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Good Sasquatch Vid?

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Goggs Mackay

Staff member
Apologise if this is old news but the vid is new to me and is quite compelling. Either a well planned hoax involving some effort, mis-identification of a tall, naked man wearing no clothes on top of a mountain, or real!

The shot is admittedly from far away and zoomed. Whatever the creature/man is, when he turns you can see something about the shoulders and upper arms - possibly hair - that just does not look human. Also at that altitude, to appear not to be wearing clothes or carrying a pack would probably mean a co-conspirator out of sight carrying these things for the 'actor.'

One other thing, if it's a 'squatch', it does look like he is angry and is directing that anger to the humans who have found some kind of manufactured hide/shelter. The shelter looks to be made by an animal with great manual dexterity or human hands - but there is something weird about the shelter and it does fit with the observed figure 'shoo-ing' away those pesky humans who have no business in the great state of 'squatch.

By the date, it's obvious plenty of you will have seen this, maybe even posted about it here but it's new to me so just in case, here it is:

I seen this awhile back. I haven't seen any kind of a follow up on it in terms of investigation. You would think that all those Bigfoot hunters would a
be beating a trail to the place.

It is one of the more convincing videos
concerning Bigfoot in recent memory.

A couple of questions I have concerning the video are that Sasquatch supposedly builds in secluded areas and the nest looked to be near a main trail.

Sasquatch is also supposedly nocturnal ,so even though he/it may have been spooked. It seems totally contrary to its nature for it to go walking out in the open in daylight.

The nest itself looks very convincing. Someone would have had to go to a fair amount of trouble to hoax it.Especially the broken trees.
I just don't have much doubt these days that such a rare and human-like hominid exists. Some think there is a paranormal aspect to bigfoot but I think if there is, there is also just an undiscovered creature. If you factor in the remote areas, intelligence and thousands of years of learning, there is every reason to think to a large extent they can avoid us. Not completely though and that accounts for the sightings that do happen.

I think it only a matter of time til a reputable lab or 2 fully analyse a DNA sample and at the least agree it is a hitherto unknown hominid. That day will probably be a sad one for bigfoot. You know, perhaps evidence has been found before but it was stepped on in an effort to preserve bigfoot, cos let's face it - if it becomes public knowledge they do exist, people are not going to stop until one is in a cage. As much as I want to know if they are real, if that's the price then I'll make do with a private sighting just the once, then I'll let him be!
Dunno if this is new to everyone but I found it really interesting. A supposed Bigfoot caught on film accidentally, who reacts to a shotgun being fired by a boy.
There is quite detailed analysis and it does look like whatever it is, is pretty big and fast moving..
What do you think? (I love bigfoot vids. I know most of them might be fake or whatever but you never know, a few may be real. I hate those obvious man-in-suit ones though.)

#18 of 62 "Sasquatch startled while watching kids shoot" www.facebook.com/findbigfoot - YouTube
Dunno if this is new to everyone but I found it really interesting. A supposed Bigfoot caught on film accidentally, who reacts to a shotgun being fired by a boy.
There is quite detailed analysis and it does look like whatever it is, is pretty big and fast moving..
What do you think? (I love bigfoot vids. I know most of them might be fake or whatever but you never know, a few may be real. I hate those obvious man-in-suit ones though.)

#18 of 62 "Sasquatch startled while watching kids shoot" www.facebook.com/findbigfoot - YouTube

Interesting but inconclusive. I would say that blurry humanoid images off in the distance don't qualify as Bigfoots any more than blurry flying specks off in the distance qualify as UFOs.
Apologise if this is old news but the vid is new to me and is quite compelling. Either a well planned hoax involving some effort, mis-identification of a tall, naked man wearing no clothes on top of a mountain, or real!

The shot is admittedly from far away and zoomed. Whatever the creature/man is, when he turns you can see something about the shoulders and upper arms - possibly hair - that just does not look human. Also at that altitude, to appear not to be wearing clothes or carrying a pack would probably mean a co-conspirator out of sight carrying these things for the 'actor.'

One other thing, if it's a 'squatch', it does look like he is angry and is directing that anger to the humans who have found some kind of manufactured hide/shelter. The shelter looks to be made by an animal with great manual dexterity or human hands - but there is something weird about the shelter and it does fit with the observed figure 'shoo-ing' away those pesky humans who have no business in the great state of 'squatch.

By the date, it's obvious plenty of you will have seen this, maybe even posted about it here but it's new to me so just in case, here it is:

Thanks for posting! Some of us haven't been around as long so there's quite a lot of material that may be old but hasn't been seen by all. :) And fishing through sites like YouTube for good clips is a huge pain. You inevitably get some douche in a monkey suit every 3 or 4 clips.

I get the impression that whatever that is, it is far larger than a person. Maybe it's the perspective, but from the distance and trees nearby it just seems like if it's a hoaxer or person, it's a BIG person. The behavior looks strange, but then again I might be pretty pissed if people started hanging out around my house, crawling inside and whatnot.

The profile is also different from a human. I see the back looks bulky and curved when the creature turns sideways. The arms also seem very long.

If it is strange for them to be out and about in the day light, I wonder if they have a sense that someone is coming and know to evacuate so they are not seen or bothered. If you go the supernatural route then that is easy to conceive, but even if this is purely a flesh and blood creature I think there are probably environmental cues and conventional senses that (when honed) could serve as an effective warning.

