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Kathryn Tucker Windham

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Skilled Investigator
Kathryn was a very respected Southern ghost writer in her time. "Her time" was right before the Internet boom and throughout the years I've often scanned paranormal boards and discussions for topics related to her or her stories. I live in and was raised in Alabama. She is somewhat of a legend down here. A redneck cult following, if you will, haha. Elementary school librarians read us some of her stories around Halloween time down here. My mom and grandmother knew who she was. Iirc, she read at a school event when my mother was in grade school, at her elementary. Everyone knew who she was.

The thing about Mrs. Windham was that her stories always seemed a little more surreal than the latest random house children's books. I don't even think I consider them children's books, because the stories (which were reportedly true according to her, even though a lot of them she openly stated were told to her by residents with no actual smoking guns) always left us clutching our pillows. Now, there are a few I remember that were absolutely supposedly true, two even confirmed by our teachers, and one by my grandmother. The one EVERYBODY agreed on was the ghost face in the window of Pickens Co. Courthouse. They both said they saw it with their own eyes. There's many theories as to what it is, but apparently it is there for everyone to see. I'll try to post links, but I'm on an iPad and even typing this all is a chore.

Then there's jeffery the ghost and that's just insane. I haven't looked into her recently and don't remember many details. I'm typing as I'm about to do some research. I guess I am inviting you guys to join this with me, and see if there's anything interesting to us here.

A few links:

Henry's Hill is literally like 15 minutes away from me, btw.
Mount Hope, Alabama, Ghost Sightings

The window ghost
Face in the Window - A Ghost Story in Carrollton, Alabama

Mrs windhams wiki bio
Kathryn Tucker Windham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kathryn was a very respected Southern ghost writer in her time. "Her time" was right before the Internet boom and throughout the years I've often scanned paranormal boards and discussions for topics related to her or her stories. I live in and was raised in Alabama. She is somewhat of a legend down here. A redneck cult following, if you will, haha. Elementary school librarians read us some of her stories around Halloween time down here. My mom and grandmother knew who she was. Iirc, she read at a school event when my mother was in grade school, at her elementary. Everyone knew who she was.

The thing about Mrs. Windham was that her stories always seemed a little more surreal than the latest random house children's books. I don't even think I consider them children's books, because the stories (which were reportedly true according to her, even though a lot of them she openly stated were told to her by residents with no actual smoking guns) always left us clutching our pillows. Now, there are a few I remember that were absolutely supposedly true, two even confirmed by our teachers, and one by my grandmother. The one EVERYBODY agreed on was the ghost face in the window of Pickens Co. Courthouse. They both said they saw it with their own eyes. There's many theories as to what it is, but apparently it is there for everyone to see. I'll try to post links, but I'm on an iPad and even typing this all is a chore.

Then there's jeffery the ghost and that's just insane. I haven't looked into her recently and don't remember many details. I'm typing as I'm about to do some research. I guess I am inviting you guys to join this with me, and see if there's anything interesting to us here.

A few links:

Henry's Hill is literally like 15 minutes away from me, btw.
Mount Hope, Alabama, Ghost Sightings

The window ghost
Face in the Window - A Ghost Story in Carrollton, Alabama

Mrs windhams wiki bio
Kathryn Tucker Windham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Excellent post. Keep em coming!
well I see you work hospital admissions, you should have nice ghost stories, my father worked as a maint. worker at one, he had a ghost that would follow him and opene elevators and so forth.
thanks Goggs McKay. i'll try to stay active here as much as i can. very interesting stuff.

Oakenwulf, not only do i work in a hospital, i'm on graveyard shift. so i work at night, when not too many people are coming through. we live in a small town on top of it all. i haven't ever witnessed anything or heard anything. but when i'm in the basement getting supplies at 2 am right beside the morgue, i always have this eerie feeling that i'm being watched by more than the cameras. oh yea, i work at helen keller hospital. she is from the shoals area, where i live in alabama. her house is a 5 minute drive right from where i sit. pretty strange. i don't know, theres always something a little odd happening around here.
Really cool stuff. I'm from New Jersey and, besides stories involving The Jersey Devil, we have very few "good" ghost stories. Our neighbors in Pennsylvania have way more.

I've noticed, in traveling up and down the eastern shore, that the southern United States have the most spirit-based phenomenon and storytelling.

Again, interesting stuff and thanks for sharing.
Really cool stuff. I'm from New Jersey and, besides stories involving The Jersey Devil, we have very few "good" ghost stories. Our neighbors in Pennsylvania have way more.

I've noticed, in traveling up and down the eastern shore, that the southern United States have the most spirit-based phenomenon and storytelling.

Again, interesting stuff and thanks for sharing.

i think alot of it, *could* be, to do with the Confederacy. alot of confederate soldiers weren't fighting because they wanted slaves, the slave owners were the 1%, they were just fighting because it was for their families. just regular people. now i'm not saying i support them. and i think it may be just their spirits roaming around looking for closure. thats just a theory though.

another thing, alot of people from the south have Native American heritage. my great grandmother was a 100% cherokee medicine woman. my grandfather has stories of when he was sick as a child, she would collect various herbs from the wilderness around their house and treat him. he recalls being 'cured' over-night. i believe the native americans had a stronger grasp on spirituality than normal 'white folk' did, or do. and alot of this could translate over into the greater amount of paranormal phenomena seemingly present in the South.

just my 2 cents.