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Consciousness and the Paranormal — Part 10

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@Michael Allen they don't call it "Consciousness and the Paranormal" for nothin' ... ;-)

I'm looking into it from the hobbyist side, Mojo board maybe ...
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And @Soupie too right? ... weren't you asked/invited on the show? What was the topic?

In other news, my wife was recently out of town on business. I was home with our two young children who consistently sleep in until 6:30, sometimes 7:00.

However both of them woke up at 5:45. The neighbors have a large dog but he wasn't barking at that point.

Later that evening when my wife had arrived home we were discussing the day. I told her how early the kids had gotten up. She said: "5:45? That's what time my alarm went off at the hotel."

In other news, my wife was recently out of town on business. I was home with our two young children who consistently sleep in until 6:30, sometimes 7:00.

However both of them woke up at 5:45. The neighbors have a large dog but he wasn't barking at that point.

Later that evening when my wife had arrived home we were discussing the day. I told her how early the kids had gotten up. She said: "5:45? That's what time my alarm went off at the hotel."

The horse of coincidence / synchronicity may be in slightly better health than the various equos ad necem residing in the C&P stables ... so here goes:

the phenomena for me takes the form of a little game I try to play - which is catching the coincidence of the day ... it's often a word or phrase or something that makes me say "I've never seen that before." - the first time I noticed it as "a thing" was with the phrase "pernicious anemia" but it could be something else, just something unusual in an otherwise ho-him day ... not necessarily a big thing, just enough to stand out from the background and the coincidence comes the next day ... there's a certain, for want of a better word, "texture" to the incidents in that there is a little crackle of enhanced emotion or excitement around it and in that they have a family resemblance to one another. The other thing is that, no matter how intent I am on watching for these coincidences I never can catch them, I never mention or think about the unusual event until I am surprised by a co-inciding event the next day ... in fact, when I discuss a strange event or think it over in a very intentional way, there has not been a coinciding event ... which may be why they aren't usually really big events - big enough in contrast to the day that it would be something you might mention but not big enough that you'd definitely remember and discuss ... and yes, I see all the psychological explanations, etc. etc. so please stand back and let the horse have some air.

So your story is the co-inciding event for this event that happened to me yesterday:

The locksmith is a frequent visitor to our library as the building is aging - I've known him for years and he's helped me where I work, with my car and house too ... he usually doesn't make small talk but is friendly, one of those people who have an easy acquaintance - yesterday he was chattier than usual and mentioned going to see family in Idaho that he'd not seen in years. As he was writing the ticket and getting ready to leave, he told me a very tangential story (we'd been talking about jumping off bridges right before that) about the last time he was there - he stopped at the same hotel as the last time before he's been in Idaho (about a decade prior to that) at two in the morning and as he was talking to the clerk, a man was coming down to get ice and overheard him and said "you look familiar, where are you from?" the locksmith laughed and told him and the man said "that's where I'm from!" and the locksmith said "you wouldn't know me unless you ever needed a locksmith" and the man said "that's it! you unlocked my house for me one time" ...

so all the hallmarks of the phenomena for me are there ... and once again, I didn't even think about the event or mention it until just now when I read your post.

Submitted for your approval ...


... in the Synchronous Zone
Gregory Sadler on YouTube is an excellent general resource for philosophy on YouTube.

Here he discusses specifically why he engages in teaching philosophy on YouTube

Dr. Sadler has an impressive body of work, including a reading of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and commentary, in thirty minute weekly videos ... an approximately four year endeavor, when finished there will be 300 or so videos going through this difficult text line by line. Videos aren't for everyone of course - but I do like Dr. Sadler's spirit, dedication and commitment to depth and rigor and making that freely and widely available. He's also helped me cover many many miles of commuting ...

What I also find very interesting is that there is such a demand for this - 4,000,000 views and 40,000 subscribers at this point.
The horse of coincidence / synchronicity may be in slightly better health than the various equos ad necem residing in the C&P stables ... so here goes:

the phenomena for me takes the form of a little game I try to play - which is catching the coincidence of the day ... it's often a word or phrase or something that makes me say "I've never seen that before." - the first time I noticed it as "a thing" was with the phrase "pernicious anemia" but it could be something else, just something unusual in an otherwise ho-him day ... not necessarily a big thing, just enough to stand out from the background and the coincidence comes the next day ... there's a certain, for want of a better word, "texture" to the incidents in that there is a little crackle of enhanced emotion or excitement around it and in that they have a family resemblance to one another. The other thing is that, no matter how intent I am on watching for these coincidences I never can catch them, I never mention or think about the unusual event until I am surprised by a co-inciding event the next day ... in fact, when I discuss a strange event or think it over in a very intentional way, there has not been a coinciding event ... which may be why they aren't usually really big events - big enough in contrast to the day that it would be something you might mention but not big enough that you'd definitely remember and discuss ... and yes, I see all the psychological explanations, etc. etc. so please stand back and let the horse have some air.

