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ET precence on the internet and NSA

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Wow, I don't understand the hostile undertones presented by some in this thread. I think it is a valid question. If you can imagine that an intelligence (from whatever origin you want to assign) is interested in humans then the internet is a treasure trove of information. Not only on ourselves, our history, our capabilities, and every other aspect of our being but also the factual data stored about our physical planet and its various species, weather, and geology.

The concept that "some intelligence" might be hacking into things is not at all out of the question. In fact it seems perfectly plausible to me. The goal of any hacker is to gain access to something undetected. The stuff you hear about on the news comes from anarchists and pranksters that then decide to vandalize sites/information. Or they do something stupid and get caught. Think Gary McKinnon. Good hackers do not get caught very often because they aren't jackasses. They want knowledge that others try to keep safely hidden.

The US government employs hackers that access computer systems of other governments, and sometimes private industry, daily to amass information they can then package into their daily intel product for policy maker consumption. Hackers have recently turned previously accepted climate theory on its ear with their release of previously secreted information. Why would an intelligence interested in learning about us or keeping tabs on us not utilize this tool? It seems absurd to assume that "they" would not.

Hell, one could reasonably argue that one reason for the apparent decrease in observed physical analytical activity on the part of UFO's and their occupants could be correlated with the advent and breadth of the information revolution. Essentially switching their analysis to combing through our various and sundry collections of data.
ET presence on the internet and NSA

It seems a naive assumption that aliens would need to physically hack into a high security network and then decrypt the information they need. Considering some reports of their apparent ability to read minds and be able to make use of alternate dimensions, they may be able to obtain information they want by other means without raising any flags. Of course, then there is the problem of the NSA, I doubt very much that even if the ET's had try to hack them it would ever be revealed to the public.

Why is this naive? Is it not more naive to assume that advanced technology equates to omniscience? Even if these creatures from wherever can read thoughts or communicate through thought how do you make the jump that they can do this on a global scale and thereby possess all the knowledge our race has ever accumulated.
ET presence on the internet and NSA

What mystifies me is that no one, especially the OP, seemed to get the joke. (Of course, it didn't post well, so that's like messing up the punch line, I realize.) But the point is serious. The hostile undertones were started by the OP who wants to control the discussion to be the way he wants it to go or hit the highway.

On The Internet nobody knows you're a dog. The same is true with ET. How could you possibly tell? What is the actual premis here? How would you go about proving the case? Where is there ANY evidence whatsoever? Here we can't even prove Roswell where there were pieces lying all over the place and hundreds of witnesses, and now we're somehow supposed to detect an anonymous internet surfer?

What you are asking us to believe is that ET has hacked into the Internet to take a look around and used the Internet to break encryprtion on--something, and that the NSA might be alerted to that fact. That's basically what I got from the first post.

OK, let's just take the first part of that. So either ET has access to the Internet via some exotic technology of their own which we can't possibly know about or even speculate on, OR ET has either swiped a computer or two (perhaps just purchased online with his Visa card) and accesses the Internet like we do, except with a few less fingers to manipulate the keyboard. ET has to know perfect (insert favorite language here) so he can surf the Net. So, if ET is an anthropologist he can check out the sites, look up chevy.com to see the latest deals on Silverados, visit The Paracast to determine how much we REALLY know about him, look up plat maps and properrty taxes at the local county, read Police Blotter to see if he's been detected lately, and generally have a good time preparing an ethnographic study.

The second part: ET & encryption and the NSA. This is a bizarre concept to say the least. So the idea is that ET uses the Net as a platform from which to find something encrypted so ET can decrypt the thing, thus gaining valuable knowledge about, er, something. Maybe they want to find out what meat locker their buddies from Roswell are stored in so they can mount a covert operation to steal them back and give them a proper burial. Maybe they want to decrypt the latest secret message from Al Quida buried in the midst of a jpeg pic so they can make sure they can observe the next suicide bomber's quest for 72 virgins. Maybe they actually believe vast secrets are stored on a publicly available secret encrypted folder deep within the CIA servers at Langley and they can just waltz right in, due to their super-human capacities, and discover secret assassination attempts that went awry.

And, next, the NSA, that Big Brother agency that knows all and sees all, somehow detects this activity and is keeping tabs on ET's decryption attempts. Of course, they won't tell us about it because they are a primary cog in the vast National Security State that was set up to keep the ET secret from us in the first place.

I think there's nothing wrong with abject speculation. It's kind of fuin sometimes. I've often thought that if there is an afterlife in a nearby dimension, that there must be a way to coimmunicate back and forth via the Internet because those little bits don't take all that much energy to flip. So if someone on the Other Side could devise a method if flipping bits in the exact proper manner, we could develop a Spricom-type device on this side.

Or maybe what you have here is a conclusion in search of a premis with absolutely no evidence for it whatsoever. If you feel this is vastly important and absolutely huge and deserves serious attention, then you are going to have to set up a protocol of some sort to test this hypothesis. I can't think of a way to do that, myself. If someone else can, that would be great.

