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Politics & The CIC/Prez

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Where I live, the president is expected to resign from the party when he/she gets elected. The second term is then up to support. The last one had unofficial peoples movement to push the second term.
That man makes everything unpredictable. Its no way run a government. I mean US Gov was famous, like EPA, that its 20 years that changes come, and they come as planned.
The auto makers have invested billions in building EV vehicles. They still need work. They cost too much and range could be longer. There aren't enough charging stations in some parts of the U.S. But sales keep increasing in the double digits. The EV train has left the station.
Does he want to BAN EV's, or simply make the government stop pushing them- let their merits and prices guide the buyers?
No, but if they penalize owners (smog tests, high prices, restrictive regulations) of conventional vehicles, it works out the same. Remember, no junker can last long enough to out-pollute the making of another car.
So 3.3 millon EVs are on the roads in the U.S. including part of 2024:

It's 40 million around the world:

You think they should all be sold off and scrapped?
Taking existing gasoline cars off the road to force people to buy inferior EV cars, forces the creation of more cars. The pollution required to create extra, unnecessary cars exceeds the pollution created by keeping even the worst junkers on the road. Buy your EV cars and run them all you like- but DON"T PRESSURE anyone else to buy cars you think would be good for them. Let the Invisible Hand decide how well EV cars do; and EV cars will have to get better and cheaper until they are at least as good as the cars that actually already exist.