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8-23-09 / Eno show

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Skilled Investigator
I enjoyed the show. The guests had an interesting take on ghosts. When I went to their website I found the photographic evidence "questionable" to put it mildly.
Interesting show, i enjoyed it. I be interested to see does Steve lee videos, if that was possible? I cant seem to find them online.Really interesting discussion, on this balls of light being actual lifeforms. I actually witnessed something like this when i was a teenager which involved green, red, and blue lights with something like lighting happening in the sky, but the sky was pulsating a blue colour like it was under going shock. To be honest, my English is very limited in how to give a clear picture of what i saw. It was more of a visual experience for me. It nice, to hear different opinions on subjects every week. It makes you more enlighted and helps you expand your thinking.
I thought it was interesting enough, and both came across as pleasant. I'll be the first to admit to being a card carrying follower of the scientific method.

Not so much out of a dogmatic 'this is how you have to look at things' way of thinking, rather that, if one were to put down on paper a common sense approach in order to argue a point, with some level of critical thinking, I reckon you would naturally end up with something equal or similar to the scientific method. Or in other words, the SM is a natural extension of common sense, not the other way around.

So in that sense i think its the SM itself that is being put in a box and then given the fluffy definition treatment in order to lend credibility to a weakly defined juxtapose.

All things are relative, so I am all ears when it comes to different ways of looking at a problem, but, obviously, you have to have come to the conclusion that the standard method of solving a problem is insufficient before you can move on to new/different methods.

And therein lies the rub for me, if, as was stated, science is the antithesis for approaching and trying to understand the paranormal, then I don't think we are asking too much of the person proposing such a notion to understand what science is in order to dismiss it.

Unfortunately every time the subject came up I felt like I was listening to 'the secret'/'what the bleep do we know'. Especially when you hear such myths as 'scientist say we create our own reality' and other such philosophical bastardizations of observer bias in quantum mechanics.

At the end of the day I think some people just like the mystery, and a mystery isn't a mystery if someone solves it, some mysteries can go on for 10 years if you don't attempt to solve them...

And sorry but i couldn't help but chuckle at the irony when he mentioned lambasting someone for bringing their children into it :rolleyes:

I know I'm probably being a bit harsh but on David's noise to signal scale, I just didn't see much signal here.:confused:
I really want to see the plasma videos David mentioned on the show.

Other than that, while I tend to agree with a lot of what the guests said, I need to hear more from them before I really have a solid opinion of them or their contributions to the paranormal field of study.
The first thing i did when i started listening to the show was go to their website to see the photos.... and i have to say they are terrible. It completely put me off them and I found it difficult to take what they were saying seriously.
I mean, they have even thrown in a few photos (which they mentioned on the show) that they say originally looked like a priest walking past the door, but turned out just to be an old can or something.
It would seem to me that either they are just a little delusional, or they are purposely hoaxing because it would be very easy to see when you're filming that it is just an old can surely?

I dont know, maybe I am being too harsh on them, but when I see people taking photo of mirrors and windows, and then saying that the light reflections are ghosts it kind of rubs me up the wrong way
I'm about half way through this episode. On one hand some of the ideas in this episode are interesting (beings that feed off negative energy etc...), but I'm just not really feeling this episode. Maybe it's because I'm hungover from the weekend?? Who knows :)
Just noticed the post David added. I assume my previous two posts are the parts he is talking about although the second one is from a different show. Pretty amazing.
Those vids are interesting. Outside of a hoax I'm having a hard time finding a mundane explanation. As for the episodes guests, two words for ya.... Woo...woo.:p
Nice guys and all but a little married to their multi-verse theory. What I mean by that is they seem pretty convinced that ghosts are NOT souls trapped on earth, or environmental "recordings" etc, etc. So I give them less credit overall but more credit than most.

I found it odd that they had not seen the plasma ball video. To me that would be like a UFO investigator having never seen the Meier photos.

I was just watching this video, so i siad i throw it up to see what ye think of it. It could have been shown before on the forums, but here it is anyway.
I thought these guys were a mass of contradictions, flighty and mixed up thinking, and things spoken as fact that were seemingly made up out of whole cloth. (poltergeists are parasites, ancient cultures KNEW these things, and other "facts")

I always find it humorous when people "oppose" the scientific method while they talk about their radio show, while using their computer and skype to make a podcast. Surely, they realize that same scientific method has made the modern western lifestyle possible. Surely it's good for something...not to be discounted completely!

I also find it interesting when people constantly say "we know nothing" while regaling us with what they "know".

I dunno... I listened to the whole show, but I threw my pencil down a lot.
It was a nice change of pace from Ufology albeit I find it the most interesting. I too found the photo evidence on the website questionable and would like to see the videos. All in all I found it to be an above average episode. However I found the young Eno slightly grating with is like overuse of the word like, I dunno it just like bugs me.