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Billy Meier's X Wife Admits It Was All A Hoax!!!

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hello guys this is my first post here...

i am hugely disappointed to see the lame reasons & discussions for calling something a hoax.i have joined in this forum to see some strong reasons that may tend to be suspicious in the billy meier case....but all i see is

his wife said so tihs case is hoax and is closed or the guy at the end of billy meiers street said its a hoax so the case is closed...
where are we getting at...are opinions enough to validate a case..i dont think so..
wat i found difficult to accept his wife's allegation is,she passed the "PSE" test along with 15 others...she herself seen a UFO along with her children and hans schutbach and signed a testimony...also she sometimes went to the contact place[500 metres distance frm the actual contact place] and saw many sighitngs ....people photographed ,witnessed.....

even Hans schutzbach who left the meier group dont even know how cud be faked[his opinion] all those,,even after passing tests,testimonies,witnessed sightings....he acompanied billy to many of teh sighitngs and cames back with rolls of films...how ?
meier's wife also didnt explain how and where did he get all the equipment and the supposed confederates helping meier in his shots... without answering all these its difficult for me accpet just opinions...

she also made this allegation only after shes divorced..wat r the reasons for her divorce?does she ahve any grudge towards billy or figu?reasons for her stance...we have think all over this....hope some working brains think on these
Like shooting fish in a barrel. Who's gonna be first? Or is it worth it at all?

I thought about it...but until he learns a) this forum doesn't use "lolspeak" b) punctuation is a friend to conversation c) Capital letters do actually exist and d) to think critically, I won't bother.
Meh....believe whatever you want, it makes no difference to me.

But be advised that this is the wrong forum to be showing up supporting Meier's crap.
I thought about it...but until he learns a) this forum doesn't use "lolspeak" b) punctuation is a friend to conversation c) Capital letters do actually exist and d) to think critically, I won't bother.

We do not need to take attack a person personally, just because his use of the English language does not meet your standards. We can explain in a civil manner to him our problem with no need for insults

Could you write a foreign language as easily as you write the English language.Look his post is lacking logic and sense, but let us try to convince and show this person, what he says has no merit in reality.If this person can not see it, then we move on and ignore this person.

My writing in English, is not great either, so maybe i am more tolerant than others for those reasons.
I think we always should give the benefit of the doubt with language skills because you just never know. If we DO know, then fire away. This fellow seems unusually naive, but he may not have come across the subject before. He also may be very young. Unfortunately he's coming across in attack mode to start off, which will not endear him to anyone.

So, fella, if you're reading this, please just relax and try to learn something before you attack. We've been dealing with the Billy Meier hoax for YEARS. This is just a guess, but maybe we've been dealing with it longer than you've been alive. The pictures have been analyzed to death by experts in photo-analysis. Meier has been caught plagerizing others' works, lifting pictures from books and claiming time travel, buying ray guns on E-bay, and making UFOs out of grain can lids. This is all well-proven over and over again at many sites on the Internet--not just this one. So just do a little research before you show up here with your guns blazing.

We're not all idiots on here. If you treat us with respect, we'll do the same with you.
We do not need to take attack a person personally, just because his use of the English language does not meet your standards. We can explain in a civil manner to him our problem with no need for insults

Could you write a foreign language as easily as you write the English language.Look his post is lacking logic and sense, but let us try to convince and show this person, what he says has no merit in reality.If this person can not see it, then we move on and ignore this person.

My writing in English, is not great either, so maybe i am more tolerant than others for those reasons.

Irishseekers: I understand what you are saying. I was tempted not to say anything at all about the writing skills. However, this person is not writing English as if it were a foriegn language, this person is writing in "LOLspeak" which is a forum language used quite often in the gaming community.

Additionally, I communicate regularly with friends in a multitude of countries for whom English is not a first language. I also use translation programs to communicate with friends in Russia that do not speak English at all. So no, I cannot write clearly in many languages and I do not disparage those who do not write English clearly, in most cases. Using LOLSpeak, however, is where I draw the line.
Irishseekers: I understand what you are saying. I was tempted not to say anything at all about the writing skills. However, this person is not writing English as if it were a foriegn language, this person is writing in "LOLspeak" which is a forum language used quite often in the gaming community.

Additionally, I communicate regularly with friends in a multitude of countries for whom English is not a first language. I also use translation programs to communicate with friends in Russia that do not speak English at all. So no, I cannot write clearly in many languages and I do not disparage those who do not write English clearly, in most cases. Using LOLSpeak, however, is where I draw the line.

I understand your frustration, point taken.:D
Can't say we really needed his ex wife to step forward because it's just so obvious.

Yup, it's a rather minor point and subject to the "Well, it's revenge" argument. The garbage can lid find is a lot better (and my favorite after the ray gun, which is just too funny.)


This thread will have to do as all the others have been closed to comments.
You are all very gullible, on each side of this debate; whether you be debating that is was all a hoax or billy really did meet aliens.
The truth lie's somewhere in the middle.
The fact is the Meier case was part of psychological operations which then became a hot bed for counter intel.

The fact remains, some of the evidence is 'undebunkable', this is because what happened was very real.
Then the foreign intel guys arrived and intended to disrupt the psy-op that was taking place - hence the obvious hoax material.

The case is very, very valuable, depending on what you are trying prove.
So far, almost everyone is way, way, way off the mark.

Just look at the spooks that went to investigate then tell me different lolol. #

Everybody just dismissing this case is causing more harm than good.
We need to expose the majority of Ufology for what it is.

I believe Meier was an agent of sorts himself, thus far I have only found fleeting rumours - but time will tell.


The Future Of Mankind - A Billy Meier Wiki - An Open Letter to the UFO Community, Kinder, Gary, MUFON UFO Journal , No. 228, pp. 3-8, April 1987