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Guest Suggestions for The Paracast

Free episodes:

No......You mean Kate Middleton isn't a reptilian hybrid ?

But the same can’t be said for Kate Middleton, according to Ms Thornton.

“She is a draconian hybrid, half woman, half, they’re 10ft tall T-Rex type thing,” she says.

“She’s in the right place to seize power.

“They’ve designed her specifically to be in that position.”

As an Englishman, I find this quite funny really.
The idea that the royal family has any kind of 'power' went a long time ago. Despite what you might read on t'internet.
The royal family basically have to live like contestants on big brother (TV show) for their entire lives.
Constantly in the public eye, with every move watched. If I was a reptilian with an agenda I would choose a more suitable target.
And lets be honest these days a 'physical' presence is not a necessity, people can and do run their business from remote locations (using the internet).
No Middleton man required.
Guest suggestion: Gawain MacGregor
To talk about his understanding of Bigfoot:

"Mr MacGregor said he was participating in a "sacrament" of "wearing of hair-covered animal skins and wandering in the forest".

The 36-year-old, who was on holiday from Minnesota, writes on his blog about his personal belief in Bigfoot, or "the divine nature of sasquatch", as he calls it.

He writes that by dressing in sewn animal skins, and by reciting a "sasquatch prayer", he has had several encounters with the beast.

"It feels like it brings me closer to nature," he told the BBC after returning from holiday.

He came to my attention through this article:
Wandering shaman 'mistaken' for Bigfoot in North Carolina - BBC News

I think he is on Facebook etc so might be possible to contact him that way.

If he does come on the show, I have a question or five ;)
I like Michael Schratt. His lectures on youtube are really good.
Like most others in this field he has broken bread with some dubious characters but i still think he would be worth a listen
As an Englishman, I find this quite funny really.
The idea that the royal family has any kind of 'power' went a long time ago. Despite what you might read on t'internet.
The royal family basically have to live like contestants on big brother (TV show) for their entire lives.
Constantly in the public eye, with every move watched. If I was a reptilian with an agenda I would choose a more suitable target.
And lets be honest these days a 'physical' presence is not a necessity, people can and do run their business from remote locations (using the internet).
No Middleton man required.
Seems her husband grandmother is the Queen and extremely wealthy which not all is on record as others in the World of economics. The family is German /French in ancestry and in patterns in history. http://www.news.com.au/world/breaking-news/neonazis-march-in-berlin-to-honour-hess/news-story . Any forms of racism are horrid and NAZI are the worst kind and the hidden ones today.
I think it would be interesting to have Peter Robbins on to hear in detail the problems he now has with Larry Warren's account of the Rendlesham Forest incident.

It would also be good to understand if his thoughts on Nick Pope's book have changed as a result.

I also think he's a compelling listen on all aspects of the UFO mystery and so called "abduction" phenomenon.
Peter Robbins discussed Rendlesham and Larry Warren on Don Ecker's new Dark Matters program.
No......You mean Kate Middleton isn't a reptilian hybrid ?

But the same can’t be said for Kate Middleton, according to Ms Thornton.

“She is a draconian hybrid, half woman, half, they’re 10ft tall T-Rex type thing,” she says.

“She’s in the right place to seize power.

“They’ve designed her specifically to be in that position.”
I loved when the Princess battled Captain Kirk.
It would be best to listen to that Dark Matters episode and decide for yourself about Peter Robbins' feelings about Larry Warren.
Is this a reference to 2017 Wednesday, week 13? If so, it was rather clear it predated the relatively recent pronounced issues between Larry W and Peter R. Or is this a reference to another DM show/episode?
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Yes indeed, it is truly Preston Dennett & not Bennett, as Ufologists seemingly crawl out of the woodwork. It’s too bad the Dark Matters co-host departed earlier than expected.
I would like to suggest Jon Dover and Stan Milford, Jr. who are the Navajo Paranormal Rangers.

Here is a brief word from Jon Dover:

This link goes to Stan Milford, who explains his experience with apports of coins, which he says he saw occur. He collected more than 60 coins that had materialized out of thin air. This entire vid is interesting, as these officers also describe encounters with shapeshifting skinwalkers, UFOs, orbs, bigfoot, etc.

I would think they'd make interesting guests.
Didn't know this thread was here! Handy!
Greg Bishop and Adam Gorightly on their new A is for Adamski book.
Taunia Derenberger-Bowman on her Fifty Years with Indrid Cold book.
Ryan Sprague about his recent Roswell documentary on the CW
Have you had Jeremy Corbell on to talk about his Bob Lazar or Skinwalker films? I don't think so but I'm not sure.
Chris Wolford has been pretty visible on Youtube and other venues lately. He's got a unique perspective.
Andrew Colvin has been republishing a lot of classic UFO texts. He might be an interesting guest.

ETA: Thought of some that I forgot:
Laura Eisenhower
Aaron John Gulyas (has written about Contactees, conspiracy theories, stuff like that)
Luis Elizondo (or any of the TTSA people--maybe DeLonge :) )
Joshua Cutchin. I really liked his latest book, Thieves in the Night
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