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SR-71 RC model - with JET ENGINE!

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I think that's really cool, but Tanks do it for me everytime,

I used to like playing soldiers aswell, remember doing stuff like this?
At least in your head. :)

Wow I really want a SR-71 RC model NOW! Then again it would get me into trouble cause I'd probably use it as a V weapon against the Rednecks that live down the street from me.:p
The take-off roll of that thing was incredibly short, but the landing was crap. Back to flight school for that guy. I loved the ritualistic behavior: Put on cap, hitch up pants, put on rig, then take off cap at the end.
Tiny jets cool.
How long before someone mounts one to a skateboard?

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Pilot error. It was obviously windy. I wonder that they risked something that expensive and launched it under those conditions.

It strikes me that both these planes are so real-looking that under the right circumstances a ground observer could easily mistake them for the real thing. With no visual cues for height or size it would be easy. Not that that has anything to do with UFO sightings, of course.....
SPC makes a unit allows a full size passenger jet to be remotely controlled.


I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Dov Zackheim happened to be the CEO of this company, and comptroller at the Pentagon when around 3 trillion dollars came up missing. Don Rumsfeld announced the problem on September 10, 2001.
Everyone forgot about it the next day.
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I see these things flying at airshows and in the desert at dry lakes where I fly my ultralight. The engines sound exactly like a scaled-down jet. I've also seen RC 1/6 scale jets and prop planes. You could probably put small animals in them, but don't anyone get any ideas!
I had a poster in my bedroom when young. Wish I could find that exact pic somewhere on the Net, but it was of the SR-71 on the ground, in shadow, facing the camera, with several guys working on it. I think there were words under the pic on the poster, but can't remember what it was, arrggh!

Anyways: This was always one of my favorite views of it:


  • lockheed-sr71-blackbird_5.jpg
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Great videos, thanks for posting them!
If I built one of these, I'd be on pins and needles flying it. I think I'll stick to static models. ::)
but the landing was crap. Back to flight school for that guy.

Actually, for RC flying, and the nature of his "one-off", and VERY complex model design, that landing was very good.

RC planes tend to look most scale when they're in the air. When they take off like a rocket and land flopping around like that, they look a bit goofy.

EDIT: I just realized someone else posted this same video, but I can't seem to delete the embedded video. Is that a setting on your site, guys, or am I doing something wrong?
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<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/KmKdA6L_MWk&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="405" width="500">http://www.youtube.com/v/KmKdA6L_MWk&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999&border=1</object>
I had a poster in my bedroom when young. Wish I could find that exact pic somewhere on the Net, but it was of the SR-71 on the ground, in shadow, facing the camera, with several guys working on it. I think there were words under the pic on the poster, but can't remember what it was, arrggh!

Anyways: This was always one of my favorite views of it:

I remember seeing the poster you are talking about. It is all wet on the floor i was told the SR71 is always leaking untill it gets up there and closes the gaps.
Cheers John.