they're using the same logic to suggest that the cause of death for old people who are dying after getting the vaccine has nothing to do with the vaccine.

Well in here, when COVID started, ALL deaths were suddenly COVID.

There is lots of politics in these news. But I do think Dr Fauci has a point, the vaccines do actually make a HUGE difference. We're not being told the whole picture. At the moment here in Finland they are overtly careful by NOT opening the society. I'm sure someone profits by keeping things closed. However the restaurant/hospitality sector is close to bankrupty because restrictions.
CDC ...

"Under the Emergency Use Authorizations for COVID-19 vaccines, appropriate medical treatment for severe allergic reactions must be immediately available in the event that an acute anaphylactic reaction occurs following administration of a COVID-19 vaccine."

But there's nothing to be concerned about because it's "safe".
Well in here, when COVID started, ALL deaths were suddenly COVID.

There is lots of politics in these news. But I do think Dr Fauci has a point, the vaccines do actually make a HUGE difference. We're not being told the whole picture. At the moment here in Finland they are overtly careful by NOT opening the society. I'm sure someone profits by keeping things closed. However the restaurant/hospitality sector is close to bankrupty because restrictions.
Exactly. It's a known fact that the deaths "from" were inflated. It's a known fact that the WHO changed the way deaths "from" were to be reported. The whole thing has serious problems of epic political proportions within the scientific and political communities.
CDC ...

"Under the Emergency Use Authorizations for COVID-19 vaccines, appropriate medical treatment for severe allergic reactions must be immediately available in the event that an acute anaphylactic reaction occurs following administration of a COVID-19 vaccine."

But there's nothing to be concerned about because it's "safe".

You are reading it backwards. It is what is says - a precaution.

Did you know that it is already very well known what causes the allergic reaction in mRNA vaccines? Its the lipid used to pack the mRNA. Its a stock product made by stock by labs for many purposes. They chose something "well-tolerated", but easily available. It can be changed in next vaccine iterations easily.

Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia​


Health Canada issues label change on the AstraZeneca and COVISHIELD COVID-19 vaccines​

"Health Canada is updating the product monograph—or label—for the AstraZeneca and COVISHIELD COVID-19 vaccines to add capillary leak syndrome as a potential side effect."

But it's perfectly "safe". Didn't I say it attacks the good protein responsible for blood vessel growth and maintenance? Or maybe it's just sheer coincidence. Or more "fake news".
There is nothing that is 100% "safe".

You can die when you step out to the street.

You have to compare the numbers with/without.
People do not generally understand the concept of risk at all.
At the same time, they drive a car to work every day, but worry about a vaccine.

You'll most likely die to other causes:

I'll listen if you can give me hard fact in the form of statistics that the vaccinations are actually harmful. So far I've failed to see any, in any country.
And since comments about how all the trials went so wonderfully are prone to popping-up now and then:

"This was the highest fever I can ever remember having, and it scared me," said Choi, with the School of Nursing at UCLA.

For counterpoint. This site offers a lot:

For a quick read, it just proves that AZ is bit suspect, and that is no news anymore. It went out of EU's fashion.

But it still proves the point that mRNA is a better approach than the old one. Vaccines with most issues are made with the "good-old-way". They indeed need that 10 years testing.

Think this bit further - as tech improves, mRNA vaccines will eventually be done on-site, tailored for each patient. We're in exciting, transitionary stage in medicine.

Yes, I have extremely positive view on this - its the method you can soon treat also deceases, and hopefully cancer and aging as well. mRNA's next step is gene therapy...
And for the record, I've gotten the Pfizer/Biontech shot 1.5 months ago.

Magnet did not stick (I guess they have better glue in the US).. Only side-effect was that the muscle injected was quite sore the next day. Went away quickly.

Next one in a few weeks.
It's a misleading statistic. Faucci is part of the problem. Not part of the solution. He's misrepresented leading epidemiologists far more qualified than him who aren't of his opinion. He's a basic MD. with experience in politics.
He's an immunologist who has worked for the U.S. government since the Reagan administration.

This doesn't sound basic to me:

He's an immunologist who has worked for the U.S. government since the Reagan administration.

This doesn't sound basic to me:

It says right in that article "Anthony S. Fauci, M.D." That's his credentials. Yes, he's obviously got a lot of administrative and speaking experience in the medical field, and he has been recognized for his research work, and I don't begrudge him any of his outstanding accomplishments, but:

Fauci's credentials and admin work isn't nearly the same thing as having a doctorate in theoretical epidemiology, which Dr. Sunetra Gupta has, not to mention she's a Professor at the Oxford Martin School and part of their Central Team, or that her partner in The Great Barrington Declaration, is Martin Kulldorff, who is also a PhD and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, or other cosigners like Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer, professor and expert in virology, immunology and cell biology, University of Würzburg, Germany. Literally thousands of other medical professionals with equal or better credentials than Fauci completely disagreed with him about lockdowns, but instead of agreeing with them, Fauci's response was to misrepresent them when he made his stupid offhanded comments about herd immunity like here:

Compare that to what the other better credentialed experts were really saying here:

Why should we care when it's almost all over? Aren't we sick and tired of hearing about it yet? That doesn't do justice to the literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives sent into chaos along with ruined livelihoods, suicides, and the numbers of deaths from poverty related causes for decades to come, that the lockdowns will be responsible for, and that Fauci was front and center in making happen.

And BTW: Yes I've read the counterpoint against the GBD, and virtually all of it continues to misrepresent it or uses fear based verbiage to scare people away from it rather than reflecting what it actually says and advocates. There has been an effort to suppress it, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's more of an effort to quell studies related to their concerns in the wake of the pandemic because it would mean having to be accountable for billions of dollars and who knows how many lives.

It is only because of your more favorable opinion of him that I put him in my gray basket, on the assumption that he honestly believes he was doing the right thing at the time. Who knows for sure? I don't. I'm just writing down what it looks like to me. When there's that much money and that much politics around an issue, nobody is immune from the condition, and he was right in the middle of it all.

Literally thousands of experts around the world disagree with his perspective on the lockdowns, but against those odds, he just happens to be in a position to misrepresent them to the point where they were being banned or discouraged from voicing their concerns? And yet you like this guy? Seriously? Why? Grey basket — really grey – grey basket.
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