So your story is the co-inciding event for this event that happened to me yesterday:

The locksmith is a frequent visitor to our library as the building is aging - I've known him for years and he's helped me where I work, with my car and house too ... he usually doesn't make small talk but is friendly, one of those people who have an easy acquaintance - yesterday he was chattier than usual and mentioned going to see family in Idaho that he'd not seen in years. As he was writing the ticket and getting ready to leave, he told me a very tangential story (we'd been talking about jumping off bridges right before that) about the last time he was there - he stopped at the same hotel as the last time before he's been in Idaho (about a decade prior to that) at two in the morning and as he was talking to the clerk, a man was coming down to get ice and overheard him and said "you look familiar, where are you from?" the locksmith laughed and told him and the man said "that's where I'm from!" and the locksmith said "you wouldn't know me unless you ever needed a locksmith" and the man said "that's it! you unlocked my house for me one time" ...

so all the hallmarks of the phenomena for me are there ... and once again, I didn't even think about the event or mention it until just now when I read your post.

Submitted for your approval ...


... in the Synchronous Zone
The thing about these meaningful coincidences is that we rarely tabulate what stands opposite them -- all the lack of coincidence in our lives. So when something really bizarre and synchronous stands out, or when what's been buzzing in our minds suddenly appears before us because our minds are thinking about it and we are looking for meaning in the banalities of existence, we are shocked by the moment. We imbue it with the extra attention that we want to give that thing and synchronicities are born.

For myself I've become entirely ho hum about such monents as they always seem to fall into that category of being something special when it's just chance and patterns of our lives and nothing else. Yet we rarely notice how special each and every moment is and choose to hang our hats on those rare moments when two things suddenly match up. Not that I would ever deny the possibility of there being the potential for guiding patterns in our lives, I just feel that most of paranormal life comes from what we happen to be looking for as opposed to anything actually really strange taking place.

As for going on the show to talk consciousness and paranormal I think such an episode was attempted and never manifested. I would champion some of the leaders of this thread to get out their exceptional synthesis minds and give the rest of us a brilliant conversation about how these two endpoints match up. I want to deeply know about consciousness and its relationship to the paranormal so make a pitch and create a show. It would be fascinating just to listen to you all talk about the accumulated knowledge that you have. Anything I can do to help that along I would welcome but you folks are the ones who beat this drum the best and so it should come from you.
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The thing about these meaningful coincidences is that we rarely tabulate what stands opposite them -- all the lack of coincidence in our lives. So when something really bizarre and synchronous stands out, or when what's been buzzing in our minds suddenly appears before us because our minds are thinking about it and we are looking for meaning in the banalities of existence, we are shocked by the moment. We imbue it with the extra attention that we want to give that thing and synchronicities are born.

For myself I've become entirely ho hum about such monents as they always seem to fall into that category of being something special when it's just chance and patterns of our lives and nothing else. Yet we rarely notice how special each and every moment is and choose to hang our hats on those rare moments when two things suddenly match up. Not that I would ever deny the possibility of there being the potential for guiding patterns in our lives, I just feel that most of paranormal life comes from what we happen to be looking for as opposed to anything actually really strange taking place.

As for going on the show to talk consciousness and paranormal I think such an episode was attempted and never manifested. I would champion some of the leaders of this thread to get out their exceptional synthesis minds and give the rest of us a brilliant conversation about how these two endpoints match up. I want to deeply know about consciousness and its relationship to the paranormal so make a pitch and create a show. It would be fascinating just to listen to you all talk about the accumulated knowledge that you have. Anything I can do to help that along I would welcome but you folks are the ones who beat this drum the best and so it should come from you.

I specifically said:

"... and yes, I see all the psychological explanations, etc. etc. so please stand back and let the horse have some air."

But I figured it would be @ufology or maybe Horselover Fat who finally killed the horse.

Rest in pieces, dear horse.
I want to deeply know about consciousness and its relationship to the paranormal so make a pitch and create a show.

Appreciate your enthusiasm for an encapsulation of this 2.5 year long thread, Burnt, but imo it can't be done. We're still working toward an adequate description of consciousness, its origins, and its complexity, and have barely touched on 'the paranormal' over all this time.
Appreciate your enthusiasm for an encapsulation of this 2.5 year long thread, Burnt, but imo it can't be done. We're still working toward an adequate description of consciousness, its origins, and its complexity, and have barely touched on 'the paranormal' over all this time.

Count me out ... to "quote" Fred Allen ... I have a voice made for television!
Appreciate your enthusiasm for an encapsulation of this 2.5 year long thread, Burnt, but imo it can't be done. We're still working toward an adequate description of consciousness, its origins, and its complexity, and have barely touched on 'the paranormal' over all this time.
Perhaps not an encapsulation so much as a free flow jam session amongst three or four of you as you all have your various perspectives and it would he fascinating to hear you roam around various topics in a lateral manner.

As for the paranormal component, given that you've been at this for 2.5 years and have rarely hit the paranormal territory it's time to force your hand and have you spontaneously cough up whatever comes to mind. I'm sure some of you must have some personal stories, ideas and experiences to share in a paranormal vein and then express those from your own perspectives on their connections to consciousness, or to take your best guess.
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