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September 10, 2017 — Daniel Liszt, the Dark Journalist

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Gene Steinberg

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The Dark Journalist was definitely a fascinating interview, although he tends to veer more than I expected towards one end of the political spectrum.

The discussion didn't end with our regular episode, though.

We continued and concluded it on this weekend's episode of After The Paracast, part of The Paracast+

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Daniel is a right wing Donald Trump enthusiast. I have followed his career for some time. I think that this points out a fact that isn't often acknowledged. Many conspiracy theories (and their adherents) are by nature very right wing. They rail against ANY government involvement whatsoever in society (big bad government again).. They rail against regulations on the free market place (big bad government again and environmental concern as an Illuminati conspiracy). One of Daniel's favorite guests is a lady who served in Federal Government in the George Bush administration and is a walking commercial for neo-liberalism. They rail against any sort of universal health care (big bad government again).

Then they ironically turn right around and applaud Donald Trump and the GOP take-over of the government AND the imposition of a particular religious narrow minded viewpoint as law. They don't seem to mind White Supremacists in their ranks. When Daniel spouts his right wing intolerant views (fed, again I assert, by wild conspiracy theory, e.g., Alex Jones), I am revolted.

I asked him once, "How can you so obviously see that Corey Goode is a conman, but have no clarity of vision towards Donald Trump and the GOP?". He did not respond. In that sense, I take him with a grain of salt.

We are all human and have biased vision. We see things from our personal psychological profile and our beliefs about what reality is. But recently, a certain segment of our society seems to be leaving any semblance to objective reality totally behind. They tried calling their stance "alternative facts" but this didn't go over very well. So now their strategy is to simply call all facts "fake" unless they agree with their agenda.

Gene, I have a hard time respecting people like that.

Note: I am not trying to ignite a fire storm, since the UFO community is full of these right wing people, I have found. They can accept aliens, but not trans or gay humans, for example. They like the Greys but not the Blacks.

To perhaps forestall a fire storm, let me just say that TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT. For anyone whose default reaction is "Obama did many terrible things also" my response is that past wrongs do NOT justify current wrongs. Period.
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The major media IS liberal. The editors, publishers, journalists, and on air personalities are mostly liberal.
The major media IS liberal. The editors, publishers, journalists, and on air personalities are mostly liberal.
No, they are comparatively sane. If reality causes you to label it as "fake" or "liberal biased" then perhaps you should re-evaluate your news sources and take a step back. I spend a lot of time in the conspiracy alt media world (since I just find it fascinating as entertainment, if nothing else). But what I ceaselessly encounter is denial of reality and tremendous fantasy, fueled by a huge heaping of paranoia and fear of social change. These folks seem to think that aliens will land and announce that they are free market neo-liberalists who want no government regulations (except in other peoples' sex and reproductive lives), automatically place the White Race at the top of all other races, and support rape of the planet to increase shareholder corporate value. LOL
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This paragraph from a blog is yet another take on the liberal media myth:

"You hear a lot of talk about the so-called liberal media, but here is the fact: Eighty percent of all media outlets in this country are owned and controlled by conservatives. I don't care if it's print, television, radio, magazines or internet. Almost all of it is controlled by people who are conservative Republicans. If you look at talk radio alone, by a 10-1 margin there is more conservative talk radio than there is liberal talk radio. The idea that the media is liberal is the complete opposite of reality."

So is the message clear yet?
This paragraph from a blog is yet another take on the liberal media myth:

"You hear a lot of talk about the so-called liberal media, but here is the fact: Eighty percent of all media outlets in this country are owned and controlled by conservatives. I don't care if it's print, television, radio, magazines or internet. Almost all of it is controlled by people who are conservative Republicans. If you look at talk radio alone, by a 10-1 margin there is more conservative talk radio than there is liberal talk radio. The idea that the media is liberal is the complete opposite of reality."

So is the message clear yet?
Talk radio is mostly conservative, but it isn't really media, it's opinion programming. It doesn't pretend it is neutral.
Talk radio is mostly conservative, but it isn't really media, it's opinion programming. It doesn't pretend it is neutral.
And most media outlets are, as reported above, owned by conservative Republicans. But the corporate media doesn't care about liberal or conservative when it comes to coverage. It's about circulation, ratings, advertising dollars.

Without Roger Ailes in control, if Fox News found a way to switch to liberal and build a whole new audience and a larger ad base, you can bet it will be done. Ailes was a long-time Republican operative who always dreamed of setting up a Republican network. When he teamed with Rupert Murdock of Fox, he had his wish. But Murdock's sons aren't so conservative, and the recent scandals involving such high-rated hosts as Bill O'Reilly and Eric Bolling may have a long-term impact as the new generation of executives assumes greater power.

MSNBC is thought of as a liberal network, but that's all about several prime time hosts. The rest of the coverage is very mainstream and more balanced than Fox News (except for Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace).
This paragraph from a blog is yet another take on the liberal media myth:

"You hear a lot of talk about the so-called liberal media, but here is the fact: Eighty percent of all media outlets in this country are owned and controlled by conservatives. I don't care if it's print, television, radio, magazines or internet. Almost all of it is controlled by people who are conservative Republicans. If you look at talk radio alone, by a 10-1 margin there is more conservative talk radio than there is liberal talk radio. The idea that the media is liberal is the complete opposite of reality."

So is the message clear yet?
The conservative mind set needs an enemy, if not a scapegoat. If one isn't available, they will create one.
I do not agree. It’s a corporate media.

Its a corporate mainstream media, yes.

And the long standing paradigm is that the mass market demand is for the liberal leaning slant e.g. extreme political correctness, support of establishment institutions, avoidance of controversial topics. Big corporations will want their public profile to tow the line in terms of political correctness and equal opportunity.

So yes, the mainstream news corps are doing it for commercial interests but the end output is liberal leaning so you can't separate the two.

There is obviously a changing public demand for conservative view points hence the decline of the mainstream.

Big news corps and big business are big ships that take a long time to change course but in time they will need to as the commercial results will drive it
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I really enjoyed this show and got a lot more out of it than the prior week.

A couple of points:

Gary McKinnon found a list of 'non terrestrial officers' and not a list of 'off world officers'. An important nuance when considering he was looking at Navy records. Non terrestrial could mean at sea, and this could be nothing telling at all.

Missing money from the Pentagon: this is evidence for ...... Missing money. You can then speculate as to the source e.g. embezzlement, errors in accounting, black budget projects nothing to do with space or even a secret space program. The point is it's evidence of nothing unless you can tie the missing money to something else.

Overall there is NO evidence of a secret space program beyond the conventional stuff we know like the X37. The idea of the U.S. military flying around the solar system on jollies using breakthrough propulsion or transport tech not known to mainstream science is completely unsupported and I struggle to see why it gets any credible consideration.