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EVP? To me they're fascinating since I've recorded many recently...

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Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ish EVPs?!

It's been far too long and my hugely part-time research into EVPs and such continues. My biggest problem now appears that I've accumulated way too many recordings simply due to the fact it's so easy and I manage to get something in 98% of my clips. You can call it an EVP or whatever but it's not in the naturally occurring environment. Cross talk? Stray radio transmissions? Highly improbable due to the relevance of the entity/creature's intelligent response to my inquiries. Recently, I've received messages I only describe as a "comments" to whatever I'm doing and or looking at! A funny way to think of it is a Mystery Science Theater 3000-ish remarks I receive without being overly creeped out! :eek:

At 1st I was fired up and ready to post some here and I will eventually but I do need to start a database and organize the ones I have so I can call them up relatively easy. I was also curious if anyone besides myself has thought of making some of their EVP messages as text searchable on the web? That could be helpful perhaps to those interested as I in not totally staying closed minded that they may only be ghosts, spirits, demons, guardian angles or past on relatives.
Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ish EVPs?!

Over the past 5 years I have become involved in so-called "haunted site" investigations in IL, IN, KS, TX, CO and AZ with EVP expert Michael Esposito. Initially, I went into the first sites as an open-minded skeptic, but after quite a bit of experience recording these curious disembodied voices, I feel there is something high-strange about much of this phenomenon. I've put together a musical collage of EVPs over an Arabic funk groove "Osama bin Hiden" I recorded that also feature a talking parrot that appears to gain many previously unuttered words and phrases when brought to haunted sites ("Shut up and talk" "Wadda you do?" "You little brat!"); a comment "Maggots all around," by Esposito that is anticipated by an EVP "Maggots, MAGGOTS!" and a number of clear female voiced EVPs "I hope somebody listens," "Talking to," etc... I'll dig up some of the other many "class A" EVPs we've recorded and post them later this weekend, if anyone is interested....

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Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ish EVPs?!

Christopher O'Brien: "Over the past 5 years I have become involved in so-called "haunted site" investigations in IL, IN, KS, TX, CO and AZ with EVP expert Michael Esposito. Initially, I went into the first sites as an open-minded skeptic, but after quite a bit of experience recording these curious disembodied voices, I feel there is something high-strange about much of this phenomenon. I've put together a musical collage of EVPs over an Arabic funk groove "Osama bin Hiden" I recorded that also feature a talking parrot that appears to gain many previously unuttered words and phrases when brought to haunted sites ("Shut up and talk" "Wadda you do?" "You little brat!"); a comment "Maggots all around," by Esposito that is anticipated by an EVP "Maggots, MAGGOTS!" and a number of clear female voiced EVPs "I hope somebody listens," "Talking to," etc... I'll dig up some of the other many "class A" EVPs we've recorded and post them later this weekend, if anyone is interested...."

w0w! That was so kool and funky! But I like it! :D I for one would be interested for sure and I'm positive there plenty of folks here that would like to hear them if you care to share. :D

I thought about doing something like that myself for a "possible" paranormal podcast I may yet to produce and I imagined a old school Rodney Dangerfield-ish rap song to introduce my EVP section. However, I'm not sure about it but who knows? ;)
Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ish EVPs?!

In my opinion, EVP's are noise, compression and distortion captured on devices that aren't fit for the purpose they're used for. I just don't understand why spirits never seem to speak through high end production gear with modified pre-amps that could record a bee fart and allow you to amplify it with minimal distortion. Yet, they're more than happy to get themselevs recorded on crappy hand held audio recorders.
Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ish EVPs?!

BTW Christopher, would you mind sharing any tips on getting better results during and in post processing? I've found that 9 out of 10 of mine usually only need a boost in volume & or a slight EQ adjustment. I do find that a pitch and tempo can help here some also. I know most naysayers disapprove of any altercation of the original but I've heard so many legit ones that I can usually tell if it is or isn't before I make an attempt. I do most of my recording on an iPhone, yeah, yeah, yeah I know it's not the best kit out there but it's handy and records very well for me, in most cases. I've tried the H2 and it's a nice piece of kit but the results are not as good on the highest setting, however the 44.1 kHz seems to get the best captures, for me at least.

---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 PM ----------

In my opinion, EVP's are noise, compression and distortion captured on devices that aren't fit for the purpose they're used for. I just don't understand why spirits never seem to speak through high end production gear with modified pre-amps that could record a bee fart and allow you to amplify it with minimal distortion. Yet, they're more than happy to get themselevs recorded on crappy hand held audio recorders.

