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Synchronicity, Breakaway Civilizations — Ask Walter Bosley!

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I'm a 'trickster'?? COOL!
Indeed :cool:. But also an honor of dubious distinction. Have you run across any of @Christopher O'Brien's archetypal trickster phenomena ( apart from being called one ... LOL ) while pursuing these topics? In a sense, the whole issue of synchronicity is sort of a trickster barometer. I suspect that there's probably something there someplace. I'd be surprised if there wasn't.
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Goodness fireworks and Walters work is just as good as any other theory and take it or leave. Roswell/ So called abductions of thousands of folks episode has been already bashed out over the years and fresh looks at more theories. Advanced technology is more plausible in many cases instead ET.
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Why people here lie like Wade who said things about me and Emma Woods (who I still know nothing about) and then skulk around putting nonsense in threads like the kids whose minds he screws with every day - is a lot like you.

I think you may have me confused with someone else Robert I don't really know anything about the Emma Woods case either, also I don't recall even commenting on it and have nothing to do with kids.

Regardless, while I think i know who you may have been referring to I have to say I put more faith in anything he has to say than any of that bilge that you release upon us, I only hope that your tolerated presence here doesn't have the same apparent outcome it did on world mysterious where it's all Baird (Bard?) all the time, it would seem the flock has left for greener pastures while the shepard speaks into the void.
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So another question for the show. @Walter Bosley I believe you've mentioned before you have a map (self made?) of these convergent points. I believe you stated you keep it close to the chest but could you talk about it some more. Also keeping in mind I live in Los Angeles could you name some places on it that I could visit? ( besides Disneyland )

Specifically I go hiking in the Santa Monica mountains a lot and there has been places I've been that seemed to have an effect on me and this was well before I made myself receptive to such ideas and thought.
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Wow, I step away for a day and miss all the fireworks! Robert: we've managed somehow to tolerat your longwinded cut & paste posts and your grandstanding but we CANNOT and WILL NOT tolerate your blatant disregard of our forum's terms of use. You have not only violated them, you have slandered both Bosley and the United States Air Force by accusing them for the death of Paul Bennowitz! Bennowitz died in a mental hospital of natural causes in 2003. He was 75 years old. True, his already shaking mental state was preyed upon by Doty, Moore and others, but they had no hand in his death 30 years later. You need to get a grip and handle yourself better online, pal!
Wow, I step away for a day and miss all the fireworks! Robert: we've managed somehow to tolerat your longwinded cut & paste posts and your grandstanding but we CANNOT and WILL NOT tolerate your blatant disregard of our forum's terms of use. You have not only violated them, you have slandered both Bosley and the United States Air Force by accusing them for the death of Paul Bennowitz! Bennowitz died in a mental hospital of natural causes in 2003. He was 75 years old. True, his already shaking mental state was preyed upon by Doty, Moore and others, but they had no hand in his death 30 years later. You need to get a grip and handle yourself better online, pal!

Dear Chris

In your own words you admit he was preyed upon by government agents - which the link shows Doty detailing how naive people are easy to do. Like you the guy suffered various problems of BELIEF!

Learn to study and read (see thread) or else you like others here will spread your disease far too wide.

Oh and regards your "grandstanding" pubescent site - do what thou wilt. I do not care.
I think you may have me confused with someone else Robert I don't really know anything about the Emma Woods case either, also I don't recall even commenting on it and have nothing to do with kids.

Regardless, while I think i know who you may have been referring to I have to say I put more faith in anything he has to say than any of that bilge that you release upon us, I only hope that your tolerated presence here doesn't have the same apparent outcome it did on world mysterious where it's all Baird (Bard?) all the time, it would seem the flock has left for greener pastures while the shepard speaks into the void.

You could be correct - your Burnt State name is connecting in my mind to a guy who teaches in Northern Ontario. See the thread Liberte, Egalite et Fraternite for his totla slander on me about Jews (which I am genetically) and women as well.

As to W-M , it is now a valid educational site and soon there will be university courses based on such work - never to happen here.