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Cash Landrum case

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A hypothesis about Cash-Landrum, one "new" to me, has crossed my muddled mind recently. Imagine that the government was covertly transporting a highly toxic substance by air in some type of hovercraft that ran into mechanical trouble on its way to some unknown destination. "The Johnson Spaceflight Center perhaps? One would expect such an operation to be accompanied by a large contingent of helicopters. I keep coming back to the medical opinion that Betty's injuries were more consistent with chemical that electromagnetic injury. Dunno....
The interesting aspect of this case is the timing in history of 1980 and was there any USO seen by US Navy or NATO during that time in the Atlantic ? In addition Bentwaters , RAF sightings!
Strangely, there was a toxic transfer of materials across part of Texas a few months before the C-L case, (damaged nuclear warhead I think) transported by truck, but escorted by helicopter on its way to disposal in Amarillo. That's likely the standard method, but what if?

As to the Rendlesham connection, there's a new book out which gives a brief recap of the C-L case. I had a chance to ask Jim Penniston a couple of questions recently, first about how his experience and Col. Halt's were so different. He agreed that they were, but didn't speculate on why, but did feel they were definitely part of the same thing. I asked him about the Cash-Landrum case being tied to his, and he's familiar with it, but does not seem to think it is connected.

There were also a few other minor UFO sightings in the US in the few days before the C-L sighting, but none seem to be a close match. One involves multiple high-flying lighted things, and another has a pair of hawk-sized silvery triangles 10 ft off the ground. Unless something beyond our experience was putting on a variety show to dazzle us, I just can't fathom how they could represent the same thing.
There were other cases one involved a US Navy Destroyer prior to this case ? And The RAF incident over the Alantic. We're they transporting nuclear weapons on both incidents? I grab the new book cheers. Rather not leave out the likelyhood both cases are related and Robert Hastings work must be included in a likely pattern of the transportation of ordnance .
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Blowfish, I'm unfamiliar with the Navy or RAF incidents you mention, so if you could give me a lead on where to read about them it would be appreciated.

That reminds me of a gripe. Some UFO events get almost lost because they are considered "satellites" of other well-known cases and do not have independent files, and just are tucked away as supporting trivia. That's happened in the Cash-Landrum case "satellites," and probably many others. It can prevent these cases from ever receiving independent examination.
Strangely, there was a toxic transfer of materials across part of Texas a few months before the C-L case, (damaged nuclear warhead I think) transported by truck, but escorted by helicopter on its way to disposal in Amarillo. That's likely the standard method, but what if?

As to the Rendlesham connection, there's a new book out which gives a brief recap of the C-L case. I had a chance to ask Jim Penniston a couple of questions recently, first about how his experience and Col. Halt's were so different. He agreed that they were, but didn't speculate on why, but did feel they were definitely part of the same thing. I asked him about the Cash-Landrum case being tied to his, and he's familiar with it, but does not seem to think it is connected.

There were also a few other minor UFO sightings in the US in the few days before the C-L sighting, but none seem to be a close match. One involves multiple high-flying lighted things, and another has a pair of hawk-sized silvery triangles 10 ft off the ground. Unless something beyond our experience was putting on a variety show to dazzle us, I just can't fathom how they could represent the same thing.

The 'transport of toxic materials' hypothesis sounds plausible, but there are problems. The case was dismissed on the grounds that no asset existed in the Navy, Army or Air Force matching the plaintiff's description (apparently the alleged CH-47s were discounted).