This kind of reminds me of the John Titor story, a time traveler who communicated with us via the Internet for years. http://www.johntitor.com/ Of course, none of his 'predictions' (which are history to him) has ever panned out. he sure kept people rolloing on teh story for years, though.
ET presence on the internet and NSA

The attachment won't open for me either, and I very seldom have such problems. Maybe THIS is an example of ET intervention in the internet? Perhaps they have no sense of humor? Perhaps this is such an obvious intervention on the internet that we didn't see it?

Seriously, your questions are fascinating, but they could presuppose that we are dealing with an actual ET intelligence that thinks like us. You could just as reasonably ask "Do ghosts now infiltrate the internet? Do demons possess certain websites? Is Bigfoot on the internet?"

First we'd have to define what we mean by ET, and project our own human motives and agendas upon them. We routinely do this in science fiction, but in so-called "real life?"

The paranormal , in whatever form it manifests in, seems to have the ability to do whatever it wants whereever it wants. Therefore, it could be zipping around through the internet. But I cannot even begin to imagine how anyone would objectively rationally pinpoint such activity when we don't even know what we are dealing with. We call it ET because we need some sort of name. You could as easily call it the traditional Bogeyman. Is the Bogeyman on the internet?
ET presence on the internet and NSA


I see your point and somewhat agree. I thing you can feasibly go two directions on this.

1 -- The Occupants are wicked technologically advanced and therefore may have an easier time dissecting how our technology works and are able to easily develop ways to access it unbeknownst to us. In this scenario, the NSA would have little ability to detect the intrusion and even if they did to construct countermeasures to combat it effectively.

2 -- Though they are wicked technologically advanced yet our technology is too alien and requires them to be specialists in technolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, and sociolinguistics as well as a deep working knowledge of all manner of subtlety in our network and security infrastructures. Something that is really really really hard for groups of human specialists working together to accomplish. In this scenario, an intrusion would be detected but sourcing it to ET would again be impossible.

Clearly #2 is your point. Unless you can track the offending IP to the hovering UFO over Bell Labs how the hell do you tell if it is ET, the dog, a 12 year old, or a malicious hacker from Beijing. I completely agree with you. You cant tell. If that is truly what clockradio wants to try and find then he is staring a dead end straight in the face.

I took it as more in the vein of a conceptual idea presented in the form of a list of open ended questions. All too often a mechanism used by people that are not completely sure how they feel on a subject. Now, rereading the 2nd post I can see your point in regards to the introduction of the undertone. yet I remember being blasted in one of my early posts on this forum for presenting something in much the same manner. So I am willing to pass it by most of the time unless it is obvious the poster is being a jerk.

By the way, The John Titor thing has always struck as pretty funny. There is some great sarcastic comedy there.

ET presence on the internet and NSA

Life can be strange sometimes. Only a few seconds after I hit Reply on my last post I became aware of a certain UFO researcher who claims he has been 'instant messaged' by alien hybrids. I'm sure details of this will become public very shortly. I guess all you have to do is set up an AIM account and ET will come to you!
ET presence on the internet and NSA

Life can be strange sometimes. Only a few seconds after I hit Reply on my last post I became aware of a certain UFO researcher who claims he has been 'instant messaged' by alien hybrids. I'm sure details of this will become public very shortly. I guess all you have to do is set up an AIM account and ET will come to you!

I assume you mean David Jacobs, who is being sued by Emma Woods. Old news. That news may not have gone viral yet, but it is common knowledge to folks who frequent such shady neighborhoods as alien abduction research and conspiracy theories.
ET presence on the internet and NSA

I assume you mean David Jacobs, who is being sued by Emma Woods. Old news. That news may not have gone viral yet, but it is common knowledge to folks who frequent such shady neighborhoods as alien abduction research and conspiracy theories.

Emma Woods being a pseudonym. I wonder why people aren't afraid to name someone else, but can't manage to give their own real names.
ET presence on the internet and NSA

Emma Woods being a pseudonym. I wonder why people aren't afraid to name someone else, but can't manage to give their own real names.

Well, being an alien abductee is not an honorable identity in this society. Going to a so-called alien abductee researcher (who is actually a history professor) for regression hypnosis is also going to put you on society's Top Ten Losers list. However, if you do pursue legal action, you do have to expect your actual name to come out eventually. I can't read minds (even my own half the time), but perhaps Emma Woods created her expose website as a means to warn others to be wary of this particular researcher (who I must admit, seems to have gone a bit gaa gaa if her claims are true). Perhaps her legal representation has told her to use a pseudonym. Who knows. But I can understand what may motivate someone involved in this rather seedy situation to not want to reveal their name. Question: Did Richard Boylan's little hot-tub honeys reveal their real names to the public?
ET presence on the internet and NSA

I assume you mean David Jacobs, who is being sued by Emma Woods. Old news. That news may not have gone viral yet, but it is common knowledge to folks who frequent such shady neighborhoods as alien abduction research and conspiracy theories.