I haven't a clue why that seems to happen and we're well aware of your opinions and personal experiences. I'm forming a theory that it's possible that the most important element in capturing these messages or whatever, is the person(s) attempting to do so, not so much on the equipment itself. For example I have a coworker that's African-American and he was aware of my recordings and I thought he might want to ask "them" a question. He did and I heard 3 replies. His question was "Are you really talking in here?" the reply sounded like an African-American Male:"Please don't say that". Unknown voice says "TRAP!" then I chime in with:"They might say something, they might say no comment." Then the 3rd voice sounded like an African-American/Jamaican woman not unlike a voodoo priestess:"The spooks might not forget you."
Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ish EVPs?!

In my opinion, EVP's are noise, compression and distortion captured on devices that aren't fit for the purpose they're used for. I just don't understand why spirits never seem to speak through high end production gear with modified pre-amps that could record a bee fart and allow you to amplify it with minimal distortion. Yet, they're more than happy to get themselevs recorded on crappy hand held audio recorders.

We'd all love to hear about your field work at haunted sites! Where have you visited? What kind of gear do you have? How did you come to choose that gear? What does the data that you've gathered indicate? What are your theories to explain EVPs—audio anomalies which have been recorded since 1903?

The following short clip was obtained at the abandoned Manteno State Hospital in IL. This is from "Dead Whisper" a full-length DVD that I helped produce in 2005.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ch2zy-c0hvM&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ch2zy-c0hvM&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ish EVPs?!

Nice EVP. What was the unit used to record this evp? Was it the on cam tape? Or was it the field sound guy who got this gem? It may just be that high end recording gear of the digital kind may be of no use to a ghost. What I mean by this is that it has something to do with the tape itself that allows them to speak. This is an area that is worth some testing by taking two units; one digital and the other analogue tape, sync them and see which one gets more evp. It would be rather telling if the digital one gets nothing and would confirm a hunch I have as to why tape works where digital may not. It would point for me as an engineer to them being electromagnetic in nature and this is why they can use tape where digital is no good. Tape is magnetic where as digital as we all know is binary. Now what I am wondering are the ghosts/entity’s influencing the tape directly or do they have to use the microphone to say what they need to say? Well we could test for this also. The simple way to do this is to take two units that are identical and not plug a microphone into one of them. The one with no input is your control. Now if the one without the microphone picks up something then we may just have an answer. Anyway these are just ideas on how to get some scientific control aimed at the EVP phenomenon.
Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ish EVPs?!

Thank you, Stonehart. I have been hoping someone would bring this up. All this talk about recording gear is interesting, but it assumes the EVP phenomenon (if it is something real) enters our realm as sound waves. This may be what is happening, but there is no way for us to know that without testing it. Maybe what the "ghosts" or whatever are manipulating (if anything) is some magnetic field somewhere between the circuitry and the tape. Maybe the "noise" is the medium they can deal with. We just don't know. I like your ideas for testing. It's a great start. Of course, scientists want repeatable results, and like it a lot when their results support their string of assumptions. At some point it ceases to become science and wanders into the realm of self-fulfilling prophecy. In my opinion.
Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ish EVPs?!

Thank you Double Nought Spy.

I have been a sound engineer for a long time now and over those years this topic has poped up from time to time.
Now as far as I can see there is a very big need for a set of rules to be put in place that all those who wish to investigate this phenomena must follow.
As an engineer all I can do is give people at the very most a system by which they may be able to start to test this phenomena.
Well at least I can try.
Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ish EVPs?!

Thank you, Stonehart. I have been hoping someone would bring this up. All this talk about recording gear is interesting, but it assumes the EVP phenomenon (if it is something real) enters our realm as sound waves. This may be what is happening, but there is no way for us to know that without testing it. Maybe what the "ghosts" or whatever are manipulating (if anything) is some magnetic field somewhere between the circuitry and the tape. Maybe the "noise" is the medium they can deal with. We just don't know. I like your ideas for testing. It's a great start. Of course, scientists want repeatable results, and like it a lot when their results support their string of assumptions. At some point it ceases to become science and wanders into the realm of self-fulfilling prophecy. In my opinion.

Thanks to both of you for input theories and suggestions. I think David Biedny suggested something along them lines but excluded the analog method, if I remember correctly. I don't trust everything I get from these creatures but I mostly receive intelligent responses to my inquiries. In fact I even asked "them" to explain the method of how it works to me and they replied in 3 different voices "I want to." "I'd like to." "I'd love to." After hearing that I decided to try again and this one didn't come immediately as most often they do since I'm almost certain "they" were discussing it first! Why do I say that? I can hear an extremely low conversing of sorts after re-reviewing it. I almost missed the answer due to the delay but you can hear the answer clearly:"You're not restricted to being told, you wouldn't understand." WTF?!:eek:

Many times I've gotten hints that only myself and anyone else may interpret as one of Chistopher O'Brien's Tricksters they've said the following: "Trap! & "Ploy" to my inquiries too. Hmm... :eek:

