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Politics & The CIC/Prez

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That is NOT a non-partisan site, nor factual.

You forget the deal Trump made with the Saudis to prop-up oil prices two years ago. I've linked it several times. I expect you to read that, which comes from a news service that is not partisan, and comment on the facts it mentions.
What difference does the source make when you can hear the words coming out of the speakers mouth? Duh!
Duh! Without going into specifics, it's easy to say something incorrectly or take someone's words out of context. It's very easy to manipulate audio and video in ways it's difficult or impossible to detect.

And you totally ignore my factual links every time. You want to post here in this thread, address that first. Respond to them directly.
Duh! Without going into specifics, it's easy to say something incorrectly or take someone's words out of context. It's very easy to manipulate audio and video in ways it's difficult or impossible to detect.

And you totally ignore my factual links every time. You want to post here in this thread, address that first. Respond to them directly.
If your factual sources include the Washington Post, I dont. It's owned by Jeff Besos the biggest socialist in America and it has a reputation for left leaning. Let's get over the blame game and fix the problems as they exist or we'll soon have nothing worth fixing.
It doesn't fly. He's one of the richest capitalists in the world.

Define socialist!

No, Obama is not a socialist. Five decades ago, he'd be classified as a moderate Republican.
And if your focusing on the faux media (Fox News and Newsmax for example), you are probably missing out on what really happened during the January 6th hearings:

And if your focusing on the faux media (Fox News and Newsmax for example), you are probably missing out on what really happened during the January 6th hearings:

They got this mostly right for the least viewed news in the world. There was nothing we didn't know since the beginning. I sure won't try to defend it but is it really much different than promoting violence to intimidate the Supreme Court. They are refusing to enforce laws on the books for just that purpose.
This was an attempt to overthrow the U.S. via illegal means. Period. President Trump made fake claims of election fraud to collect donations and stay in office. In that way, he is very unique, but not in a nice way.

There is no comparison with such a move, which would destroy the entire democratic process in this country, and possible threats against judges.

Since you apparently don't know, Congress did pass a bill to protect Supreme Court judges and their families:

And, one more time: define socialist!

No more posts from you until you answer specifically!

  1. a person who advocates or practices socialism.
    left-wing · liberal · progressive · progressivist · Marxist · communist · communistic · leftist · ultra-left · anticapitalist · radical · revolutionary · militant · Labor · Laborite · laborist · Fabian · syndicalist · Marxist–Leninist · Leninist · Trotskyite · Trotskyist · Maoist · left-winger
And what is socialism?
I won't debate all the social and economic nuances of socialism. We could be here forever. I will just say, it will never fly in this country. As a reasonable intelligent man. Do you really think a handful of idiots without weapons are going to take over the country? Let's forget about placing blame and figure out how the multitudes of problems and divisions in this country can be overcome. Do you overcome homelessness by allowing thousands more in that status to come on in and join the ranks? Do we suppress crime by continuing to turn crooks loose and slapping their hand or just ignoring it? I could go on but I won't. I've said it before, if we don't get over our petty issues and work together to fix things they may well become insolvable.
It wasn't a handful of idiots. It was part of a conspiracy hatched, and now revealed, by the outgoing President of the United States and his minions. The testimony includes his oldest daughter and the former U.S. Attorney General. If that constitutes a "handful of idiots," so be it.

More to the point, you cannot define socialism, even though definitions are readily available.

Long and short, Jeff Bezos is not a socialist. He is a very very rich capitalist, one of the richest in the world. He got that way through capitalism by starting and expanding a private business. His investment in The Washington Post is a private investment. He said he would not interfere with the newspaper's policies and coverage, and there's no evidence that he's done otherwise. The paper has, from time to time, run articles not favorable to him (while mentioning he owns the paper). They have also run articles critical of Biden.

Again, define socialism before we proceed.
A post by Walking Short containing personal attacks, non-responsive to the question above, was deleted.

If he wishes to post again, he can start by actually responding to me.
A post by Walking Short containing personal attacks, non-responsive to the question above, was deleted.

If he wishes to post again, he can start by actually responding to me.
It was unfair of me to characterize Bezos as a socialist. He has given monies to liberal and conservative causes. A number of them I actually admire him for. I agree not to use socialist in place of liberal or ultra liberal in the future. But knowing his disdain for Trump I find it hard to believe he doesn't exert influence at the paper.
There is no evidence he is influencing any policy at the Washington Post. As I said, the paper has criticized Biden. Indeed, the so-called mainstream media has attacked Biden in a number of ways, which disproves the claim they are in the tank for him.

I appreciate your clarification here. We're getting somewhere.
Russell Brand

Whatever you think about events on Jan 6th 2020, are the current hearings
just an excuse for more political theatre? And will anything actually be achieved
other than more domestic terrorism laws that both sides of the political establishment want?