She's certainly trying to make it go viral with mass emailings to every site imaginable. Her website is here: http://www.ufoalienabductee.com/ so you can get the whole story. It probably deserves its own thread. I was just marveling at the synchronicity of my statement and the almost immediate rersponse of 'the universe' to what I had said.
ET presence on the internet and NSA

She's certainly trying to make it go viral with mass emailings to every site imaginable. Her website is here: http://www.ufoalienabductee.com/ so you can get the whole story. It probably deserves its own thread. I was just marveling at the synchronicity of my statement and the almost immediate rersponse of 'the universe' to what I had said.

Ah, I get what you meant now.

If you are going to use a pseudonym, you could at least have some fun with it. Why not Mrs. Emma Peale?
ET presence on the internet and NSA

Why someone would register and maintain a site called 'www.ufoalienabductee.com' with such alleged 'shocking' and very personal 'experiences' is totally beyond me.I know I can't go from my own feelings on this matter as if I would have experienced something like this, I sure as **** wouldn't want to tell the whole world about it. When' s her book coming out.... ::) All that aside, that David Jacobs bit sounds intriguing, does anyone know what happened there?
ET presence on the internet and NSA

I just found out about Emma Woods. She is either insane or just royally ticked off with Jacobs (or maybe both).
I realize that my original post in this thread was a little harsh, but Schuyler makes a good point about the anonymity the internet provides. And there is a lot of information that can be gathered that wouldn't necessarily entail hacking into encrypted websites. Daniel Suarez, author of Daemon gives an interesting discussion on bots in a podcast through The Long Now which I found after I posted. As I remember he talks about a bot program from a university study that could anticipate students movements with 80% accuracy based on their prior actions. He also discusses bots that can act like humans through interactions over the internet. Although the idea is somewhat intriguing, I don't know that there would ever be a way to prove the existence of ETs on the internet, as AI advances it will become harder for us to tell the humans (or the dogs and aliens) apart from the software on the internet.
ET presence on the internet and NSA

What mystifies me is that no one, especially the OP, seemed to get the joke. (Of course, it didn't post well, so that's like messing up the punch line, I realize.) But the point is serious. The hostile undertones were started by the OP who wants to control the discussion to be the way he wants it to go or hit the highway.
I was able to know what the "joke" was about when I found out what the link was about.

I am sorry if I came across as a being hostile in commenting the replies, but I was not being a jerk, I was frustrated that the thread was going into the direction of speculations about unverifiable claims. I will write in a calming green color. :)

OK, let's just take the first part of that. So either ET has access to the Internet
So, if ET is an anthropologist he can check out the sites, look up chevy.com to see the latest deals on Silverados, visit The Paracast to determine how much we REALLY know about him, look up plat maps and properrty taxes at the local county, read Police Blotter to see if he's been detected lately, and generally have a good time preparing an ethnographic study.

I did not mean everything an ETI would do, just what kind of actions an ETI would do that could not be attributed to humans/human technology. (Just like extreme aerial manoeuvres in the sky by old school ufos). I.e what to look for on the internet when searching for suspicious activity.

The second part: ET & encryption and the NSA. This is a bizarre concept to say the least. So the idea is that ET uses the Net as a platform from which to find something encrypted so ET can decrypt the thing, thus gaining valuable knowledge about, er, something. Maybe they want to find out what meat locker their buddies from Roswell are stored in so they can mount a covert operation to steal them back and give them a proper burial. ...

The encryption comments was not that they were searching for encrypted information, but that acquired information or performed actions not possible for humans.(Just like the previous point).
About the NSA, it was just that in my opinion they or their equivalents would be the most likely to be able to investigate these kind of activities, and ruling out which are "X-files"(i.e. unexplainable).

What I basically think I am asking, is what kind of specific scientifically testable experiments are there to discern human and ETI activity. It must be possible to enumerate some tests that confirm such activity with high probability. (Of course there are no definitives)
And secondly just to speculate that the skies are not the only arena where to investigate ufo activity.
ET presence on the internet and NSA

Why someone would register and maintain a site called 'www.ufoalienabductee.com'

Yes ...especially given the fact that she says on that site:

" My own experiences fit patterns which, in our culture, are often explained as "paranormal", "UFO" or "alien abduction" experiences. I have an agnostic view of these cultural explanations; I am neither a "believer" nor a "skeptic" .
ET presence on the internet and NSA

ET on the interent.

I have never found a report on a UGO - unidentified ground object.

We have UFO's and USO's going back through history but nothing to trundle along our highways. I suppose exotics have an aversion to wheels.

Not sure what ET would gain from being on the web unless they are based here and can use it to (points glowing finger) and in a creakin voice 'SKYPE HOME'
ET presence on the internet and NSA

I find the question even more interesting in the context of Vallée's control system hypothesis. The internet could be an efficient interface with us for such a system.

On a side line:
I have never found a report on a UGO - unidentified ground object. We have UFO's and USO's going back through history but nothing to trundle along our highways. I suppose exotics have an aversion to wheels.
There has been a CE3 case in France involving humanoid of various size on... scooters ! And yep they did not have wheels - Antigravitic-Black-Project-Scooters ? :D