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Paul Kimball

Paranormal Adept
I've been working on the first season of a new ghost investigation series called Haunted up here in Canada over the past several months. It premieres in October on Canadian television - hopefully our distributor will get it out there elsewhere as time rolls along. It's been renewed for a second season already, so we're back at it in the fall.

I'm going to be posting outtake videos at my blog and our company website as the post-production process moves along (I'm heavily into editing now) - stuff that won't make the final series (for many reasons, not the least of which is we investigate / film more locations than we need), but which I still find of interest and in many cases unexplained.

I'll post some of it here, and probably give Gene some of it to use in the Paracast+ if he wants.

For example, here is an outtake from our investigation at Cooper's Inn in Shelburne, NS, on May 2nd. Of note is that the "microphone malfunction" began in a room that our DOP Dillon had previously dreamed about, just as he began to relate the story of that dream (which involved a malevolent presence) to me.

As I always say about these types of things, context and timing matter.


For example, here is an outtake from our investigation at Cooper's Inn in Shelburne, NS, on May 2nd. Of note is that the "microphone malfunction" began in a room that our DOP Dillon had previously dreamed about, just as he began to relate the story of that dream (which involved a malevolent presence) to me.

As I always say about these types of things, context and timing matter.


Welcome to synchronicity, expect more and more of it as you continue to follow your passions.
These things are scary as hell and you will know when you meet it. It has intelligence and ability to control its environment. Be careful what you folks are searching for.
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Any remarkable or thought provoking instances of haunting, or merely just shaky footage of the participants yelling, "what was that..."

One leads inexorably to the other, but you can't always catch stuff on camera. Indeed, some of the weirdest stuff that happens is when our batteries drain, or our cameras go on the fritz, and the audience is left watching us try and figure it all out afterwards. But yes, there are definite moments of stuff happening too. But the truth is that "ghost investigating" is a long, slow haul, every night. I don't make shows like Ghost Hunters or Ghost Adventures (I eschew spooky music, for example, other than in scenes being narrated, because we aren't listening to spooky music when investigating).

Eastlink in Canada. What happens elsewhere will be up to our distributor.
Crap it doesn't look like they come on out west here. Might have to be stuck with the out-takes.

Hopefully there'll be a streaming option or something at some point?
Crap it doesn't look like they come on out west here. Might have to be stuck with the out-takes.

Hopefully there'll be a streaming option or something at some point?

Eastlink has stations across the country. Not sure which ones it will be airing in outside Atlantic Canada.
Old Castle (Pub) and remember going in old closed section to the general public. You had to climb down a ladder to get into the section. The walls were mouldy and placed a shovel on the wall. I was putting some beer kegs for storage when they re-opened the Old Castle. First, felt a strong gust of wind and saw the shovel being picked up and then moved Drop my smoke and stood to watch the keg being pushed along the floor. I thought some Pratt playing a joke and proceed to put the keg back. Then replace the shovel against the wall again. This time putting another keg in and turned around to find both objects moved again. Decide to leave and talked to manager overseeing repair who proceeds to tell me of the old Monks which folks had seen walking through the stairways towards the cellar as it used to make apple cider near the location. Another time old pub where it was built in the 1880s near a church the guest rooms up stairs had a few murders which many guests used to complain about the change in temperature and sighting of shadows. One young lady had been stabbed to death and used to appear to some guest in a white dressing gown. Blood stains still visible and would touch folks walking down the hallway or stairs. Scare the guest if they did not respect the room (crazy ) which she was murdered in. We used to say good morning and good evening never bother us when followed that rule. I was told by an old Irish chap who worked there would pray quite often when he saw her. The local church bought the area and proceed to cleanse the place prior to demolishing.
The teaser clip from the first episode, which airs on the 17th.

Haunted, Episode 1 - "Posthuman Blues, Part I"

In the premiere episode of Haunted, Paul Kimball and Holly Stevens return to ghost investigating after 8 years with a trip to the Queen's County Museum in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, where they attempt to make contact with an old friend who has passed away, even as they encounter what seem to be multiple spirits.
The premiere episode airs here in Atlantic Canada tonight, and then is followed by our new Beyond Haunted podcast, where members of our team and crew talk about the most recent episode, as well as upcoming episodes, the show in general, and the subject in general. Those podcasts will be freely available, but I've told Gene that he can post them in the Paracast+ section so that they'll all be easy to find for members. I've also told Gene that if we can figure out how to geo-block Canada, which our broadcaster requires, I'll send him the first two episodes for Paracast+ subscribers to watch. We'll see what we can work out.

As for the rest of the series, it should be available everywhere (but Canada) by the end of the year on ITunes and possibly Amazon.
I've uploaded the first two episodes of Haunted to our corporate Vimeo account, and sent the links to Gene. They are private files, but you will be able to watch them for a limited time if you're a Paracast+ subscriber - you'll have to shoot me a PM and I'll get Gene to confirm you're a P+ member, after which I'll send you the password. The first episode will be available whenever Gene posts it; the second will be available after it airs on TV here in Atlantic Canada next Tuesday.