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Gene Steinberg

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So tell us, listeners, what's happened to you personally? Here is where you can post your own stories, and leave it to your fellow members to help you understand what it meant.

Folks, please try to be kind to your fellow listeners. If you have your suspicions or questions, voice them, sure, but don't be offensive, OK?

And remember, this board is for your personal experiences only and your comments to the ones from other listeners. Anything you read about, hear about, or something that comes from a friend or relative should be placed in the appropriate forum for that particular topic.

The staff I will look this board over and, from time to time, invite some of the witnesses onto the show to talk about their experiences.
Talking about your experiences is risky because of the redicule involved people who have no interest or care in things they cant see are plentiful thats the world we have lived in since the dawn of man cynics will always exist in a human world. Experiences I believe are matter of chance you just have to be in the right place at the right time just because you have never experienced a paranormal event doesnt make you an outsider to have an interest in this subject withount the experience is critical experiences therefore havent clouded your judgement like most people who suffered some time of paranormal event in there lifes:exclamation:the first time i think something occured that was paranormal in my life was when i was three or four me my parents two brother s and sister lived in Shannon co Clare Ireland it is famous for haveing the second largest airport in Ireland it was situated on the outskirts of this town and its a small town probably only 4 thousand people the reason why i now this event happened around this time was because my parents moved to a small village just outside limerick when i was four and half.it is a memory that has been plagueing me since the age of six until the age i am now my memory of this house is vague i cant remember much of the downstairs of this two storey house what i remember in my memories was that there was three bedrooms upstairs which one was the bathroom and my room was straight ahead as you headed up the stairs.what i see in my memories is the room almost clear but little details of the room still remain cloudy since i was very young it is night time but there is still a hint of light comeing through my bedroom door from the top stairs hall light i see my bed which to me looks like a bump bed and the window which is close to my bed and straight ahead as you walk through my bedroom door what i see in my memories is something which i just cant get clear from my consicious and my memories.At the side of my bed all i can see is this very dark space it is almost like a shield covering half the area of the room so i cant see whats there i can see there is a small figure like a person there in that space no matter how much i try to picture and focus all i can see is the outline.in this memory i can see there is colouring by the window in the form of red the outside lighting from the street as i see it in the memory is orange what it is i i dont now it could be my memory playing tricks on me but who nows for definate just cant understand why this memory is.It has remained with me for twenty six years.i have a couple of other paranormal effects through my life but i will discuss them another time :)
This is strange but last night (or this morning)right before I woke up I had a dream. There was this black lady with deep eyes and hair framing her face. She is in a studio that looks like one of those T.B.N. Christian talk show studios. The host barely off camera ask her something about her experience and she says something about dancing. Then the "female" co-host said something (can't remember hearing it)but it may have been questioning her (spritual?)dance. Then the lady says "You don't dance?" "Oh honey you can't even tap dance." O.k. now for the "strange" part. The black lady looks at the camera and says "Aleem" then I woke up.

Well I googled aleem once I woke up and it goes to a profile of someone who opened a dance studio in New york in the eighties. Something about hardcore dance. I don't recall ever knowing anything about it although I am 51 years old. But I am a white male and don't know much about the evolution of dance stuios. Anyway, had it not been for the google search hitting a dance tarket I wouldn't have been so suprised. I honestly don't know what it means but I have had other "times" of knowing things. I can't call it up on cue. It's almost as if my "radar" gets flushed out from time to time and things come to me that have very little to do with my own life (as far as I know.) Anyway, I just thought I'd put it out there.
I frequently have knowing experiences and until recently I didn't take them very seriously and just thought they were coincidences. My mother and I have always had esp experiences and believed in that phenomena. She is a die hard skeptic and yet believes there are things we don't understand.
The house i was raised in was full of paranormal activity. The television going on and off by itself. I recall watching one afternoon and the tv turned off. I turned it on. It went off. I turned it on it went off, I began to get scared, turned it on once more and it stayed on. I also heard footsteps coming down the hall constantly. And I mean constantly. All day. It was just there. At times I'd hear the footsteps come to the bedroom door and I'd wait for someone to come in. Get up and open the door, and no one was there. Freaked me out. I also would feel something banging my bed from underneath. One night my nightstand began shaking. I thought it was an earthquake. Wasn't. Other family members would occasionally speak up about something they'd experience, but it was a taboo subject. My parents were atheists. I hated that house and couldn't bear to be alone in it. These were some early experiences.
I think the most dramatic of my experiences was when I had left home to go to college. I was living in a four unit apartment complex in Costa Mesa in 1979. There was a serial killer in the news. He was climbing through open windows on first floor apartments and killing young women and raping them. Of course I was fearful, but I lived with my boyfriend and the killer wasn't attacking if there was a man living in the house. There were two young women living directly across from our apartment. One afternoon I was home alone studying and a solicitor came to the door. The moment I set eyes on him I knew he was the killer. I knew it! He was very handsome and well dressed. The first thing he asked was "is your husband home." I pretended he was out momentarily and was there anything i could help him with. He politely dismissed himself. Maybe it was just a coincidence considering the gals across from me were single and the perfect targets, but I had this moment of clarity. I had just gotten into my car and was about to pull out to go to school and it hit me, they were next. I'm 51 and that moment is forever burned into my memory. The quality of the air, the light, the detail of the car interior. Approximately a week later it happened. 2am, a knock at the door. My neighbor had come home to find her friend murdered. We called the police. They questioned us. I told them about the solicitor I thought was him. They noted it but didn't think it was him because others hadn't mentioned such a thing. Then over the course of several months the police would show up asking more questions, particularly about the solicitor. They came to think it was him and it's how he canvassed for victims.
A creepy event I don't care to think about.
I had a death dream that came true. My father.
Some time ago I had an experience of knowing a future event that no one else saw coming, not even the person who perpetrated it. A cheating x boyfriend. I really hated being right! I knew exactly how it would play out, and it did. Did I cause it? Was it subtle things I saw that i wasn't aware of consciously?
I live on an island. A couple weeks ago my present boyfriend left for a few days without mentioning it. I knew he was gone within hours. In my heart I felt he was off the island and his mind in a different place. I couldn't feel his presence. I searched.
Just yesterday my mother had an angiogram. I was very worried and nervous, my heart pounding as I waited for her to come out from the procedure. Approximately 40 minutes into it, I felt this calm and knew everything was ok. That she wouldn't need surgery. And it turned out that way.
I just seem to know things and events. I And also people when I meet them. Their motives and intentions with others and the world around them. And if I'm around them for any length of time, I know them better than they know themselves. It's all like seeing pieces of puzzles that fit together. But these things are not consistent and I can't see or feel when I really want to. Do others have these feelings and intuitions? Is this common?
Then, unlike the knowing thing, I saw something odd in my yard. My yard has no fence and 90 acres of woods around it. Around 2:30 in the morning I got up to go to the bathroom which is right off the master bedroom. From there I could see my dog on the bed looking intently and growling at something outside. I have allot of wildlife around, so I figured it was a deer or raccoon. As I got into bed I was casually looking outside at what caught his attention. I couldn't see anything. But oddly I noticed the horizon was very low in the woods. I could see the night sky through the black trees and it was a cloudy, still night. But this horizon thing caught me. I laid down, he continued to growl, and I kept thinking "hmmmm, I don't recall being able to see the horizon that low. So I sat up and looked closer. It was impossible. There's a ravine and woods with thick brush, and a hill of more of the same beyond, so it couldn't be the horizon. It was a light. As though a piece of the sky was on the ground. Dome shaped, the edges somewhat loose and blurry. We sat starring, he growling and me wondering "What the heck?." As I watched it seemed to slightly intensify and shed light on the tree trunks around it. It was weird because I could see the textured detail of the tree trunks, yet shouldn't be able to from that distance. about 30 ft. And the light it gave off varied. The dome shaped piece of sky wasn't bright at all. It was the same value as the sky. I sat and watched for about 5 minutes and then could see it begin to fade and knew it was going out. And it did with a slight and subtle flash. I did a search on light phenomena and found an illustration of what I thought it could be. Just a dome shaped, ethereal looking light. No explanation. That was two and half years ago and I haven't seen it since. I look now and then, but nothing. At times I wish I had had the guts to go outside and approach it. I was too afraid.
I don't know how this ties in with that kind of 'knowing,' but these are a few of my experiences. I'd like to learn to harness any abilities I may have, if any. I'm torn between skepticism and what might be called the paranormal.
Being psychic/medium and a paranormal investigator I have seen many ghosts.Some appear to me in form as if they were alive.Others are etheral or see through.They haven't showed themselves as unfriendly to me but rather anxious to communicate with their loved ones.When I do paranormal investigating we try to debunk whatever we see or hear.If there is no credible explanation we ususally get evidence that it is a spirit.Since spirits come to me I totally block my gift of seeing them when investigating a home or site unless it becomes absolutely necessary.In our paranormal investigations our aim is not merely to prove the existence of spirits or ghosts but to cross them over to the other side where they belong.I see spirits/ghosts so much that I take it as fact.It isn't a good idea to invoke or approach them without experience because there are some ghosts who enjoy frightening people and you may bring something through that you wish you hadn't.
How do ghosts communicate with you? Can you hear them verbally or so the use more gestures or abstract visuals?

Have you have any 'side effects" after being in a haunted house?
Mantid encounter #1

I really need to take the time and draw up an outline and write a book on all of the unexplained perceptions and experiences I've had. I'm curious if anyone else out there has encountered a being that resembles a giant praying mantis...I've seen it twice. The first time was in Smithville, TX, way out in the boonies. I was accompanied by 5 or 6 friends, basically out for a summer weekend of drinking, smokin', and screwing. The property we were camping on was very isolated, so we could be as loud as we cared to be...beating on drums and whatnot, and there's a great 1 acre lake to swim and fish in. The first night there was what sounded like someone playing drums...kinda like a tabla player really getting down...in the distant woods, but it was moving in circles around us. Everyone heard it, and some were quite spooked. I wrote it off as pop-off valves on natural gas wells going off.
The next day a friend and I were exploring a dry creek bed, you find the occasional arrowhead, and this twittering sound, like one of those birdy whistles you put water in, began circling us in close proximity. We were actually reaching out and swatting at the invisible source. The sound stopped after maybe 10 or 15 seconds and we soon carried on and forgot about it. I did manage to find a flint tool...I think it was maybe a hide scraper.
Later that evening, the sun was below the treeline, I was sitting by the lake with a good friend, who has since passed away, smoking a joint and drinking a beer. I noticed he seemed a little distant or bothered, but didn't comment. A long period of silence passed when I started noticing what sounded like the murmer of a large crowd of people emanating from the water! At first I thought I was just tripping, but then my friend asks me if I hear it, too. We continue to sit quietly, staring at the lake.
This is the most difficult part to describe...you know how when you're daydreaming, the images in your mind's eye override your external vision? Somewhere along the line, as I was staring at the water listening to these weird sounds, I slipped into a trance-like state where the outside world had disappeared and this big freaking bug...green with yellow eyes, was right up in my face. It only last a split second. The "being" was as startled as I was. I jumped to my feet and fell backwards, back in concensus reality. I know this will sound silly, but I had a flash of telepathy, where I "heard" the creature express shock that I had "modulated without a lens?"
I encountered this same entity a second time, several years later, for a longer duration of time...but I'll have to write about that another time. I like to imagine that I'm not insane, so if anyone out there has had similar encounters, I'd appreciate hearing about it.
You say this is your first "mantis" experience? I'm curious to hear the other experience. Please - tell the other story.

The praying mantis imagery comes up occasionally in the UFO phenomenon.

I am fascinated by the telepathic message abut "modulating without a lens" - there is something so curious about that bit of dialog. It sounds so tidy and it matches so perfectly to your description of the "startled" being. I am aware that SOME experiences have the feeling of being staged, and your experience seems almost scripted - anyway - it makes me wonder.

Sadly, the bit about the joint will make this story easily dismissed by some.

Question: When did this happen? A long time ago? Recently?
You say this is your first "mantis" experience? I'm curious to hear the other experience. Please - tell the other story.

Question: When did this happen? A long time ago? Recently?

It was about ten or twelve years ago...haven't really had many experiences for the last several years. I think I'll keep that second encounter to myself for now. I started to write about it and my hands started getting shaky...that event really shook me up in a bad way. I will add that the second time I saw this thing it was accompanied by the hooded characters you hear about from time to time.
A friend sent this to me awhile ago. I have only skimmed the articles maybe this will be helpful. I had a sence of a praying mantis not too long ago but instead saw something more human-like..


