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Kevin D. Randle: Alien Mysteries, Conspiracies and Cover-Ups

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Gene Steinberg

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Kevin D. Randle returns to The Paracast to discuss his appearance before the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, and his recent book, "Alien Mysteries, Conspiracies and Cover-Ups.

You can also check out his blog here for possible subject matter for your questions:

A Different Perspective

The episode will be recorded Friday, June 27, from 8 AM until 10 AM Pacific. Yep, getting up early for this one.
Why do you think that there are still people that think cattle mutilations are anomalous in nature, when according to scientists and veterinarians, the evidence points to scavengers and predators? Is there too much of a hope that something paranormal is happening which blinds people to the truth? Is this what is happening with most UFO cases?
While I agree most mutilations are easily explainable- what about those few cases considered unnatural, with obvious surgical methods used to extract particular organs?
While I agree most mutilations are easily explainable- what about those few cases considered unnatural, with obvious surgical methods used to extract particular organs?

That's an "I" not and "L" and I am just going with something Randle has said before and that I agree with.

The Other Side of Truth: Kevin Randle on Cattle Mutes, Iraq

"Despite being a supporter of the ETH (which should be obvious to anyone who knows his views on Roswell), Kevin came to the conclusion back then, and it is a conclusion that he still holds to today, that there was nothing alien about the cattle mutilations; indeed, there was nothing anomalous about them at all. They could be explained, as the Rommel report stated (and as virtually every scientist and veterinarian who has studied the subject before and since has concluded), as the work of predators and scavengers, with the odd hoax and scam mixed in"
interesting. I have read articles stating some fresh carcasses being examined by vets who have come to the conclusion that some type of instrument had to be used to extract certain organs before draining blood and other fluids- but, perhaps these cases are where the "hoax factor" comes in. One thing is certain, there are many ranch owners who have been spooked and outraged over these incidents.
Another interesting thing- why/how has it came to be the flying disk is so often sighted before, or around the time these animals are found. How has the phenom been linked (long before LMH took to the field)
Mr. Randle I am a fan and respect your service to our county.
Do you think the U.S. government has alien bodies somewhere.
"Despite being a supporter of the ETH (which should be obvious to anyone who knows his views on Roswell), Kevin came to the conclusion back then, and it is a conclusion that he still holds to today, that there was nothing alien about the cattle mutilations; indeed, there was nothing anomalous about them at all. They could be explained, as the Rommel report stated (and as virtually every scientist and veterinarian who has studied the subject before and since has concluded), as the work of predators and scavengers, with the odd hoax and scam mixed in"
Sorry to differ, but there are an impressive number of cases that are indeed anomalous as proven by postmortem veterinarian patholgical examinations. By this I mean, perpetrated deaths and disfigurements NOT due to scavenging or predation. I'm not saying that these cases are as Linda Howe claims, "aliens mutilating cattle to gather genetic material" for cloning, hybidization, etc I don't agree at all with these conclusions. But, do yourself a favor and read the NIDS papers and bring yourself up2speed. Look at the results of crime lab testing not covered by Rommel that indicated at least some cattle are killed and disfigured unnaturally with a sharp cutting tool like a scalpel. When my book comes out this fall, I will include some impressive statistics that totally refutes the simplistic debunker dismissal of the whole phenomenon that you (and others) are touting.


Sorry to differ, but there are an impressive number of cases that are indeed anomalous as proven by postmortem veterinarian patholgical examinations ... do yourself a favor and read the NIDS papers and bring yourself up2speed ...

Thanks for those Chris. I've also recently finished watching your Mysterious Valley Lecture on DVD, and in it you go into some of the cattle mutilation info. I found it interesting that you mentioned how cattle hemoglobin is very similar to that of humans. I had also ran across that someplace and thought it was rather curious. It also seems to fit with the theory we were discussing on another thread not long ago suggesting that the alien humanoids we're seeing might be the result of a reanimation process that requires the gathering of local materials and specimens. Oh BTW, are you receiving the alerts to our Ufology Networking conversation? There are a couple of messages there you should check on.
Sorry to differ, but there are an impressive number of cases that are indeed anomalous as proven by postmortem veterinarian patholgical examinations. By this I mean, perpetrated deaths and disfigurements NOT due to scavenging or predation. I'm not saying that these cases are as Linda Howe claims, "aliens mutilating cattle to gather genetic material" for cloning, hybidization, etc I don't agree at all with these conclusions. But, do yourself a favor and read the NIDS papers and bring yourself up2speed. Look at the results of crime lab testing not covered by Rommel that indicated at least some cattle are killed and disfigured unnaturally with a sharp cutting tool like a scalpel. When my book comes out this fall, I will include some impressive statistics that totally refutes the simplistic debunker dismissal of the whole phenomenon that you (and others) are touting.

I hope that you still ask my question, because I am curious to hear what Kevin Randle has to say, okay? I am only confirming what I have heard Randle say before as you can see from my quote, and we can all agree that he is not a debunker.
Please ask the question because I would be interested to know if he has changed his opinion on the topic.
Hi Mr Kevin,

I find all your research and books fascinating and had a couple questions Me being someone that doubts disclosure by the government about aliens, crashes, or conspiracies pertaining to any of those subjects will happen anytime soon I was curious as to what you think would be more likely accepted or cause less of a negative impact in the world, that these aliens and crafts are from another planet/galaxy or that all the things we're seen in the sky were actually being from earth whether it be underwater, the Arctic or even from caverns caves or the fantastical hollow earth?