I realize it probably sounds ridiculous asking about behaviors and habits when discussing a creature that is largely unknown, but do they have any inclination to build multiple camps and migrate either long or short term? Perhaps this big guy or girl was on their way back from somewhere else for some reason and was surprised to see they had unwelcomed visitors.

If this video is taken at face value, I find it interesting that that creature did not bother the group (aside from throwing a little bit of a frustrated tantrum up on the hillside). I always assumed big animals would want to defend their dens. For example, if there was a bear den there and the bear returned to find it had company, would it have simply gone away or would it come down and try to scare off intruders? If so, then maybe this indicates a different intelligence and nature about bigfoot. I'm no expert, so I would love to hear input from those who are more experienced regarding the expected type of reaction from a large wild animal vs. what this creature displayed in the video.

The den is amazing as well, provided it wasn't constructed by the group filming (or some other known human in the area).

Interesting but inconclusive. I would say that blurry humanoid images off in the distance don't qualify as Bigfoots any more than blurry flying specks off in the distance qualify as UFOs.

There is truth in that, Ufology. I still find some of those blurry images intriguing, though. :) And I'm curious about the Campus Life youth group and Jim Mills. Did they have interest in this topic before and after? Was any attempt to make money made after the video was released?
Dunno if this is new to everyone but I found it really interesting. A supposed Bigfoot caught on film accidentally, who reacts to a shotgun being fired by a boy.
There is quite detailed analysis and it does look like whatever it is, is pretty big and fast moving..
What do you think? (I love bigfoot vids. I know most of them might be fake or whatever but you never know, a few may be real. I hate those obvious man-in-suit ones though.)

#18 of 62 "Sasquatch startled while watching kids shoot" www.facebook.com/findbigfoot - YouTube

If this one is a hoax, I definitely don't get the impression the family is aware of it. They seem genuine and completely unaware (plus the camera didn't catch much of the bigfoot, so it's not like they were waiting for "bigfoot" to appear).

Interesting analysis of the leg length, too. That might be something to look for in these videos when we aren't sure about authenticity.
I've seen another vid in which a man of known height goes up the mountain to the same place, and if he is near correct, the figure in the video was 8-9' in height.

Also interesting is the 'nest' site, which is what the campers first came across and also I take it the reason for the Squatch being irate - someone is in his crib!

Grif, from what I can piece together from those who claim to know, squatch is indeed nocturnal, but they operate some kind of day-time watcher system, almost like taking shifts to keep an eye out for humans, as any other animal would probably be prey for squatch. If we bear in mind the enormous tracts of dense woodland, the apparent intelligence and nocturnal habits, coupled with an active warning system, it does not surprise me that on the whole, these creatures can stay one step ahead of us most of the time. I am pretty much certain they exist but how 'human' they are is up for debate.

It's been noted there seems to be a correlation between UFOs and BF, well how about this: Aliens did indeed tweak the DNA of some ancient primate to create humans, but in the process, or as a first step or mistake, created BF also, which is why the UFOs seem to show an interest in BF as well as us?
Also interesting is the 'nest' site, which is what the campers first came across and also I take it the reason for the Squatch being irate - someone is in his crib!

Exactly! I kinda felt for the big guy/girl. We humans are so intrusive!

Grif, from what I can piece together from those who claim to know, squatch is indeed nocturnal, but they operate some kind of day-time watcher system, almost like taking shifts to keep an eye out for humans, as any other animal would probably be prey for squatch. If we bear in mind the enormous tracts of dense woodland, the apparent intelligence and nocturnal habits, coupled with an active warning system, it does not surprise me that on the whole, these creatures can stay one step ahead of us most of the time. I am pretty much certain they exist but how 'human' they are is up for debate.

That makes me wonder if it's possible that there could have been more than one in the area at the time they were filming this. If that was the lookout then surely there was another nearby somewhere. That group may have even been surrounded and not have known it. But I also wonder if that is an indication of the creature's temperament? Sure, the big one on the hill was angry and showing it, but at the end of the day he/she didn't come down and start attacking anyone (and I assume they spent at least one night somewhere in the area since the video cut to "Wednesday morning" at the end). And it appeared the creature relocated afterwards rather than trying to reclaim its territory.

The size really gets me though. If you had a big human in a suit on stilts or something up there, I just don't think they could navigate the terrain as confidently as that figure seemed to.

It's been noted there seems to be a correlation between UFOs and BF, well how about this: Aliens did indeed tweak the DNA of some ancient primate to create humans, but in the process, or as a first step or mistake, created BF also, which is why the UFOs seem to show an interest in BF as well as us?

That's definitely something to think about. Or, on the other hand, maybe the aliens are more observant and simply notice more life on our planet than we do. Maybe they were cruising over a wooded region somewhere and said "Hey, what's that animal? Let's go check it out."

On the other hand, I have been hearing much about the possibility that ETs aren't really what we think they are but rather dimensional visitors. If there is a supernatural element to bigfoot, or if they are simply more attuned to the planet than we are, then maybe they somehow draw the activity or are connected to it or its source in some way.
Saw this recently and thought I would share. It was posted to a YouTube group I am part of (but only lurk on most of the time, they get a bit more drama than I care to participate in sometimes lol). If authentic, it's interesting (and quite close up) audio: