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Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you like ?

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Hi Fellow Forumites I Dont mean to be presumptious firing of threads and all but .......

They say music is the Food of love. I go further and say that music is food on account of going without food and cigarettes in order to buy any given Albumn i desired (though that was back in the Day as now I have a Boss called the wife).

If I might be so bold I thought I would post a some YouTube clips of some of the music I like.

I Invite you to do likewise even If you do have Bad Taste because as Oscar Wilde tells us "Bad Taste is better than no Taste at All"

I start off with Jilted John and "Gordon Is a Moron". I love this song for Three reasons.

1/ It tells us not to take music too seriousley.

2/ Funny Lyrics that Work.

3/ Classic Punk Riff.

Next I would like to add XTC and Making Plans For Nigel. XTC were well ahead of their time and this song is timeless. It has wierd Lyrics with no definitive Meaning and the tune is really Catchy I find XTC to be an Enigma of their ERA.

Now I would Like to Add David Bowie and "Ashes to Ashes". This is from Bowie's Last good Album "Scary Monsters super creeps". It reprises the Major Tom Character which is clever and It has that haunting distorted piano sound.

The video is very 80's in its construction and in some parts a little dated. I like the Imagery of a Clown some Jesuit Priest's and a ballerina walking infront of a Bulldozer. (Its Cheese but nice Cheese, Think Shropshire Blue as apose to Homogeneous crap bought in any given supermarket).

I always liked this song on account of the line "I got a Letter from the Action Man" because when this song was in the charts I was a child who played with Action Men Figures and any song that mentioned Action Men had to be good !

I couldnt start a thread about Music without Including The Fall. This Song Is called "15 WAYS" and Its great ! Its taken from the Album "Middle Class Revolt".

And while I'm on about the Fall Heres another and Its a Classic ! (you should be greatfull to me for introdicing this very song to you ! )

Classic repetetive Riff.
Strong pronounced Drums.
Great lyrics that are a good story. (the song is about a man who buys some wings goes for a fly and ends up being transported back to the American Civil War).

This song is in effect a lesson regarding the lack of limitations in song writing.

Captain Beefheart " Ice Cream for Crow "

I love Captain Beefheart as he is a true Genius ! He is one of those unique people that has presence.

Its all the Romantiscism that goes with the Mojave Desert that I digg. And Ice Cream for Crow what a song title ! its great.

Also I like the fact that Captain Beefheart locked his band in an old wooden shack and wouldnt let them out till they had perfected the "Trout Mask Replica " Album. and when he let them out of the shack they recorded the whole album in one take !

What a Character !

Last off I add Tina & Ike Turner and "Proud Mary" I add Tina Turner Nominally as she is a true testement to what you can achieve if you believe in yourself !

She Is one of my role models in my little old life. When you think how she suffered at the hands of her husband and how she believed in her self and leftt with nothing but the name of Turner achieved so much solo sucess.

What a voice she has and what presence aswell.

If I am frightened I dont think of Jesus Christ to save me I think About Tina Turner and she reinvigorates my spirit !

The song "Proud Mary" written by John Fogerty has the lyric

" You dont have to worry if you dont have any money People on the river are happy to give"

I love that. :)

Ok ok ok ! Just one more song !

"The Band played Waltzing Matilda" by the Pogues. Being from Irish Patronage when drunk I am prone to turning into a Plastic Irishman. And what better song to listen to whilst having a sudden outburst of Nostalgia !

Just listen to the lyrics.

Hope that you enjoyed the songs and God Bless. :)
Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

How about some Reverend Horton Heat.

And Slayer. Everything goes better with Slayer

Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

Sisters of Mercy

Queens Of The Stone Age

The Smashing Pumpkins

Monster Magnet
Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

I couldnt start a thread about Music without Including The Fall. This Song Is called "15 WAYS" and Its great ! Its taken from the Album "Middle Class Revolt".
And while I'm on about the Fall Heres another and Its a Classic ! (you should be greatfull to me for introdicing this very song to you ! )

You bastard ... I'll be listening to The Fall again now for weeks. But anyway, just to put every other bloody band to shame (again) ... here is the GODLIKE Mark E Smith, The Fall and ...


With the godlike earth shattering-uh line ...

"And you're dying for a pee ... so you go behind a tree ........ "

Warrrrrghhh ... get thee behind me you code selfish-indulgent-uh Radiohead buffoons-uh ... you are still babes in arms compared to Mr Mark Edward Smith :D

{Oh and the choir of 55 Billion Mark E Smiths chanting "I know I know I know" at the beginning and the end ... absolutely gob-smacking awesome}

p.s. You can kind of tell I quite like The Fall can't you??? :eek::D

Carry onnn-uh

Damn just came across this:

Black Monk Theme Part One:

Enjoy Proles ... (check out the line "you maladjusted little monkey you... " [just about sums up the human race] ... and don't have nightmares ... he really does look like that :D)
Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

Damn ... last one :D. Change of pace.

Jumbo ... by Underworld:

schtick ... out
Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

Bob Dylan, Tell Me,Momma,1966:

Captain Beefheart, Eleeectricity - Mr.Van Vliet also claims to have seen a UFO over the Mojave Desert once;

Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

my boyfriend reads guitar techniques at the most inappropriate times, mostly when i'm eh....well......when i'm in that happy place ;)

there's some great selections here, but i'm afraid i'd only post things that'll leave my boyfriend cringing.. love you dave :p

so i'll leave the posting of music to him ;)


oh ok, maybe just one ;)

its a version of with or without you by u2, performed by scala its so beautiful, i just had to share it :)

Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

Sorry folks couldn't resist this.

Here's my band, hope you like it.


Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

Can you understanding music and have the emotions that go along with that'' That would be interesting question to ask any species visiting earth" Hmm' If they could understand what you were on about in the first place hopefully:D
Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

Ah, now here's a thread I can sink my ears into.

OK, some of the music I dig:

Frank Zappa - Dog Breath

<object height="344" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fNKMB9o0ooU&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>

Chris Whitley - Hellhound on my Trail (Mark, check this out, I think you might appreciate Chris). Chris was an old friend, and he left this Earth too soon and that just sucks.

<object height="344" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/n1vZ3NIuJ3s&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>

Sigur Ros - seeing these guys live is nothing less than a religious experience. When they're playing, you can hear a pin drop. Gorgeous, ethereal music.

<object height="344" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/a4HrGW1MeGo&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>

<object height="344" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/EBTH2E5QPEE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>

Radiohead - need I say more. Here's the latest music video for House of Cards, done entirely with lasers. VERY cool.

<object height="344" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/8nTFjVm9sTQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>

Yes, Radiohead can rock hard. Here's the proof:

<object height="344" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/plxOjjkgIdk&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>

Did I mention that I adore Radiohead?

<object height="344" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/4XMgyibjqgc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>

Allan Holdsworth - if you're a guitarist, you've probably heard of Allan, if not, this guy inspired Eddie Van Halen and Zappa.

<object height="344" width="425">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6MqzFN5-5jk&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>

There's soooo much more....
Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

Well, if you link Trent Reznor/NIN, then you have to see, included on the Natural Born Killers special edition laserdisk, and not seen since. Great song, sick video.

(NOTE: The embedded version doesn't work, but if you click on the words "this video", it'll take you directly to the YouTube page with the video.
Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

Well, if you link Trent Reznor/NIN, then you have to see, included on the Natural Born Killers special edition laserdisk, and not seen since. Great song, sick video.

(NOTE: The embedded version doesn't work, but if you click on the words "this video", it'll take you directly to the YouTube page with the video.

Way cool! Thank you "Angry Human".
Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

Sorry folks couldn't resist this.

Here's my band, hope you like it.


Wait. You are in a Country/Rock band from Hertfordshire??

Wow. I just looked it up. Pretty unique. That song reminds me a of a mix between 38 Special and something like Blackfoot. The rest of your stuff is a nice reminder of things like Molly Hatchet, Mother's Finest, etc.

My sister and her husband (English) live in Potters Bar. I'm sure she'd love to catch a show.
Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

I am a music addict but I listen to the radio and CD's. I have not caught up with the times.
Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

Hey David,

Thanks for the tip on Chris Whitley.
I have got his album "Living with the law", favourite track is "phone call from leavenworth".

Brilliant, one of my favourite albums actually. I noticed on another thread that you said he was a friend of yours.
Until then I wasn't aware of his passing. So sorry for your loss.

A great talent lost but at least we have his music and in my opinion nobody really dies, but that's a whole other story.

Also Hi! to digigeek,

Yes it may be a surprise but Southern/Country rock is alive and kicking over here and yes those bands are an influence along with many others. Hope you like what we do.
Tell your sister to check out our myspace page at:


For upcoming dates.
Let me know if she wants to come a show and I will put her and her husband on the guest list.

Not much happening at the moment, we are currently writing new material for another album and getting our new guitarist up to speed with all the old stuff.


Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

Can you understanding music and have the emotions that go along with that'' That would be interesting question to ask any species visiting earth" Hmm' If they could understand what you were on about in the first place hopefully:D

Hi Irishseekers,

Been giving this some thought today, and yes I agree it would be interesting. Whether or not an alien species would gain any insight into how we tick emotionally is obviously debateable.

I would think that they would however.

Mainly because it seems to me, and i'm making an assumption here, that even though they themselves may not relate to our many musical forms. I would find it hard to imagine that any form of intelligence would be unaware of the importance of rhythm for instance.

Melody may not be of any importance to a telepath admittedly, so perhaps some species may have evolved away their ears. That I think is
my point, that they might have had at some point in they're evolution, the capacity to hear things as we do.
If that were the case then I would have thought that they would have some sort of record (excuse the pun) of that sense.

Anyway aside from all that, which is probably all nonsense after all. I would be very interested to hear music from an alien intelligence, that really intrigues me, and what do you think we would make of them emotionally from that experience?

C, D, B flat, B flat octave down, F. :D

Do you read music magazines while your eating your dinner ? If so what do you lik

Hi Irishseekers,
Been giving this some thought today, and yes I agree it would be interesting. Whether or not an alien species would gain any insight into how we tick emotionally is obviously debateable.

I would think that they would however.

Mainly because it seems to me, and i'm making an assumption here, that even though they themselves may not relate to our many musical forms. I would find it hard to imagine that any form of intelligence would be unaware of the importance of rhythm for instance.

Melody may not be of any importance to a telepath admittedly, so perhaps some species may have evolved away their ears. That I think is
my point, that they might have had at some point in they're evolution, the capacity to hear things as we do.
If that were the case then I would have thought that they would have some sort of record (excuse the pun) of that sense.

Anyway aside from all that, which is probably all nonsense after all. I would be very interested to hear music from an alien intelligence, that really intrigues me, and what do you think we would make of them emotionally from that experience?

C, D, B flat, B flat octave down, F. :D

  • Mark[/quote ....That is a hard one to Judge Mark, I couldnt answer that until such a scenario happened' However today" Music" is almost universal to everyone on this planet, We can sing it withount useing our vocal cords and we can write it withount haveing to sing it out. So maybe if the storys being told are right about some of these visitors" (Thats is of course if they are visitors and are not from here but hide amongest us) That they would be able to understand music through some type of written means devised by us. That is if we could ever design should a language that they would understand (IT IS OPEN TO QUESTION THAT ONE) however if they are telepath beings they should be able to at least understand written language of some sort or am i talking bullshit mark:confused: