Paranormal Adept
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I can well imagine!
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You are not the first to think so.
To put it as simply as possible its a mathematics function.
The more parts that interact, the more complex thus
This Watch
Is more complex a mechanism than the machine below
A complex system is a system composed of many components which may interact with each other. In many cases it is useful to represent such a system as a network where the nodes represent the components and the links their interactions.
The more components the more complex.
In IIT the more information in the system, the more complex that system is
This article presents an updated account of integrated information theory of consciousness (IIT) and some of its
implications. IIT stems from thought experiments that lead to phenomenological axioms (existence, compositional-
ity, information, integration, exclusion) and corresponding ontological postulates. The information axiom asserts
that every experience is specific – it is what it is by differing in its particular way from a large repertoire of
alternatives. The integration axiom asserts that each experience is unified – it cannot be reduced to independent
components. The exclusion axiom asserts that every experience is definite – it is limited to particular things and
not others and flows at a particular speed and resolution. IIT formalizes these intuitions with postulates. The infor-
mation postulate states that only “differences that make a difference” from the intrinsic perspective of a system
matter: a mechanism generates cause-effect information if its present state has selective past causes and selective
future effects within a system. The integration postulate states that only information that is irreducible matters:
mechanisms generate integrated information only to the extent that the information they generate cannot be par-
titioned into that generated within independent components. The exclusion postulate states that only maxima of
integrated information matter: a mechanism specifies only one maximally irreducible set of past causes and future
effects – a concept. A complex is a set of elements specifying a maximally irreducible constellation of concepts,
where the maximum is evaluated over elements and at the optimal spatio-temporal scale. Its concepts specify a
maximally integrated conceptual information structure or quale, which is identical with an experience. Finally,
changes in information integration upon exposure to the environment reflect a system’s ability to match the causal
structure of the world. After introducing an updated definition of information integration and related quantities,
the article presents some theoretical considerations about the relationship between information and causation and
about the relational structure of concepts within a quale. It also explores the relationship between the temporal
grain size of information integration and the dynamic of metastable states in the corticothalamic complex. Finally,
it summarizes how IIT accounts for empirical findings about the neural substrate of consciousness, and how vari-
ous aspects of phenomenology may in principle be addressed in terms of the geometry of information integration.
So the most complex of all is the universe. And then the solar system has more parts than the human (obviously because the human is just one part of the solar system)...? the concept of complexity is vacuous by way of relevance to mentality and consciousness.To put it as simply as possible its a mathematics function.
The more parts that interact, the more complex thus
This Watch
Is more complex a mechanism than the machine below
A complex system is a system composed of many components which may interact with each other. In many cases it is useful to represent such a system as a network where the nodes represent the components and the links their interactions.
The more components the more complex.
In IIT the more information in the system, the more complex that system is
This article presents an updated account of integrated information theory of consciousness (IIT) and some of its
implications. IIT stems from thought experiments that lead to phenomenological axioms (existence, compositional-
ity, information, integration, exclusion) and corresponding ontological postulates. The information axiom asserts
that every experience is specific – it is what it is by differing in its particular way from a large repertoire of
alternatives. The integration axiom asserts that each experience is unified – it cannot be reduced to independent
components. The exclusion axiom asserts that every experience is definite – it is limited to particular things and
not others and flows at a particular speed and resolution. IIT formalizes these intuitions with postulates. The infor-
mation postulate states that only “differences that make a difference” from the intrinsic perspective of a system
matter: a mechanism generates cause-effect information if its present state has selective past causes and selective
future effects within a system. The integration postulate states that only information that is irreducible matters:
mechanisms generate integrated information only to the extent that the information they generate cannot be par-
titioned into that generated within independent components. The exclusion postulate states that only maxima of
integrated information matter: a mechanism specifies only one maximally irreducible set of past causes and future
effects – a concept. A complex is a set of elements specifying a maximally irreducible constellation of concepts,
where the maximum is evaluated over elements and at the optimal spatio-temporal scale. Its concepts specify a
maximally integrated conceptual information structure or quale, which is identical with an experience. Finally,
changes in information integration upon exposure to the environment reflect a system’s ability to match the causal
structure of the world. After introducing an updated definition of information integration and related quantities,
the article presents some theoretical considerations about the relationship between information and causation and
about the relational structure of concepts within a quale. It also explores the relationship between the temporal
grain size of information integration and the dynamic of metastable states in the corticothalamic complex. Finally,
it summarizes how IIT accounts for empirical findings about the neural substrate of consciousness, and how vari-
ous aspects of phenomenology may in principle be addressed in terms of the geometry of information integration.
And information is...?No because a geared mechanism is designed to store transferred mechanical energy, not information.
So the most complex of all is the universe. And then the solar system has more parts than the human (obviously because the human is just one part of the solar system)...? the concept of complexity is vacuous by way of relevance to mentality and consciousness.
IIT is deeply flawed for similar reasons because it is about amounts of stuff... Nevermind what 'the stuff' actually is ...
My watch stop working last week @smcder. I think it might have done it to wind me up!!!! Ha ha ha ha!!
And information is...?
Information is that which informs. In other words, it is the answer to a question of some kind. It is thus related to data and knowledge, as data represents values attributed to parameters, and knowledge signifies understanding of real things or abstract concepts.[1] As it regards data, the information's existence is not necessarily coupled to an observer (it exists beyond an event horizon, for example), while in the case of knowledge, the information requires a cognitive observer.[2]
Information is conveyed either as the content of a message or through direct or indirect observation of anything. That which is perceived can be construed as a message in its own right, and in that sense, information is always conveyed as the content of a message.
Information can be encoded into various forms for transmission and interpretation (for example, information may be encoded into a sequence of signs, or transmitted via a sequence of signals). It can also be encrypted for safe storage and communication.
Information reduces uncertainty. The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of occurrence and is inversely proportional to that. The more uncertain an event, the more information is required to resolve uncertainty of that event. The bit is a typical unit of information, but other units such as the nat may be used. For example, the information encoded in one "fair" coin flip is log2(2/1) = 1 bit, and in two fair coin flips is log2(4/1) = 2 bits.
The concept that information is the message has different meanings in different contexts.[3] Thus the concept of information becomes closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, education, knowledge, meaning, understanding, mental stimuli, pattern, perception, representation, and entropy.
In your own words...Mike.
Ah. So it isn't just complexity after all. It is about the nature of the complexity. So now you just have to figure what the "nature" bit is and why it is such an important additional ingredient.You can have complex systems inside complex systems.
Tell me , Do you think consciousness exists and if so where do you think consciousness comes from.
But who or what gets to do the asking of the question? And how does "data" come to represent something that has value in the first place. Who says for instance that 1 has greater value than 2 or even that there is such a thing in physical reality as 1 or 2?Information is that which informs. In other words, it is the answer to a question of some kind. It is thus related to data and knowledge, as data represents values attributed to parameters, and knowledge signifies understanding of real things or abstract concepts.[1] As it regards data, the information's existence is not necessarily coupled to an observer (it exists beyond an event horizon, for example), while in the case of knowledge, the information requires a cognitive observer.[2]
Information is conveyed either as the content of a message or through direct or indirect observation of anything. That which is perceived can be construed as a message in its own right, and in that sense, information is always conveyed as the content of a message.
Information can be encoded into various forms for transmission and interpretation (for example, information may be encoded into a sequence of signs, or transmitted via a sequence of signals). It can also be encrypted for safe storage and communication.
Information reduces uncertainty. The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of occurrence and is inversely proportional to that. The more uncertain an event, the more information is required to resolve uncertainty of that event. The bit is a typical unit of information, but other units such as the nat may be used. For example, the information encoded in one "fair" coin flip is log2(2/1) = 1 bit, and in two fair coin flips is log2(4/1) = 2 bits.
The concept that information is the message has different meanings in different contexts.[3] Thus the concept of information becomes closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, education, knowledge, meaning, understanding, mental stimuli, pattern, perception, representation, and entropy.
But who or what gets to do the asking of the question? And how does "data" come to represent something that has value in the first place. Who says for instance that 1 has greater value than 2 or even that there is such a thing in physical reality as 1 or 2?