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problem with the website

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Skilled Investigator
every since gene did the forum update a few days ago.....the website hasnt updated! im still showing august 31st as the latest show on ALL 3 Computers i own, and on my PSP, the RSS feed is still showing the august 31st show as the latest surely all 4 of my devices shouldnt need a cache flush (i did try that on 2 of them to no avail) and you cant even do that on a PSP im willing to bet im not the only one having this problem, this is the first time i have seen anything like this edit: i had to use a proxy to get here!
every since gene did the forum update a few days ago.....the website hasnt updated! im still showing august 31st as the latest show on ALL 3 Computers i own, and on my PSP, the RSS feed is still showing the august 31st show as the latest surely all 4 of my devices shouldnt need a cache flush (i did try that on 2 of them to no avail) and you cant even do that on a PSP im willing to bet im not the only one having this problem, this is the first time i have seen anything like this edit: i had to use a proxy to get here!
Sounds like your ISP isn't updating its DNS servers properly. We moved this a week ago to new hardware (with a further upgrade Saturday afternoon). Normally the DNS update takes no more than a few hours, and at most a couple of days.

Hopefully things are better now. If not, contact your ISP and let them know.
i contacted my ISP (npg cable) and they reset the modem and beyond that were unable to do anything.....oddly enough on this computer, im getting an APACHE webpage....Great Success ! Apache is working on your cPanel® and WHM™ ServerIf you can see this page, then the people who manage this server have installed cPanel and WebHost Manager (WHM) which use the Apache Web server software and the Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl) successfully. They now have to add content to this directory and replace this placeholder page, or else point the server at their real content.ATTENTION!If you are seeing this page instead of the site you expected, please contact the administrator of the site involved. (Try sending an email to <webmaster@domain>.) Although this site is running cPanel, WebHost Manager, and Apache software it almost certainly has no other connection to cPanel Inc. or the Apache Group. Please do not send mail about this site or its contents to cPanel Inc. or the Apache Group.About cPanel:cPanel is a leading provider of software for the webhosting industry. If you would like to learn more about cPanel please visit our website at cPanel - The Leading Control Panel. Please be advised that cPanel Inc. is not a web hosting company, and as such has no control over content found elsewhere on this site.About Apache HTTP Server:The Apache HTTP Server is an open source web server which powers many of the worlds web sites. The Apache HTTP server is part of the Apache Group's many influential projects. Their efforts have helped shape much the world wide web, and they continue to be a dominating force in the web hosting industry.
What you're seeing there is the message our Web hosting software puts up. In this case, it as happening during a DNS transition.

Last week, we migrated to a new server, for speedier performance and to be able to handle more bandwidth. For reasons I want get into, we did a hardware swap on Saturday to speed things up even more.

During these transitions the Internet, as it were, has to play catch up.

Most people should see the correct sites and correct content as of today. If not, let me know.
still not seeing it, but ill keep you updated
That's not good at all.

Listen, I suggest you go to OpenDNS | Providing A Safer And Faster Internet and set up your computer to use that instead of your ISP's DNS. It is faster, more current, and has robust phishing protection. The setup process is clearly explained, and it takes just a minute or two to complete.

In fact, I recommend them to all of our listeners. :)
Based on your symptoms, YOU are using a caching proxy server, whether you know it, or not - and one that is mucked up, as well.

If any of your machines are laptops (or use that PSP), then try going somewhere with wireless (a friend's or a cafe) and see if THEIR connection shows everything properly. If so, then you need to tell your ISP to come and and see this for themselves.
That's not good at all.

Listen, I suggest you go to OpenDNS | Providing A Safer And Faster Internet and set up your computer to use that instead of your ISP's DNS. It is faster, more current, and has robust phishing protection. The setup process is clearly explained, and it takes just a minute or two to complete.

In fact, I recommend them to all of our listeners. :)


Sage advice, to be sure, but he may be getting the right DNS resolution, but his gateway is using a caching proxy and giving him stale content. That's another way to get the same symptoms.

Did the IP addresses for theparacast.com change? If they did, then he can do a quick ping test and see if it is purely a DNS issue, if not, then it is more involved.


Sage advice, to be sure, but he may be getting the right DNS resolution, but his gateway is using a caching proxy and giving him stale content. That's another way to get the same symptoms.

Did the IP addresses for theparacast.com change? If they did, then he can do a quick ping test and see if it is purely a DNS issue, if not, then it is more involved.

It changed as of last week ( It has long since resolved, unless his ISP's DNS is caching lookups for an extremely longer period than normal.
It changed as of last week ( It has long since resolved, unless his ISP's DNS is caching lookups for an extremely longer period than normal.

It seems so odd to cache them for that long. Odd in the our crap is broken and we're not aware of it sort of way. Very odd. Pointing his DNS to OpenDNS just has to work, otherwise it is something really odd.
It seems so odd to cache them for that long. Odd in the our crap is broken and we're not aware of it sort of way. Very odd. Pointing his DNS to OpenDNS just has to work, otherwise it is something really odd.
Yes, especially since, whenever I've changed IP numbers or added a site, I've used their cache refreshing feature to make sure they know about it. :)
It changed as of last week ( It has long since resolved, unless his ISP's DNS is caching lookups for an extremely longer period than normal.

Hang on. Is there perhaps a gateway router in the mix?

cmbezln, have you installed a router in the house (wireless or wired) - perhaps recently, even? If there is one, it could be the problem. It is not out of the question, let's say that.

When you ping theparacast.com from a command window, what do you get for an IP address?

All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt then type:

ping theparacast.com
good news! everything is back up to snuff both at home and at work....not more apache screen and i can see the forums

im thinking our ISP (we share the same ISP at work and here at my house) was just slow to go, like gene had mentioned.....

in reference to digigeek's response.....the wireless network i have at my house has been set up in the same manner for over a year, and this is the first time i've had this issue

but like i said, it was happening at work to....so i think the ISP is simply to blame (gene, i don't know if you have NPG cable out there, but they are horrid)

alls well that ends well, though.....i appreciate the help
I had problems today as I kept getting an error 42 message when trying to access the site.

When i turned my router off and back on it worked OK. Weird though I thought I'd lost Para cast forever.:eek:
I couldn't access the site for most of yesterday, either. I kept getting a DNS server error message. Could have been my ISP at fault, though, because it's happened to me a few times with various sites. I usually resolve it by using a proxy server until my ISP sorts its sh*t out.
I couldn't access the site for most of yesterday, either. I kept getting a DNS server error message. Could have been my ISP at fault, though, because it's happened to me a few times with various sites. I usually resolve it by using a proxy server until my ISP sorts its sh*t out.
You may be on to something here. We set up backup DNS servers, in case our main one goes down. Wouldn't want to have this site disappear in case of a problem. :)
Oddly enough, Gene, I could access the main site, but not the forum. But my ISP is (in)famous for routing problems and DNS resolution faults :frown:.
well, the forum is on a subdomain, which involves extra resolution.

I had that problem too when i switched to open dns, it was just a matter of changeing settings in your network and shareing to get it working, i aint computer savy at all, so i needed help from Gene.:) IT MIGHT BE THE PROBLEM FOR SIANI, I AINT TOO SURE.