As far as the technology goes analog would be a fantastic test and there's evidence it works but how? Only they know and apparently they're not telling ME! :mad: I've captured a comment on my many recordings using an iPhone and Griffins iTalk app but unintentionally I have received one on my Canon S3iS while in video mode. :confused: The method is digital by me but in my limited testing 44.10 kHz is much better than 22.05 kHz although not by much. I've asked them to say something to where I can hear it audibly w/o reviewing it later and it resulted in nothing. One of the many strange things about my results is in one particular room with a high ceiling that reverbs and in the comments I hear the acoustics of the room are in the voice! But I can't hear it even if I'm right there next to the device. Frustrating yes but maybe I really DON'T want to hear them all the time that would be freaky!
Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ish EVPs?!

Thanks to both of you for input theories and suggestions. I think David Biedny suggested something along them lines but excluded the analog method, if I remember correctly. I don't trust everything I get from these creatures but I mostly receive intelligent responses to my inquiries. In fact I even asked "them" to explain the method of how it works to me and they replied in 3 different voices "I want to." "I'd like to." "I'd love to." After hearing that I decided to try again and this one didn't come immediately as most often they do since I'm almost certain "they" were discussing it first! Why do I say that? I can hear an extremely low conversing of sorts after re-reviewing it. I almost missed the answer due to the delay but you can hear the answer clearly:"You're not restricted to know, you wouldn't understand." WTF?!:eek:

Many times I've gotten hints that only myself and anyone else may interpret as one of Chistopher O'Brien's Tricksters they've said the following: "Trap! & "Ploy" to my inquiries too. Hmm... :eek:

As far as the technology goes analog would be a fantastic test and there's evidence it works but how? Only they know and apparently they're not telling ME! :mad: I've captured a comment on my many recordings using an iPhone and Griffins iTalk app but unintentionally I have received one on my Canon S3iS while in video mode. :confused: The method is digital by me but in my limited testing 44.10 kHz is much better than 22.05 kHz although not by much. I've asked them to say something to where I can hear it audibly w/o reviewing it later and it resulted in nothing. One of the many strange things about my results is in one particular room with a high ceiling that reverbs and in the comments I hear the acoustics of the room are in the voice! But I can't hear it even if I'm right there next to the device. Frustrating yes but maybe I really DON'T want to hear them all the time that would be freaky!

The reason is simple as to why 44.10 khz is better is the frequence range is higher. When you add this to say 24bit recording rate at 96k you get a wave form that is so close to analog that it may as well be.

Interesting what you say about the room reverb as that would mean that the microphone needs to be used and they are not just going right to the recording medium. Hmmm maybe it is a phase or delay issue that means you can not hear the directly.

Will have to think on that.
Mystery Science Theatre 3000-ish EVPs?!

The reason is simple as to why 44.10 khz is better is the frequence range is higher. When you add this to say 24bit recording rate at 96k you get a wave form that is so close to analog that it may as well be.

Interesting what you say about the room reverb as that would mean that the microphone needs to be used and they are not just going right to the recording medium. Hmmm maybe it is a phase or delay issue that means you can not hear the directly.

Will have to think on that.

I often wonder if they have the ability to "imprint" their voice, via the microphone, to the device somehow, someway that's beyond our range of hearing? If so, then from an audio engineers perspective how can we hear it upon playback? Any thoughts or possible theories? I'd assume it must be altered during or after the recording once it's processed by the device and played back? or would that be the phase or delay issue?

Although not very often I do hear a sound which isn't close by but say like 2 or 3 yards away and may come across as a much closer EVP, akin to throwing someone's voice. Then in very few instances I might hear a popping sound near the mic that's resembles a static discharge but very low powered. :confused: I've also heard it as though it was close but inside an object in front of me. I was standing near an old unused BBQ pit and it sounded as though it was coming from inside, again upon review.

Strange, curious, fascinating and intriguing as Spock or Data may say. :D
Many thanks for having Mr.Roundtree as a guest!

I'm so glad that Mr.Roundtree was a guest and on my personal favorite paranormal research subject EVPs of course. :D

I too try to see all paranormal occurrences in a "scientific curiosity mode" which is akin to a skeptic but open minded to the possibilities of theories and or an explanation.

Hopefully he will return soon as a possible roundtable or yet just another welcomed guest

---------- Post added at 10:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 PM ----------

Finally I've posted an EVP which is my favorite answer to a question and yes it's an intelligent reply. The audio leaves a lot to be desired, however, I'm currently having trouble locating the original file but at least it's something. ;)
I asked many times a variation of "How are we communicating? Please explain it to me" and here's the mp3 link to the reply: