That is really cool!
Do you know what type of Cephalopod?
Roughly how big is the fossil?
I am well aware that the planet's climate has fluctuated violently over the billions of years it has been around.
I think that is part of the reason I am concerned about it in the first place.
Mass extinctions maybe part of the cycle or 'scheme' of things but that wont lessen the blow.
When I was a child I used to keep tropical fishes, and this taught me a few lessons about 'eco systems' and animal 'communities'.
When you have a fish tank you are responsible for populating it (as in choosing the kind of fish you want to keep in the tank).
You are responsible for what type of plants are in there.
You choose the gravel.
You buy a Heater, Filter and Pump and try your best to match the PH etc of the water the fish you own come from.
All of this is on the face of it relatively simple, but if one small part is wrong it can result in the injury or death of your fishes.
Fishes that the pet shop will be only to happy to replenish. (for a fee of course). They have a vested interest a bit like opticians do with eye tests.
To cut a long story short recreating ideal conditions for life is not child's play. If the balance is upset for whatever reason, be it man made or otherwise, the consequence are demonstrably cataclysmic. like you said it has happened before loads of times.
If there is even the remotest possibility that we are hastening our own demise (or maybe more realistically the demise of future generations) We should do everything we can to try and stop while we still can, but to be honest I think we passed that tipping point a while ago.
I am not convinced that 'man' made that Iceberg start to form, but I am not entirely sure he didn't either.
It does seem a bit convenient that the worlds biggest polluter is also the home of 'climate change denial' but I am probably just a bit of a cynic.
Honestly I don't know or understand all the facts when it comes to climate change etc, so I am basing what I think on what I experienced with my aquarium. Obviously the Planet is another kettle of Fish!

one which I am not informed enough about to debate.