Thanks for the link...some of what he describes sounds exactly like what I saw...I posted the earlier message where I mentioned the cloaked figures before I read this. I know the clicking sound he mentions. I was also shown streams of data like he talks about, all incomprehensible, but it wasn't on a computer. The display was literally in my eyes...similar to the p.o.v. scenes in the Terminator.

This damned chopper hovered over my house for over two hours yesterday...at times directly over. When I started filming it began circling. Then I was woken at 4 a.m. by a paraglider with a propeller strapped to his back directly over my house...it's about 7:30 and I can still hear engines circling, but they are out of sight. I haven't caught it on camera yet, but there is a big owl hanging around. I've been here for nearly five years and have never seen an owl...especially in the middle of the day. There also seems to be an unusual number of flies in my house...I've had the doors and windows closed for two days and have been swatting the little bastards constantly. My dogs are also behaving strangely...chasing and snapping at things that are invisible to me. It is very difficult to not be paranoid.
This damned chopper hovered over my house for over two hours yesterday...at times directly over. When I started filming it began circling. Then I was woken at 4 a.m. by a paraglider with a propeller strapped to his back directly over my house...it's about 7:30 and I can still hear engines circling, but they are out of sight. I haven't caught it on camera yet, but there is a big owl hanging around. I've been here for nearly five years and have never seen an owl...especially in the middle of the day. There also seems to be an unusual number of flies in my house...I've had the doors and windows closed for two days and have been swatting the little bastards constantly. My dogs are also behaving strangely...chasing and snapping at things that are invisible to me. It is very difficult to not be paranoid.

Weird indeed. Do you know your neighbors well enough to ask them if anything unusual is going on wtih them too.
I witnessed a 'shadow person' attack my friend one night.

This was about 1993-94. She was staying over and we were sleeping in the same room. I was sleeping soundly when I was awoken by a yell from my friend. I woke up just in time to see a VERY dark, solid shadow literally looking like it was trying to attack or get into my friend in some way! She was physically fighting it back with her hands. My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing! As I watched frozen, this shadow thing 'flew' back from her and then flew or brushed in front of me, I 'felt' it! And I can't explain the feeling...it was DEFINATELY a 'presence' yet with no substance....yet it was a very deep, dark....well....SHADOW!?

Then it dissapated in thin air above us. I recovered enough to go to my friend and asked her what happened. Without me saying a single word to her, she described to me EXACTLY what I had seen happen to her!

It was very creepy! It felt like an angry presence, too. (not necessarily malevolent/evil tho).

We were not talking about Shadow People before bed nor had I ever heard of them until recently hearing of them on a radio show. (Not sure if it was The Paracast or another one).

I still don't know what to think of that, nor do I have any beliefs/opinions on 'Shadow People' but when I heard about them described recently, it sounded exactly what may've happened that night. *shrug*

Weird, huh?

I witnessed a 'shadow person' attack my friend one night.

This was about 1993-94. She was staying over and we were sleeping in the same room. I was sleeping soundly when I was awoken by a yell from my friend. I woke up just in time to see a VERY dark, solid shadow literally looking like it was trying to attack or get into my friend in some way! She was physically fighting it back with her hands. My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing! As I watched frozen, this shadow thing 'flew' back from her and then flew or brushed in front of me, I 'felt' it! And I can't explain the feeling...it was DEFINATELY a 'presence' yet with no substance....yet it was a very deep, dark....well....SHADOW!?

Then it dissapated in thin air above us. I recovered enough to go to my friend and asked her what happened. Without me saying a single word to her, she described to me EXACTLY what I had seen happen to her!

It was very creepy! It felt like an angry presence, too. (not necessarily malevolent/evil tho).

We were not talking about Shadow People before bed nor had I ever heard of them until recently hearing of them on a radio show. (Not sure if it was The Paracast or another one).

I still don't know what to think of that, nor do I have any beliefs/opinions on 'Shadow People' but when I heard about them described recently, it sounded exactly what may've happened that night. *shrug*

Weird, huh?


One of my friends fathers, told me a story one night during a family celebration that was similar to your post.
But i must stress, however this story was not something, i can say is the truth, but to me hearing it, i do believe it was a real encounter as far as i could tell, and to be honest he seemed frightened by it.