Later I will post an interesting except from a book that may or may not lead us anywhere.
I had a chance to ask Jim Penniston a couple of questions recently, first about how his experience and Col. Halt's were so different. He agreed that they were, but didn't speculate on why, but did feel they were definitely part of the same thing.
In your opinion how credible do you feel Penniston was in his response to your questions?
Halt is probably the single most credible witness at Rendlesham. In my opinion, Penniston is the most paradoxical and perhaps the most interesting.
Halt is probably the single most credible witness at Rendlesham. In my opinion, Penniston is the most paradoxical and perhaps the most interesting.
And that's why I asked as they tell two different tales, Halt's being the more probable. But then Alien contact should be bizarre and affect you dramatically as per Penniston.
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there was a different mental aspect inplay with the 2 men tho, halt is the one who had to explain event's to his superiors, he was in charge they were his men.
his men were unconstrained in that respect, halt had to rationalise the event as it unfolded, had to think how his report would read, and make all the 'live' decisoins, their memmories will be different, it wasnt a 10 second event, where all see and describe the same simple to explain thing..
In your opinion how credible do you feel Penniston was in his response to your questions?
First let me state, this was neither up close, or personal. While I heard Penniston and Burroughs speak at a lecture (hosted by Linda Moulton Howe) my contact was via a book promotion, The Rendlesham Forest Incident First Responders Page of 1980. | Facebook and some private messages afterward.

I felt that Penniston was sincere in his responses to me, but I'm less sure about the their credibility. I made some drive-by comments about hypnosis, and he volunteered some information that I thought was private, but have since seen him repeat. He said that due to PTSD-related problems, he saw a doctor and ultimately a psychiatrist who eventually treated him using hypnosis. During those sessions, the Rendlesham-UFO encounter emerged unexpectedly as a major part of the problems. He feels that since his original treatment had nothing to do with looking for UFO stories, that it demonstrates his experience is genuine.

While I haven't seen enough of the original testimony in this case to offer an opinion on it, I believe Penniston and Burroughs do carry some emotional and psychological scars, no matter the source.
I felt that Penniston was sincere in his responses to me, but I'm less sure about the their credibility. I made some drive-by comments about hypnosis, and he volunteered some information that I thought was private, but have since seen him repeat. He said that due to PTSD-related problems, he saw a doctor and ultimately a psychiatrist who eventually treated him using hypnosis. During those sessions, the Rendlesham-UFO encounter emerged unexpectedly as a major part of the problems. He feels that since his original treatment had nothing to do with looking for UFO stories, that it demonstrates his experience is genuine.

While I haven't seen enough of the original testimony in this case to offer an opinion on it, I believe Penniston and Burroughs do carry some emotional and psychological scars, no matter the source.
That's what's interesting about these types of cases. I believe either @boomerang , @trainedobserver , or perhaps both, have oft remarked about how some witnesses appear to destabilize over time. Was it the trauma of the event? the hypnosis? or in this case, as Halt suggested (i believe), perhaps a third agent that messed with them?

At the heart of some cases is incredible witness testimony told with credibility by people who appear to be very troubled and affected by the experience. Is this something to pay closer attention to or is it simply the penchant for some people to work themselves into positions of confidence, that may be very damaging to themselves, even though there is very little reality to their self-assured conclusions?
It makes me wonder if the stress of the events and their reality shattering nature set up some sort of destructive loop in the psyche. The "I know what I saw" vs. the "I don't know what I saw" cognitive dissidence feedback loop. You seem none the worse for wear Burnt. Perhaps the younger you are, the more plastic the brain, makes it easier to cope with in the long run. Close Encounters never seem to result in a life of unicorns and rainbows for the most part.
Something pretty cool happened! My attempts to get comments from John Schuessler or his team of Cash-Landrum investigators have not been successful, but a member replied to this article, where I presented the accusations of a hoax from an opinionated nay-sayer (not really a skeptic).

Donald R. Tucker April 8, 2014 at 6:00 PM
Interesting discussion. So, am I to understand that the well documented medical data regarding radiation exposure does not constitute a form of evidence? Also, the roadbed & car involved exhibited the effects of extraordinary heating as well as the tops of trees on both sides of the road. Combined with Betty's death from radiation poisoning, I have to submit that taken together, they constitute an altogether remarkable "prank" for a couple of elderly women. Forget about the other witnesses, including a Sheriff. They were no doubt "in on the gag".

For the record...I was a field investigator for Project V.I.S.I.T. during that period, so having personally examined some of the data, my take on this event is somewhat slanted.

I've invited him to to share some further details on the early investigation. Here's hoping!