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I was disappointed to have to listen to Gene talking over the top of Klaus again and again and again. Once in a while is understandable, but constant interruption is disrespectful to the guest. Please, Gene, pay attention.
I was disappointed to have to listen to Gene talking over the top of Klaus again and again and again. Once in a while is understandable, but constant interruption is disrespectful to the guest. Please, Gene, pay attention.

It's not what you think. I was using a different method of capturing the audio, which caused a severe latency problem. My part of the conversation came ahead and the other part (Klaus and David) was delayed a second or two. So it sounded as if we were overlapping when, in fact, we weren't. It's not an excuse, but a fact.

I ran into the same glitch on that week's episode of the tech show, and have since abandoned that method of capturing the audio.
Thats how interviews take place, Its there show and within that platform you have to ask questions to get answers or there would be no point haveing a show on that basis of discussion:):question:

My sincere apologies. Thank you for setting me straight.
Not to worry. Sometimes you do have to interrupt a guest when they are going astray, as with the episode with Lawrence Spencer. And sometimes you also have to stop guests from talking over one another (overlapping). Too bad far too many talk shows forget about such things. :)