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I see my mother bodies may UFOs

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Paranormal Novice
Hi my mother is a body says he saw the yellow and bright object seen and the object's size estimate of 15 cm i have thes Objects behold in top shape was at the month a bit small my mother said about the body sky was dark haven stars in the sky, but there is very little light pollution there and the stars most of the bay b What can be seen my mother for 5 seconds saw this object, this object is very bright haven bodies than a tall tree into the back and disappeared never to see again left the sky a curve drawn my mom said, a slight curve drawn and on earth descended a movement, as did my mother chinese lantern says it is not the meteor filanda did not say if a star like sliding ACTED like a star in the sky slightly shifting the impression that we have given, we go on vacation when I night swimming in the pool in the sky is an artificial satellite saw and that artificial satellite in front of the sky, behold the stars happening or they are twinkling or heaven and no action without a booth or object as if he stars as if moved and than stopped in the same star-like eyes blinked formally stars imitation was doing and shining like a star and you were there and like the stars in the sky hovered than I swimming in the pool when I Considered the direction you face when that object in the sky with me in the same direction I was moving toward where I was going Swan room with me in that direction was acting officially were not not following me aliens, I was a little scared that my saw in the body of a uFO is it or iridium satellite or other artificial satellites do not think I iridium satellite artificial satellite saw because he is in the eyes Animate the sky with a star you feeling star-tive to the confident and winks that star and that star other stars at the sky the same size and the stars, where it is moving and moving and than all of a sudden stops and the star looks like and star-like in size and like the stars are winking at me in the pool hard I stopped and in the pool that the object was looking at the sky wobble was doing, I saw, and than stopped again after rolling motion made me wonder There's something UFOs such detailed star imitation can do me in the sky, we see stars the same size as you come and stars in the sky look like winks Do they and the sky as if a star, giving the impression of a sudden move and all of a sudden stand me and UFOs stars the same size as appearing and stars such as wink , but while moving eye winks Do they and stars the same size appearbit wonder There's something in the pool with me that no other human had Caused me may have Followed me they wanted to give me a message if you wanted to post this message if they like Perceive them what I can and

Things to Do in touch with me after that temporary
I think even Yoda would be ashamed for Google Translate.

Sorry, iremusta, we really want to address your questions (if there are any) but we don't understand your post.
Seriously, I Google Translate might do passably well with European languages, but I appreciate what someone from Turkey would have to go through to translate something to English.
If I had to guess - this member is either seeing alien patterns in his or her mother's skin - or seeing strange patterns in the clouded created by a mother ship.
Since one of the more intelligible things iremusta managed to say was that she was quite sure these objects were not iridium satellites, she must be talking about lights in the sky. I suspect that in the original Turkish, she never mentioned her mother's body at all.
Seriously, I Google Translate might do passably well with European languages, but I appreciate what someone from Turkey would have to go through to translate something to English.

No, it doesn't work with any language, at all. You can use it to translate a word but not a sentence and even a single word has a high chance of being wrong. I speak 3 languages, 4th one barely and trust me, it doesn't work. The problem is that sentence structure varies wildly between languages. For example, my native language is Finnish and we put stuff in a completely different order in some sentences than in English, so a translator program cannot make sentences that make sense.

If you want to have some fun with it, write a paragraph or 2, pick a random languge and use it to translate it, then translate whatever comes out back to English. Much hilarity will ensue. ;)
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Perfect example of don't let the wrong person or thing do your translating for you!

: What happen?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What!
Operator: Main screen turn on.
Captain: It's You!
Cats': How are you, gentlemen? All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction.
Captain: What you say?
Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha Ha Ha Ha ...
Captain: Take off every "zig"! You know what you doing. Move "zig". For great justice.
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There are some interesting language translation issues concerning the gendering of words & actions. Regardless, this entry reads like poetry. My mother has drawn a curve in the sky, the stars wink as I swim in the water with inhuman mermaids until human voices wake us and we drown.

The contactee's message always comes from somewhere just outside of us. It is just like the astronaut says, "My god, it's full of stars."

Then again, on this forum there are cats down under the stars.

Who is it that says she is my mother she is a UFO.
ı am turk and google translate
Hi Iremusta. Welcome! Thank you for coming here. :)

Please write again. Write in short sentence. Do not write long sentence. Write in easy clear words. Write simply. Do you see my example of writing? Write so it is easy to read and understand.

Thank you. Come again to write again. Simple, short, and easy. Repeat it different ways. Repeat the sentence in a new way. See my example now? See how simple I am in my writing? You can do this too. Please write like I write. It is simple and easy.

Why? Then the Google translate will work. Please be simple so Google translate will work. Ok? Thank you!

We want to know your story! Tell us again, please. Thank you!

Please come write here again soon!
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There are some interesting language translation issues concerning the gendering of words & actions. Regardless, this entry reads like poetry. My mother has drawn a curve in the sky, the stars wink as I swim in the water with inhuman mermaids until human voices wake us and we drown.

The contactee's message always comes from somewhere just outside of us. It is just like the astronaut says, "My god, it's full of stars."

Then again, on this forum there are cats down under the stars.

Who is it that says she is my mother she is a UFO.
I've been laughing for 5 minutes... LOL LOL LOL...

You're an awesome UFO... the entities..."They're Here!"
The static breaks into Google translate! :D
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Er... Fedora Cronicles, you do know, don't you, that if the entire post is very badly translated from Turkish by a machine because the poster doesn't speak English, the title was originally in Turkish as well? Just saying.