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Sweet UFO Clips

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I've been researching this topic heavily since 2009. Tyler at secureteam has the most authentic UFO channel that I've ever come across! How can you even put him and 3rd phase in the same sentence???
At 2:46 you just have a satellite debris falling down. UFOs enter and exit atmosphere without leaving a trace.

ThirdPhaseOfMoon is very good UFO channel. All they do is present information as they received it and than they hype it up. If you turn the sound off and just take information in the video for what it is, than ThirdPhaseOfMoon is a very good source of reliable information. Essentially, you need to judge each presented case on its own merit.
At 2:46 you just have a satellite debris falling down. UFOs enter and exit atmosphere without leaving a trace.

ThirdPhaseOfMoon is very good UFO channel. All they do is present information as they received it and than they hype it up. If you turn the sound off and just take information in the video for what it is, than ThirdPhaseOfMoon is a very good source of reliable information. Essentially, you need to judge each presented case on its own merit.

you are joking right?
I've been researching this topic heavily since 2009. Tyler at secureteam has the most authentic UFO channel that I've ever come across! How can you even put him and 3rd phase in the same sentence???
Tyler post many CGI UFOs.most authentic? Dont make me laugh I posted 3 busted vids by secureteam10 there are Dozens more! Tyler is responsible for posting any CGI he finds. YES I put him in the same catagory as 3rd phase because he is JUST AS BAD.

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Let me ask you mr researching this topic since 2009 how do YOU feel about a site that casually post CGI UFOs ? Do you know that secureteam10 post dozens of fake UFO? I posted 3..and should you defend them im ready to post dozens more! Secureteam10 is a hoax site. Period.

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Tyler posts the best stuff he can find daily. It's not like you get bangers every day. Maybe he tried to get crazy with one video? Haha! Who knows what you would do with 100's of thousands of subscribers? All I'm judging on is what I've seen.. He is always genuine and admits when he thinks things are fake. He just presents what is out there. 3rd phase MAKES his own CGI. It's bullshit. He is a fraud. He knows he is presenting fake videos, and talks about them like they are out of this world. That is a phony. Tyler has in no way ever came off that way. I'm just going with what I feel. You are free to go with what you feel.
Beautiful, isn't it?
Tyler posts the best stuff he can find daily. It's not like you get bangers every day. Maybe he tried to get crazy with one video? Haha! Who knows what you would do with 100's of thousands of subscribers? All I'm judging on is what I've seen.. He is always genuine and admits when he thinks things are fake. He just presents what is out there. 3rd phase MAKES his own CGI. It's bullshit. He is a fraud. He knows he is presenting fake videos, and talks about them like they are out of this world. That is a phony. Tyler has in no way ever came off that way. I'm just going with what I feel. You are free to go with what you feel.
Beautiful, isn't it?
Prepare to be deluged with fake stuff tyler has posted he has complete control on what he post and he chooses to post CGI..I will make it my whole job to get you to admit secureteam10 is a hoax site

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Ok why am I doing this? Simple the second tyler posted ONE CGI UFO he became part of the problem. he became a provider of entertainment on information. He became a HOAXER yes after ONE CGI..

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And please answer this question. .what do YOU personally think about a site that does NOT vet UFO video and post CGI ufos?

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Who looks at a vid and decides to post it?
Who outs the sucureteam10 logo on the vid?
Who owns the the site and is responsible for the content?
Who is responsible for a CGI UFO on the sucureteam10 site,

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
Save your energy for something useful, because:

1) The purveyors of Grade ZZZ ufo crapola are not going anywhere.

2) The knuckleheads who follow them need something to do and they will believe whatever nonsense they want to believe regardless of anything you or I might say or do. There are many, many worse things they could be doing.

3) None of this has any effect on sane, intelligent people (beyond raising the blood pressure of those who don't keep it in perspective).

4) And anyway, I'm all out of popcorn. It's kind of fun to watch if you have both beer and popcorn. For a while anyway.
Save your energy for something useful, because:

1) The purveyors of Grade ZZZ ufo crapola are not going anywhere.

2) The knuckleheads who follow them need something to do and they will believe whatever nonsense they want to believe regardless of anything you or I might say or do. There are many, many worse things they could be doing.

3) None of this has any effect on sane, intelligent people (beyond raising the blood pressure of those who don't keep it in perspective).

4) And anyway, I'm all out of popcorn. It's kind of fun to watch if you have both beer and popcorn. For a while anyway.

your right im wasting my time on this fool I am done